Day in the Life

Sep 13, 1846

Journal Entry

September 13, 1846 ~ Sunday

13th Sunday I met the Twelve & Saints at
the meeting ground. Meeting opened by prayer
by O Pratt who arose we have often been
taught to listen to council given from the head
I do not consider it necessary to treat to day
upon the first principles of the gospel as those
things are understood by you as well as by me. I
have thought of treating upon scientific principles
there is no truth but what comes from God, it
requires A portion of the spirit of God to know

what portion of truth to lay before the people
some classes adore the book of Nature & deny
a God, others Prosfess to adore God and are afraid
to contemplat Natural things but evry truth
should be acknowledged as from God A variety
is interesting & not always remain in one channel
one of the most interesting feasts I ever enjoyed
was in contemplating the worlds and laws by
which they are governed. Men should be learned
in order to convince the learned for instance
A man rises up & says I will not believe a
thing that I cannot comprehend by one
of my 5 senses But the learned man knows
that many truths come by reflection thinking
& s & not by seeing feeling hearing eating
& drinking & Again an Elder may tell a con
gregation that matter is an eternal principle and
exhisted before God made this world they would
not believe it because it comes in contact with there
tradition for they have been taught to believe
from there youth up that God made the Heavens
and earth and all the planetary system in six
days out of nothing But let that Elder become
acquainted with facts that can be demonstrated
and He can present arguments to that people that
will convince them the more learned the better
As A proof that worlds exhisted before this was formed
or at least more than 7000 years let him present the
demonstrated fact that through the aid of strong glasses
that planets can be seen so far distant that it would
take 24000 years for the light of them to reach
this planet according to asstrinomical calculations
they then must be 24000 years old & just as
likely to have exhisted millions of years before
Again as A proof that matter is eternal And that
this earth was formed out of unorganized matter

let a man take a good telescope at 4 oclock in a clear
morning & look at the sword in the belt of orion
And He can see unorganized matter enough to make
a Million of Million of Million of worlds each as large
as the sun. A man of wisdon & Judgment can
demonstrate truth for himself independant of all
Authors And when He finds a thing is true believe
it though all the world disbelieve it besides & when
He finds a thing fals disbelieve it & renounce it thogh
it be sustained by all Christondon & phylosiphers
and Asstronimers of the age. we should esstablish
schools for our children to teach them principle &
truth learning is a good thing A blessing from God &
will prove so to us if we make a right use of [it] but a
bad use would prove a curse. but because some have
made A bad use of learning or even of the Holy Ghost
& power of God as Lucipher in the rebellion of
does that argue that we should not get
learning or seak for the Holy Ghost certainly not.
there are many hours that both parents & children
squander away that might be spent in learning, but
if our children grow up in ignoranc they with
there posterity would degenerat untill they would be
as ignorant as the savagas that surround us. The Lord
will not do a miracle to give us learning when we can
get it ourselves. Some have an idea that is no matter
about getting knowledge here thinking that by & by
that they will enter heaven & that God will fill there
minds with all the knowledge of the eternal worlds
but they will be mistaken in this for they will have
to learn it little by little as here.

Elder Kimball arose & said it was necessary for this
People to be subject to council, like clay in the hands
of the Potter [Jeremiah 18:1-6]. As to learning there is difference in men
in this thing I spent one winter in learning grammer
and all I did learn about it was the difference betwee
singular & plural Number what knowledge I ever did
get God helped me to I desire to love that which is

our spirits ought not to stoop to any mean thing &
our bodies ought not to bow down to any wrong thing
& ought not to be defiled but to be used for noble
purposes and as our bodies & spirits are used for good
and good purposes they have no time to do evil but
ascendency is gained over evil & that spirit that has
the power brings forth the fruit of its own work
whether it be good or evil. He said while on this
Journey many said they would do so & so if the
Presidency commanded them so Brigham had to
command them before He could get it done but
we should do good without being commanded to
do it

The Marshall arose & said there were some acts
passed by the city council which He would mention
that there be no shooting of fire arms after sun down
And no timber cut within 20 miles of here without
the direction of the council. Also that dogs be
taken care of & to shoot no more dogs without the
order of the Marshall &c

