its mission and special field, upon which
no servant of God humbly trying to do
his duty will seek to encroach.
THE CONTRIBUTOR, as the organ of
the Mutual Improvement Associations, is
a medium of instruction and enlighten-
ment. How, except by judicious exer-
cises of the faculties shall we develop
the talent with which the Creator may
have endowed us? Few things, if any,
are calculated to strengthen the mind and
give it powers of concentration more than
the frequent use of the pen, in writing
for publication. And what agency is
more potent for good than the press?
THE CONTRIBUTOR, whose articles are
largely furnished by home authors, is a
magazine of which all Israel have reason
to be proud. Its circulation should be
widely extended, and to this end we in-
vite the co-operation of all Saints. The
editor, Brother , has been
singularly blessed in his management
of the magazine heretofore. His selec-
tion and arrangement of matter have
been remarkably fortunate, and the Lord
has been with him in his responsible
But, notwithstanding the degree of ex-
cellence reached, it should be our con-
stant effort to improve, and the young
men and women of talent among us can
do great service in this direction, by fur-
nishing regular contributions to the
magazine. To this desirable end we
very respectfully invite their hearty co-
Libraries and reading rooms should
be established throughout Zion, and
lectures on various subjects should be
encouraged. Thus may you become
acquainted with the customs, laws and
language of various countries, while
seeking to graduate in the science of all
other sciences—correct theology. In
this connection we would suggest that it
will be well in all the Stakes for the
Associations to take the initiative in es-
tablishing libraries and reading rooms.
This is a labor peculiarly adapted to our
organization and has been enjoined upon
us from the beginning. We deprecate
any disposition on the part of our young
men, especially those who have had
superior opportunities for acquiring an
education, to draw away from the Im-
provement Associations, and to form
among themselves separate societies of
an exclusive nature. Would it not be
better if they would lend their talent and
efforts to make the Improvement Associ-
ations more successful? There is no
worthy object they can desire to attain
that the Improvement Associations do
not contemplate and hope to reach. We,
therefore, ask the co-operation of all such
young men, and trust that it will be gladly
given, as we feel sure the results of a
united endeavor under proper organiza-
tion and direction will be most satisfac-
In all your struggles in acquiring
knowledge seek wisdom. In all your
efforts to improve seek to know God and
Jesus, whom He hath sent, for in that
knowledge is found life eternal. [John 17:3] The
Holy Priesthood that you bear is the key
to unlock that door. See that you do
not misuse it and thereby fail. "Ask
and ye shall receive. Knock and it shall
open." [3 Nephi 27:29]
On returning home from this confer-
ence, we trust that you will carry with
you the Spirit thereof and renewed
determination to labor diligently and
earnestly for improvement in the interest
of purity and holiness. Remembering
always the reason for the hope within
you, make the love of God and of your
fellows the foundation of your work; and
moving forward steadily and prayerfully
and earnestly, you cannot fail in accom-
plishing that which brings peace, happi-
ness and salvation.
Praying that the Lord may bless, pre-
serve, guide and prosper you in all your
works of love, we remain,
Your fellow-laborers in the cause of
Mutual Improvement.
Wilford Woodruff,
its mission and special field, upon which
no servant of God humbly trying to do
his duty will seek to encroach.
THE CONTRIBUTOR, as the organ of
the Mutual Improvement Associations, is
a medium of instruction and enlightenment. How, except by judicious exercises of the faculties shall we develop
the talent with which the Creator may
have endowed us? Few things, if any,
are calculated to strengthen the mind and
give it powers of concentration more than
the frequent use of the pen, in writing
for publication. And what agency is
more potent for good than the press?
THE CONTRIBUTOR, whose articles are
largely furnished by home authors, is a
magazine of which all Israel have reason
to be proud. Its circulation should be
widely extended, and to this end we invite the co-operation of all Saints. The
editor, Brother , has been
singularly blessed in his management
of the magazine heretofore. His selection and arrangement of matter have
been remarkably fortunate, and the Lord
has been with him in his responsible
But, notwithstanding the degree of excellence reached, it should be our constant effort to improve, and the young
men and women of talent among us can
do great service in this direction, by furnishing regular contributions to the
magazine. To this desirable end we
very respectfully invite their hearty cooperation.
Libraries and reading rooms should
be established throughout Zion, and
lectures on various subjects should be
encouraged. Thus may you become
acquainted with the customs, laws and
language of various countries, while
seeking to graduate in the science of all
other sciences—correct theology. In
this connection we would suggest that it
will be well in all the Stakes for the
Associations to take the initiative in establishing libraries and reading rooms.
This is a labor peculiarly adapted to our
organization and has been enjoined upon
us from the beginning. We deprecate
any disposition on the part of our young
men, especially those who have had
superior opportunities for acquiring an
education, to draw away from the Improvement Associations, and to form
among themselves separate societies of
an exclusive nature. Would it not be
better if they would lend their talent and
efforts to make the Improvement Associations more successful? There is no
worthy object they can desire to attain
that the Improvement Associations do
not contemplate and hope to reach. We,
therefore, ask the co-operation of all such
young men, and trust that it will be gladly
given, as we feel sure the results of a
united endeavor under proper organization and direction will be most satisfactory.
In all your struggles in acquiring
knowledge seek wisdom. In all your
efforts to improve seek to know God and
Jesus, whom He hath sent, for in that
knowledge is found life eternal. The
Holy Priesthood that you bear is the key
to unlock that door. See that you do
not misuse it and thereby fail. "Ask
and ye shall receive. Knock and it shall
On returning home from this conference, we trust that you will carry with
you the Spirit thereof and renewed
determination to labor diligently and
earnestly for improvement in the interest
of purity and holiness. Remembering
always the reason for the hope within
you, make the love of God and of your
fellows the foundation of your work; and
moving forward steadily and prayerfully
and earnestly, you cannot fail in accomplishing that which brings peace, happiness and salvation.
Praying that the Lord may bless, preserve, guide and prosper you in all your
works of love, we remain,
Your fellow-laborers in the cause of
Mutual Improvement.
Wilford Woodruff,