Council House at 10 oclok Prayer By Lorenzo Snow
And the day was occopied in instructing the Presidents of
Stakes and Bishops Agents concerning tithing and its use
~ Sunday
April 3rd The Conference met today in the Big Tabernacle Joseph F Smith Prayed. President Taylor spoke 10 Minutes
W Woodruff spoke 16 M[inutes] Lorenzo Snow 25, F D Richards 20.
Afternoon E Snow Prayed George Q Cannon spok one H[our] & 16 M
At the close of the Meeting we went into council and Prayer
circle. We discussed the subject of John W Yo[u]ngs affairs on
the Rail Road which was not satisfactory The Twelve were
requested to take the matter in hand There was a Sabbath school
Meeting in the Evening
~ Monday
4 Met at 10 oclok W Woodruff Prayed Joseph F Smith spok
56 M, John Taylor 30 M from D. C. sec 121. Joseph Smith
spoke vary strongly against the Saints sending their children
to Gentiles schools The Lord would hold the Parents responsible
for it President Taylor spoke upon the Priesthood and apostacy
The Twelve Met at Noon and & discussed John W Youngs case
again and Expect to withhold his name at Conference
we Met at 2 oclok in conference A M Cannon Prayed
The Territorial Statistics was then read E Snow then spok 45 M John Nicholson spoke 10 M Report of Logan Temple was
Given Donations from Cache Stake was $143433, Bear Lake
$38,134.64 Box Elder $36,733.49, Trustee in trust $78705.19
from other sourses $660. Total $297,666.32 Sanpete Temple
Reported as having received $250,235.40 Total in the two
Temples $547901.72 I met with the Mutual improvement
SocietyJ Wells Mrs Felt, Free, W. Woodruff, J F Smith & J Taylor spoke
Council House at 10 oclok Prayer By Lorenzo Snow
And the day was occopied in instructing the Presidents of
Stakes and Bishops Agents concerning tithing and its use
~ Sunday
April 3rd The Conference met to day in the Big TabernacleJoseph F Smith Prayed. President Taylor spoke 10 Minuts
W Woodruff spoke 16 Minutes Lorenzo Snow 25, F D Richards 20.
Afternoon E Snow Prayed George Q Cannon spok one H. & 16 Minutes
At the close of the Meeting we went to into council and Prayer
Circle. We discussed the subject of John W Youngs affairs on
the Rail Road which was not satisfactory. The Twelve were
requested to take the matter in hand. There was a sabbath school
Meeting in the Evening
~ Monday
4 Met at 10 oclok W Woodruff Prayed Joseph F Smith spok
56 Minutes, John Taylor 30 Minutes. from D. C. sec 121. Joseph Smith
spoke vary strongly against the Saints sending their children
to Gentiles schools. The Lord would hold the Parents responsible
for it President Taylor spoke upon the Priesthood and apostacy
The Twelve Met at Noon and & discussed John W Youngs case
again and Expect to withhold his name at Conference
we Met at 2 oclok in Conference A M Cannon Prayed
The Territorial Statistics was then read E Snow then spok 45 Minutes
John Nicholson spoke 10 Minutes Report of Logan Temple was
Given Donations from Cache Stake was $143433, Bear Lake
$38,134.64 Box Elder $36,733.49, Trustee in trust $78705.19
from other sourses $660. Total $297,666.32 Sanpete Temple
Reported as having Received $250,235.40 Total in the two
Temples $547901.72 I met with the Mutual improvement
Society J Wells Mrs Felt, Free, W. Woodruff, J F Smith & J Taylor spoke
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," April 2, 1881 - April 4, 1881, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 23, 2025,