President Young arose & said I wish to say a few
words upon Principle I desire the brethren and
sisters to be taught in all things necessary. There
is one thing I want you to realize And that is
that God, Angels, & Saints Heaven and all of
Gods creation are governed by law And I want
the Camp of Israel to understand that we must
be And if Heaven was not controlled by law what
for a place would it be I would not wish to be
there for were we rushed into Heaven without
law evry man would be in danger of loosing his
rights & having them trampeld upon but all
celestial beings are governed by law & perfect
order yea the celestial law is a perfect order of
things A perfect system of light, law, intelligence
exhaltation & glory whare evry persons rights are
sustained to the fulest extent

but we do not arive at this knowledge at once, but
as an Apostle said we have precept upon precept,
line upon line, here a little and there a little, [Isaiah 28:10] untill
we arive at a fulness of knowledge & glory even
that fulness that reigns in the Heavens. we
must begin to be governd by law here before we
are prepared to recieve those blessings. the whole
law has not been given & you cannot abide the whole
law as yet. if it had all been given, we should
have been smashed up & destroyed. A people
must become acquainted thoroughey with law before
they can abide it but the time has come when
we must have law oand order in our midst.
There has been some feelings of late in the
camp because some unruly boys have been floged
by the Marshall for thiere wickedness, but if
this camp is not willing to let law & order reign
here & put a stop to such wickedness I wish
you to let me know it & I will go away from
you for those that wish to sustain crime & corrup-
tion let them return & strike hands with the
mob & carry out there principles & be damm-
ed. but if you want to do right say so, this people
have been driven here for there desires to do
righteousness. And this wickedness shall be
put a stop to that has been manifest in the
camp by certain young people of late yes it will
be stoped if God come out & smites it by
Judgment. The Marshall did not whip
them hard enough, if He had they
would not have spit out there revenge
but it would have been whiped out of
them. If I am drove to the necessit of
whipping a person in such A case they will
not spit out revenge afterwards for I will
whip it out of them. Shall we any longer
sustain in our midst men that will carry
out the principles of John C Bennet and

other corrupt scoundrils no I will sware
by the Eternal God of Heaven shuch conduct
shall be stoped & shall not be permitted in
this camp for if they continue it I will
tell the Marshall what they the law is & they
shall be taken care of in a manner that
they will not whine And I will whip any
man that will sustain it for those that will
sustain it shall be whiped. And I prophecy
in the name of God such a man whether
old or young shall be bowed down with
sorrow & morning even more than this people
have. then stop before you further go &
not sport upon the brink of sorrow & morning
This people have the Law of Liberty & the
gospel & the more the light & liberty & greater
the privileges the stricter the Law. we are
going into the wilderness & shall we suffer such
things No I swear by the Eternal God such
things shall not be while brigham lives.
Br Kimball gave a good shot when He
said no man run into his waggon & swore
he would shut the Marshall if he come
after him except he was guilty of crime
no man is afraid except he is guilty. No
man need be afraid that does right. I defy
the world to say I have taken any mans right
but after we have been driven into the wilderness
we are still followed by men who sware they
will steal what they have in our midst, I sware
they shall not have it in our midst. Some
young Elders that never preached a sermon
in their lives are afraid that I shall have
more blessings than they, or more wives or
sumthing or other but let them go & preach
the world over as I have done in poverty

and distress with Blood in my shoes & spent
years & years at it & left my wife & children
who have also suffered much. let them do as
we have done, & they will not be jealous of
me about blessings. If the Lord should give
me a thousand women is it any mans business
No. Let such go and spend as much time as
I have And there will be many clinging on to
there skirts to be saved. the majority of the
men of the gentile world will be damned and
the women wished to be saved by going with good
men. And a woman that has the spirit of God
will go with a good man who has been with
faithful & spent much of his time in saveing
mankind and has the priest hood such men
if they continue faithful will be saved in eternal
Glory & those that are with him. I an deter[mi]ned
that my affections shall be with God, I will
not allow them to be placed on things that
perish when plagues & diseases get hold of our
bodies we become loathsome & beauty fades away
but our affections should be placed upon things
that are Noble exhalted lasting & glorious I love
an exhalted mind for it is eternal & cannot fade
I want all my affections to be subject to God
and glory & eternal life. May God bless you Amen


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3469 mentions
Apostle, Family
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1465 mentions
Eldredge, Horace Sunderlin
6 Feb 1816 - 6 Sep 1888
Bennett, John Cook
3 Aug 1804 - 5 Aug 1867
Young, Mary Ann Angell
8 Jun 1803 - 27 Jun 1882
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1087 mentions


