14th Monday I spent the day in laying out a city
for the winters encampment
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and distress with blood in my shoes & spent years & years at it & left my wife & children who have also suffered much. let them do as we have done & they will not be jealous of me about blessings. If the Lord should give me a thousand women is it any mans business No. Let such go and spend as much time as I have and there will be many clinging on to there skirts to be saved. the majority of the men of the gentile world will be damned and the women wish to be saved by going with good men. And a woman that has the spirit of God will go with a good man who has been with faithful & spent much of his time in saveing mankind and has the priest hood such men if they continue faithful will be saved in eternal glory & those that are with him. I an determined that my affections shall be with God, I will not allow them to be placed on things that perish when plagues & diseases get hold of our bodies we become loathsome & beauty fades away but our affections should be placed upon things that are noble exhalted lasting & glorious I love an exhalted mind for it is eternal & cannot fade I want all my affections to be subject to God and glory & eternal life. May God bless you amen
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