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Day in the Life

Mar 27, 1846

Journal Entry

March 27, 1846 ~ Friday

27th We had A busy day getting our
freight ready to start on our journey
I had An Interview with Elder Ball
I spent the night with I. F Carter I
[FIGURE] wrote A letter to Elder E Little 15

I left with Ilus my likeness which was good in a gold
plated locket which He seemed to think much off


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Carter, Ilus Fabyan
8 Nov 1816 - 11 Dec 1888
392 mentions
Little, Jesse Carter
26 Sep 1815 - 26 Dec 1893
172 mentions
Ball, Joseph T.
21 Feb 1804 - 20 Sep 1861
51 mentions

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Letter from Elisha Hildebrand Davis, 27 March 1846
Ansd May 24/46 Dear Brother Woodruff I have delayed writing to you as late as possible so that I might have the latest news for you before you start; I hope you are well. I am happy to say I enjoy excellent health; I am still in the great City; I have been delivering a course of lectures this winter; we had 5,000 hand bills circulated, and the meetings are well attended by stran- gers, & some are believing, & obeying, I am going to day to baptise. I have also sent the proclamations to some of the members of parliament as you commanded me; and I intend to send it ^to^ more of them. But I have never heard a whisper from any source about what they think of it. I seal them up in an letter envellope & write their private address with the word "private" on it, so I think there can be no mistake but what they recieve them in person
Letter to Jesse Carter Little, 27 March 1846
New York . Dear Brother Little. In great haste I sit down to say a few words to you before I leave the City. Had a long in- terview with Mr. Benson yesterday and he exceedingly desires to do business with us he says if he does it for nothing. I was much pleased with my interview with him. He appears to me to be a gentleman. I think it will be well to keep upon good terms with him as far as possible. I would like to have Emigration continue as fast as doors are open either by sea or lands. But I think it right for us to see our way clear in charter- ing ships.—by getting subscriptions among the Saints for that purpose before running any risks, that would be detrimental to the course and a disadvantage to the Church. I like the spirit manifested by Mr. Benson with my interview with him yesterday. And as far as you can, do business with him as cheap as elsewhere. I would prefer to continue business with him, as he apparently manifests much interest in our welfare. I hope the Lord will open your way to get a goodly number out by fall if not before. Bro. Appleby has left the business entirely in regards to chartering a vessel in your hands and is going out with a company by lands, My respects to Sister Little and all the Saints. I remain your Bro. in the Church W. Woodruff. A true copy from the original. By J C Little Jr.
Letter to E. Little, 27 March 1846
New York Dear Brother Little In great Haste I sit down to say a few words to you before I leave the City. I had a long interview with Mr Benson yesterday and He excedingly desires to do business with us He says if He does it for nothing. I was much pleased with my interview with him. He truly seems to be a Gentleman I think it would be well to keep upon you terms with him as far as possible I would like to have [Emepatius cating] as fast as doors are open either by Sea or land but I think it might for us to see our way clear in Chartering Ships & get subscriptions among the Saints for that purpose before running great risks I like the spirit manifest by Mr Benson And as far as you can do business as cheap with him as others I would prefer to continue business with him as He apparently manifests much interest in our welfare. I Hope the Lord will open your way to get a goodly number out by fall if not before My respects to Sister Little & all the Saints with Yours respectfully W. Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

On final day of work in temple, 600 received ordinances; total of 5,615 received endowments in Nauvoo.
Times and Seasons stops serial publication of the Manuscript History of the Church (history ends with events on August 11, 1834).

Mar 27, 1846