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

13th Sunday I met the Twelve & saints at the meeting ground. Meeting opened by prayer by O Pratt who arose we have often been taught to listen to council given from the head I do not consider it necessary to treat to day upon the first principles of the gospel as those things are understood by you as well as by me. I have thought of treating upon scientific Principles there is no truth but what comes from God, it requires a portion of the spirit of God to know
~ Wilford Woodruff
what portion of truth to lay before the people some classes adore the book of nature & deny a God, others Profess to adore God and are afraid to contemplat Natural things but evry truth should be acknowledged as from God a variety is interesting & not always remain in one channel one of the most interesting feasts I ever enjoyed was in contemplating the worlds and laws by which they are governed. Men should be learned in order to convince the learned for instans a man rises up & says I will not believe a thing that I cannot comprehend by one of my 5 senses but the learned man knows that many truths come by reflection thinking & s & not by seeing feeling hearing eating & drinking & again an Elder may tell a con- gregation that matter is an eternal principle and exhisted before God made this world they would not believe it because it comes in contact with there tradition for they have been taught to believe from there youth up that God made the Heavens and earth and all the planetary system in six days out of nothing. But let that Elder become acquainted with facts that can be demonstrated and he can present arguments to that people that will convince them the more learned the better as a proof that worlds exhisted before this was formed or at least more than 7000 years let him present the demonstrated fact that through the aid of strong glasses that planets can be seen so far distant that it would take 24000 years for the light of them to reach this planet according to asstrinomical calculations they then must be 24000 years old & just as likely to have exhisted millions of years before again as a proof that matter is eternal and that this earth was formed out of unorganized matter
~ Wilford Woodruff
let a man take a good telescope at 4 oclock in a clear morning & look at the sword in the belt of orion and he can see unorganized matter enough to make a Million of Million of Million of worlds each as large as the sun. A man of wisdon & Judgment can demonstrate truth for himself independant of all authors and when he finds a thing is true believe it though all the world disbelieve it besides & when he finds a thing fals disbelieve it & renounce it thogh it be sustained by all Christondon & phylosiphers and asstronimers of the age. we should esstablish schools for our children to teach them principle & truth learning is a good thing a blessing from God & will prove so to us if we make a right use of [it] but a bad use would prove a curse. but because some have made a bad use of learning or even of the Holy Ghost & power of God as Lucipher in the rebellion of Heaven does that argue that we should not get learning or seak for the Holy Ghost certainly not. there are many hours that both parents & children squander away that might be spent in learning, but if our children grow up in ignoranc they with there posterity would degenerat untill they would be as ignorant as the savagas that surround us. The Lord will not do a miracle to give us learning when we can get it ourselves. Some have an idea that is no matter about getting knowledge here thinking that by & by that they will enter heaven & that God will fill there minds with all the knowledge of the eternal worlds but they will be mistaken in this for they will have to learn it little by little as here.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Elder Kimball arose & said it was necessary for this People to be subject to council. like clay in the hands of the Potter as to learning there is difference in men in this thing I spent one winter in learning grammer and all I did learn about it was the difference betwee singular & plural number what knowledge I ever did get God helped me to I desire to love that which is
~ Wilford Woodruff
our spirits ought not to stoop to any mean thing & our bodies ought not to bow down to any wrong thing & ought not to be defiled but to be used for noble purposes and as our bodies & spirits are used for good and good purposes they have no time to do evil but ascendency is gained over evil & that spirit that has the power brings forth the fruit of its own work whether it be good or evil. He said while on this Journey many said they would do so & so if the Presidency commanded them so Brigham had to command them before he could get it done but we should do good without being commanded to do it
~ Wilford Woodruff
President Young arose & said I wish to say a few words upon Principle I desire the brethren and sisters to be taught in all things necessary. There is one thing I want you to realize and that is that God, Angels, & Saints Heaven and all of Gods creation are governed by law and I want the Camp of Israel to understand that we must be and if Heaven was not controlled by law what for a place would it be I would not wish to be there for were we rushed into Heaven without law evry man would be in danger of loosing his rights & having them trampeld upon but all celestial beings are governed by law & perfect order yea the celestial law is a perfect order of things a perfect system of light, law, intelligence exhaltation & glory where evry persons rights are sustained to the fulest extent
~ Brigham Young
