289th Sunday President Young remarked I Join in testimony
with the Brethren I wish to be a doer of the word I feel the import
ance of the remarks of the last speaker Brother Spencer those
who are not ready to meet the Bridegroom will not be invited
to the supper And the time is near. Jesus Christ is an ensam-
ple to all Saints. He was filled with wisdom in his youth but in
his childhood & infancy He was like other children. It has
been said that He was in infancy wise as in manhood but this
is not the case. He was subject to temptation as we are but was
not overcome by it. If we have become acquainted with our follies
let us put them away & apply our hearts unto wisdom. let us have
compassion on others as we wish God to have compassion
on us we should increase in wisdom untill the day of redemption
No person can receive all at once but increase little by little untill
the day of perfection. Apply our Hearts to wisdom & it will produce
peace, Health, wealth & evry good thing. should you see a people
carry out the principles of wisdom peace would be the fruit &
you would never see contention unto the day of your death
Ask the world if they do not like a people who live in peace & are
contented & they will say yes it is Beautiful take the world at
the present time & they are like wolves eat each other up they
fight & contend & devour each other the Abolitionest become Heated
& say the Negro must be made equal to the white man at the table &
all other places they will at the same time turn away the widow &
orphan & put into prision a poor man for debt, and deprive him
of his time to pay the debt, instead of this we should feed the
Hungry & do good to all men as we have an opportunity
then we have a Zion it is peace in the Heart we should
bear an evil from a Friend as well as An Enemy you ask the
Lord to bear with your infirmities so we should bear with
each other. what is the necessity of doing wrong having law
suits & contending with each other go to Law & spend $100 to
collect $5. you may be told you are independent & have rights
you have a right to do good & not evil. The God I serve will
deal out good to his Saints & evry thing that is necessary
for them & reveal his will unto them, & teach them what
to do He will not lie or decieve me I will ask O Lord
did you do this or that did you bless this man or that man
so & so or did you suffer that evil to be so & so yes I
have done this to try men so & so, do you want me to do
so & so. If I am going to do a thing I ask is it the will of
God if I cannot get the will of God upon it I refuse to
do it lest I do a thing wrong. we want to do right then we
prosper. is the people doing right is the kingdom growing
is their principles in this kingdom to govern all men with
All that the Nations of the Earth Now possess would not make
this people Happy as they now are. Give us the kingdom of God
instead of the glories of the world. their has been a great stir to
exhalt the Negro & make him equal to the white man but
there is a curse upon the seed of Cain & all Hell cannot wipe
it out & it cannot be taken off untill God takes if off
when A person unlawfully seeks for power & exhaltation
by taking the blessings which belongs to Another He will
sink far below the other. As Lucipher the son of the morning
sought the glory that belonged to Christ the first Born
He was thrust down to Hell. so Cain sought Abels Blessi-
ng & took the life of his brother [Genesis 4:8] the consequence was
Cain was cursed & his seed & this curse will remain
untill Abels posterity will get all the Blessing their is
for him then the curse may be taken from Cain or
his posterity but his posterity will be below Abels. All
are slaves Polititions are the worst slaves And if we dont
do right we shall ketch the lash we are the freeest
people on Earth. Queen Victoria is a slave had to Ask
the liberty to Marry prince Albert But we are free we have
the right God & kingdom let isus not dishonor God His kingdom
or our Brethren if we do we shall sink below them & their
children. If the wife dishonors the Husband the children
will dishonor the Mother & she must welter under it
Honour the priesthood in all its parts. Be more faithful be
more prudent. Administer to the wants of All as far as you
can I will not quarrel with my neighbor about the water
if I loose the wheat for if my Neighbors raise as wheat I
can obtain some of it to eat. Other remarks were maid By
the speaker
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It is a startling Idea to think we are worshiping a God that once was once in the situation that we are in ourselves they had to pass through a probation of pain, suffering & the fall like ourselves & He made perfect through sufferings. The Son of God passed through it & the Father would not require of a son what He would not do Himself. All our sufferings will exhalt us in the presence of God if we endure them patiently.
if all men would do right & were saints but the net has gathered all kinds good bad & worse let twelve men get drunk in this community & it ruins the place in the estimation of of good men we have to bear the character of the drunkard a few stinking fish in the net defile it. & the whole net stinks and it creates a prejudic against it.
it is now but I say unto all men who are saints put to your hands & help build up Zion & the Kingdom of God we are scholars in the great school & must learn we are a kingdom & must bring the kingdom in subje[c]tion to the will of God
those who are not ready to meet the Bridegroom will not be invited to the supper and the time is near.
Jesus Christ is an ensam- ple to all Saints, He was filled with wisdom in his youth but in his childhood & infancy He was like other children. It has been said that He was in infancy wise as in manhood but this is not the case He was subject to temptation as we are but was not overcome by it.
let us have compassion on others as we wish God to have compassion
Apply our hearts to wisdom & it will produce peace, health, wealth & evry good thing.
those who are not ready to meet the Bridegroom will not be invited to the supper and the time is near. Jesus Christ is an ensam- ple to all Saints, He was filled with wisdom in his youth but in his childhood & infancy He was like other children. It has been said that He was in infancy wise as in manhood but this is not the case He was subject to temptation as we are but was not overcome by it.
let us have compassion on others as we wish God to have compassion on us
If I am going to do a thing I ask is it the will of God if I cannot get the will of God upon it I refuse to do it lest I do a thing wrong, we want to do right then we prosper.
Give us the kingdom of God instead of the glories of the world.
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