[FIGURE] This was An exceding busy day I
made A purchase of such dry goods &
shoes, garden seeds &c As was Necessary
I Packed one Parsel of goods in the rifle
Box at Br Beers of $25, one package of shoes
of $21, towo tents $18 = $36 one water
proof tent floor $9.45 I bought one colts
revolvers for $10 I bought one quarter
of A flowering mill $80 = $20 one
{watch} from Ilus F Carter for {Phebe Woodruff} $85 & waggon &c
sundry other goods I obtained from
Ilus the following Address Luther Scammons
New Lancaster Allison P.O. I think
Monmouth Co Phebe And Mother has
spent her whole time with Mrs Carter
And Father And myself have spent our
nights there Ilus F. Carter has been exceding
kind to me And Father And Mother Woodruff before
I left He made me A present of A splended gold pencil worth
from $7 to $10 And Phebe A gold pen worth $4
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