[page torn] [12th] Br Crows ^grand^ child was buried today. I commenced to day to lay the
[page torn] [f]oundation of our houses the Block is laid in the following manner
on the east side of the block commencing on the NE corner
B Young 4 rooms L Young 2 rooms, H C Kimball 5 rooms W Richards
2 rooms, W. Woodruff 2 rooms 14 by 17, G. A. Smith 2 rooms A Lyman
2 rooms L Snow 1 rooms All rooms are 14 feet wide and as
long as we please G. A. Smith & myself Build together 2 rooms each
we laid the foundation of the 4 to day I was quite unwell at night
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There is a reality in eternal things as much as in the things of time which we daily see with our eyes when a man has a dream or [v]ision of eternal things it is an evidence of its truth as much as [t]hough he saw it with his own eyes in one sens of the word. The Lord has hid from man the things that He knew before He [c]ame in the flesh that he might walk by faith & prove himself [w]hile here. The Lord converses with men on the earth in the [f]orm of a servent & by visions & dreams &c but He never appea[rs to] man in the flesh in the fulness of his glory, for He is as a [c]onsuming fire & a mortal body would perish in an instant
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