Day in the Life

Aug 11, 1847

Journal Entry

August 11, 1847 ~ Wednesday

[page folded] [11th] I spent this day in framing timber the company also comm[enced] [page covered]
[page folded] [l]aying their wall on one side of the lot one doby & a half thick 2 1/2

[page torn] [gr]ace for grace. when Brother Joseph received the Priesthood
[page torn] [h]e did not recived all at once, but He was A prophet seer & revela[tor] [page torn]
before He recieved the fulness of the Priesthood & keys of the kingd[om] [page torn]
He first recieved the Aronick Priesthood & Keys from under the hand
of John the Baptisk. He then had not power to lay on hands to confirm
the Church but afterwards He recieved the Patriarchal or Melchisidick
from under the Hands of Peter James & John who were
of the Twelve Apostles & were the Presidency when the other Apostl[es] [page covered]
were Absent, from those Apostles Joseph Smith recieved every key
power, Blessing, & Privilege of the Highest Authority of the Melchezedick
Priesthood ever committed to man on the earth which they held
some have had fears that we had not power to get revelations since
the death of Joseph, But I want this subject from this time forth
to be forever set at rest And I want this Church to understand
from this day henceforth & forever that an apostle is the Highest
office & Authority that there is in the Church & kingdom of God
on the earth. from whom did Joseph recieve his authority from
just such men as sit around me here (pointing to the Twelve
Apostles that sat with him) Peter James & John were Apostles &
there was no noise about their being seers & revelators though those
gifts were among them. Joseph Smith gave unto me & my brethr[en] [page covered]
the Twelve all the Priesthood keys Power & Authority which he ha[d] [page covered]
And those are powers which belong to the Apostleship. In Joseph[s] [page covered]
day we had to ordain Patriarchs could we ordain men to Author[ity] [page covered]
greater than we held ourselves^?^ No. But it is necessary to have Patria[rchs] [page covered]
to Bless the People that they may have Blessings by the spirit of prop[hecy] [page covered]
& revelation sealed upon their heads & their posterity & know what
awaits their posterity Father Smith was the seignor Patriarch in the
Church & first Patriarche in our day & Afterwards Hiyram was th[e] [page covered]
seignor Patriarch for his father sealed it upon his head But was
there Power & Authority different from all Patriarchs in the
church No they were all alike in their authority in Blessing. Elijah is
spoken of in the Bible that He should come in the last days to sta
turn the hearts of the fathers to the children & the children to their
fathers [Malachi 4:6], the fulfillment of this scripture is manifest in esstablishing
the kingdom of God & Priesthood on the earth in the last days & those
who hold the keys of the priesthood & sealing power have the spirit
& power of Elijah & it is necessary in order to redeem our dead &
save our children there is much more importance attached to this than
Parents are aware of. In the loss of this child of Brother Crows that was
drowned I felt that I could weep in sorrow if I gave way to my feelings
for I realize it is A loss to the parents to loose little children. it is true al[l] [page covered]
children are saved there names are written in the Lambs book of li[fe] [page covered]
which was the case with every spirit that takes A tabernacle on
this earth. their names were written there before the world was
made, & will there ever remain untill they sin against the Holy Gho[st] [page covered]
it will then be blotted out no more to be recorded forever. But not
withstanding this can brother Crow get that child again or any oth[er] [page covered]
person their children except their is sumthing done for them on the
earth by their Parents, No they would not, they would go to God who
gave them but the parents on the earth would not have them, the
[page covered] P[a]rents framed the Body to be sure But the Lord gave the spirit
what is the Body good for without the spirit. what then can [be] [page covered]
[page covered] d[o]ne, I will tell you A man that has embraced the gospel must [be] [page covered]
[page covered] [s]ome one who has the Priesthood & keys & power of Elijah, & mu[st] [page covered]
[page covered] [att]end to ordinances for that child, even must be baptized fo[r it] [page covered]
[page torn] illegible as to have it sealed to him & through illegible [page torn]

[page torn] [Br] Crow had a young ^grand^ child drowned today. The child's name was Thirlkie


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

76 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Smith, Hyrum
9 Feb 1800 - 27 Jun 1844
426 mentions
43 mentions
Scriptural Figure
180 mentions
Scriptural Figure
84 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Smith, Joseph (Sr.)
12 Jul 1771 - 14 Sep 1840
119 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Crow, Robert
1794-abt. 1876


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

for the reign of Christ, & to fulfill the promises which was made to the Ancient Prophets & Patriarch which promises they drew from the Heavens by their faith & faithfulness before the Lord & saw the work that lies before us by the spirit of inspiration revelation dreams & the visions of Heaven. Thus it has been that a combination of causes of eternal & important consequence has stimulated the Proph[et] Apostles & Elders to action untill they have resolved in their hearts that for Zions sake they would not hold their peace & for Jerrusalem sake they would not rest, untill their righteousness goes forth as brightness & Salvation as a Lamp that burneth. Yea the time has come for the Lord to esstablish his kingdom on the earth
~ Wilford Woodruff
[gr]ace [page torn] for grace. when Brother Joseph received the Priesthood he did not recived all at once, but he was a prophet Seer & Revela[tor] [page torn] before he recieved the fulness of the Priesthood & keys of the kingd[om] [page torn] he first recieved the Aronick Priesthood & Keys from under the hand of John the Baptisk. He then had not power to lay on hands to confirm the Church but afterwards he recieved the Patriarchal or Melchisidick Priesthood from under the hands of Peter James & John who were of the Twelve Apostles & were the Presidency when the other Apostl[es] were absent, from those Apostles Joseph Smith recieved every key [FIGURE] power, blessing, & Privilege of the highest authority of the Melchezedick Priesthood ever committed to man on the earth
~ Wilford Woodruff
when Brother Joseph received the Priesthood he did not recived all at once, but he was a prophet Seer & Revela[tor] [page torn] before he recieved the fulness of the Priesthood & keys of the kingd[om] [page torn] he first recieved the Aronick Priesthood & Keys from under the hand of John the Baptisk. He then had not power to lay on hands to confirm the Church but afterwards he recieved the Patriarchal or Melchisidick Priesthood from under the hands of Peter James & John who were of the Twelve Apostles & were the Presidency when the other Apostl[es] were absent, from those Apostles Joseph Smith recieved every key [FIGURE] power, blessing, & Privilege of the highest authority of the Melchezedick Priesthood ever committed to man on the earth
~ Wilford Woodruff
Elijah is spoken of in the Bible that he should come in the last days to sta turn the hearts of the fathers to the children & the children to their fathers, the fulfillment of this scripture is manifest in esstablishing the kingdom of God & Priesthood on the earth in the last days & those who hold the keys of the priesthood & sealing power have the spirit & power of Elijah & it is necessary in order to redeem our dead & save our children
~ Wilford Woodruff
There is a reality in eternal things as much as in the things of time which we daily see with our eyes when a man has a dream or [v]ision of eternal things it is an evidence of its truth as much as [t]hough he saw it with his own eyes in one sens of the word. The Lord has hid from man the things that He knew before He [c]ame in the flesh that he might walk by faith & prove himself [w]hile here. The Lord converses with men on the earth in the [f]orm of a servent & by visions & dreams &c but He never appea[rs to] man in the flesh in the fulness of his glory, for He is as a [c]onsuming fire & a mortal body would perish in an instant
~ Brigham Young

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Aug 11, 1847