18th [FIGURE] I wrode to Kanesville in company with Elder
Bablam I saw Elder Hardy spent A little time with him
I then went to Elder Hydes I there met with Elder
Orson Hyde & Orson Pratt. I spent A long evening in
conversation with them Elder Hyde wished me to
lay before the Presidency in the valley the situation of
affairs in Pottawatamie County Ioway He wished me
to say to them that all the men of capital were leaving
for the valley men from the East & England that were
able were going to the valley, And all the men that were
living thare that were able to make a fit out were
talking of going. Another class who were able to get
a fit out in part even able to get waggons were
taken out by Bishop Hunter so those that are left are
the poorest part of community & if this order of
things is continued A year or two more this county
will be broaken up & the Saints will have to scatter
abroad the poor who come from the East & England
who are to poor to go through are left upon our hands
& oxen are now selling in kanesville from $60 to $100
& when this springs Emigration leaves there will
not be left more than one Yoke of oxen to 7 families
& the fields would not be ploughed or planted He
said He did not think that Kanesville & the surrounding
country should be deserted or broaken up but if the
Presidency wished it to be so He should not then
object to it. He spoke upon the subject of opening large
fields & farming upon a big scale by employing the poor
brethren to work upon them this He would like to do if
He could be assured that He would not be called away
in a year or two after commenceing it. He remarked
if the presidency wished to evacuate the place or wished
him to go any whare els He would go. He seemed to
oppose the idea of Having the poor come to Kanesville to
stop He thought they had better cstay in the East or at
St Louis, than to come Here I make this recoorrd to present
to the Presidency according to his request
Elder O. Pratt wished me to say to the Presidency
that there were many Elders in England of power faith
& talent who had to labour hard to get bread for there
families And when Elders were sent to them from
America who had not talent & could not edify them
they felt it was A tax upon them that there own Elde[rs] [page torn]
were more capable to Edify them than those that were
sent unto them And when men were sent they should
be such as could Edify & instruct. I spent the night at
Brother Hydes with Elder Pratt 18 miles
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Elder Hyde made many remarks upon each item as they came up before the people Among other things said that the Priesthood & Saints Held the keys of Blessings in there own hands & said we have not had but one shower of rain this year or since last fall & we have not seen the bow in the Heavens at all this season the earth is parched up & dry now if you want rain open your doors & receive the poor And you will have the Blessings the people said they would do it & Elder Pratt Prayed for rain.
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