but we do not arive at this knowledge at once, but as an Apostle said we have precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little and there a little, untill we arive at a fulness of knowledge & glory even that fulness that reigns in the Heavens. we must begin to be governd by law here before we are prepared to recieve those blessings. the whole law has not been given & you cannot abide the whole law as yet. if it had all been given, we should have been smashed up & destroyed a people must become acquainted thoroughly with law before they can abide it but the time has come when we must have law oand order in our midst. There has been some feelings of late in the camp because some unruly boys have been floged by the Marshall for thiere wickedness, but if this camp is not willing to let law & order reign here & put a stop to such wickedness I wish you to let me know it & I will go away from you for those that wish to sustain crime & corrup- tion let them return & strike hands with the mob & carry out there principles & be damm- ed. but if you want to do right say so, this people have been driven here for there desires to do righteousness. And this wickedness shall be put a stop to that has been manifest in the camp by certain young people of late yes it will be stoped if God come out & smites it by Judgment. The Marshall did not whip them hard enough, if he had they would not have spit out there revenge but it would have been whiped out of them. If I am drove to the necessit of whipping a person in such a case they will not spit out revenge afterwards for I will whip it out of them. Shall we any longer sustain in our midst men that will carry out the principles of John C Bennet and
~ Brigham Young
other corrupt scoundrils no I will sware by the Eternal God of Heaven shuch conduct shall be stoped & shall not be permitted in this camp for if they continue it I will tell the Marshall what they the law is & they shall be taken care of in a manner that they will not whine and I will whip any man that will sustain it for those that will sustain it shall be whiped. And I prophecy in the name of God such a man whether old or young shall be bowed down with sorrow & morning even more than this people have. then stop before you further go & not sport upon the brink of sorrow & morning This people have the Law of Liberty & the gospel & the more the light & liberty & greater the privileges the stricter the Law. we are going into the wilderness & shall we suffer such things no I swear by the Eternal God such things shall not be while brigham lives. Br Kimball gave a good shot when he said no man run into his waggon & swore he would shut the Marshall if he come after him except he was guilty of crime no man is afraid except he is guilty. No man need be afraid that does right. I defy the world to say I have taken any mans right but after we have been driven into the wilderness we are still followed by men who sware they will steal what they have in our midst, I sware they shall not have it in our midst. Some young Elders that never preached a sermon in their lives are afraid that I shall have more blessings than they, or more wives or sumthing or other but let them go & preach the world over as I have done in poverty
~ Wilford Woodruff
and distress with blood in my shoes & spent years & years at it & left my wife & children who have also suffered much. let them do as we have done & they will not be jealous of me about blessings. If the Lord should give me a thousand women is it any mans business No. Let such go and spend as much time as I have and there will be many clinging on to there skirts to be saved. the majority of the men of the gentile world will be damned and the women wish to be saved by going with good men. And a woman that has the spirit of God will go with a good man who has been with faithful & spent much of his time in saveing mankind and has the priest hood such men if they continue faithful will be saved in eternal glory & those that are with him. I an determined that my affections shall be with God, I will not allow them to be placed on things that perish when plagues & diseases get hold of our bodies we become loathsome & beauty fades away but our affections should be placed upon things that are noble exhalted lasting & glorious I love an exhalted mind for it is eternal & cannot fade I want all my affections to be subject to God and glory & eternal life. May God bless you amen
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
On th we held meeting. Orson Pratt discoursed upon Sceentific principles. He was followed by President H. C. Kimball and then the Marshall of the city ^said^ that the City Council had passed certain acts among which were that "there shall be no firing ^shooting^ of firearms after sundown and no timber cut within 20 miles of the place without the direction of the Council and that dogs be taken care of and no more shot without the direction of the Marshall Discourse of President Young Afterwards President Young arose and said: "I wish to say a few words upon principle I desire the brethren and sisters to be taught in all things necessary There is one thing I want you to realize and that is that God angels and Saints—heaven and all of Gods creations are governed by law. And I want the Camp of Israel to understand that we must be. If Heaven was not controlled by law what sort of a place would it be? I would not wish to be there for where we rushed into heaven without law every man would be in danger of loosing his rights and having them trampled upon. But all celestial beings are governed by law and order for the celestial law is a perfect order of things—a perfect system of light law intelligence exaltation and glory where every person's right's are sustained to the fullest extent


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Wilford severely injured by falling tree while cutting logs to build his family a cabin: breaks breastbone, three ribs, suffers internal injuries.

Sep 13, 1846