Day in the Life

Aug 31, 1838

Journal Entry

August 31, 1838 ~ Friday

31st The last day of summer. I rode in company with Mrs Woodruff & Sister Rhoda F. Scamman to the
Beach on the sea shore. We spent an hour riding upon this beautiful beach which extended along the shore
for about seven miles in length and one hundred rods in wedth at low water; this beach is composed of fine
white sand, almost dead level & vary easy & plesent to ride or walk upon. The sun shone brilliant upon the
face of nature. The canvass of the gallant ships were filled with the morning breeze as they sailed upon
the deep, wave after wave were reaching the extent of their bounds upon the shore & sinking back
into there own gravity, these together with a cloud of various sea fousls that were hovering around and
lighting upon the water rendered this morning's excursion vary plesent to our feelings, and aferter picking
up a quantity of sea shells to carry to the land of Zion for domestic uses, & in memory of the place, we
cut up a babary bush from whence babary tallow is obtained & then rode from the beach & returned to Mr
Scamman's from thence we rode to Brother Edward Milliken's from thence to Mr Samuel Lowels, & to
Aaron Mckinney's & after spending several hours with them, we returned home in company with
Father & Mother Carter the whole distance of the day [FIGURE] {O Lord grant that I may from this day tend me and my wife and child and lead in the love of God love} to each {one and all know our} duty {[2 words of illegible shorthand]} 20 miles


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

1 mention
Maine Mission
Milliken, Edward
5 Nov 1802 - 15 Feb 1887
8 mentions
Maine Mission
Carter, Ezra, b. 1773
18 Mar 1773 - 10 Mar 1868
291 mentions
Scammans, Luther
7 Dec 1808 - 10 Jul 1878
73 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1587 mentions
Scammans, Rhoda Farnham Carter
13 Mar 1809 - 23 Dec 1896
63 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Emma
14 Jul 1838 - 17 Jul 1840
165 mentions
Carter, Sarah Fabyan
8 Apr 1775 - 24 Jul 1845
92 mentions


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford receives news of his calling as an apostle; and call to go on mission to England with apostles.

Aug 31, 1838