Day in the Life

Oct 4, 1856

Journal Entry

October 04, 1856 ~ Saturday

4th I spent The Missionaries returned home into this city this
evening at 5 minutes past 3 oclok & there was great rejoiceing in the
city. The company consisted of Joseph ^A.^ Young Wm H. Kimball F D.
, Daniel Spencer James Fuerguson George D Grant, N. H.
, James McGaw, John Vancott C. H. Wheelock Wm C
& John D. T. MCallister, when presidents Young &
Kimball met their sons & Friends with a Harty welcome there
were tears of Joy shed. After greeting was over they went
to their homes.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3440 mentions
Apostle, Family
Wheelock, Cyrus Hubbard
28 Feb 1813 - 11 Oct 1894
Spencer, Daniel
20 Jul 1794 - 8 Dec 1868
Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
816 mentions
Grant, George Davis
10 Sep 1812 - 20 Sep 1876
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1456 mentions
Ferguson, James
23 Feb 1828 - 30 Aug 1863
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
659 mentions
Van Cott, John
7 Sep 1814 - 18 Feb 1883
Young, Joseph Angell
14 Oct 1834 - 5 Oct 1875
76 mentions
Kimball, William Henry
26 Apr 1826 - 29 Dec 1907


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Brother Brigham Young we lay our hands upon your head & confirm you to be a member in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints & we seal upon your head the Holy Priesthood with all the keys powers & blessings appertaining theretounto even to be a prophet seer & Revelator in the church & kingdom of God & over the House of Israel & we seal upon your head all the blessings all the blessing which were sealed upon you by the Prophet Joseph & we say unto you that you shall have power over your Enemies & you shall not be slain by them but you shall live to see them overthrown & to see the saints come off victorious over there enemies & I seal these blessing upon you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
~ Heber C Kimball

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Letter to the Editor of the Western Standard, 4 October 1856
G. S. L. City Ed. of the Western Standard Dear Sir, The california mail arrived on the 29th Ulto. by which we are in receipt of a full file of the Standard for August. We are now in the midst of emigration. Elder Bank's company from St. Louis, and Elder Bunker's hand cart companies have arrived this week. On the 26th Ulto. the hand cart company's of Elders Edmund Ellsworth and D. D. McArthur arrived with about 100 hand carts and 486 souls. The kindly welcome and benevolent reception these Pioneer hand cart companies received exceeded greatly that of any other company since our ar- rival in the mountains. On 20th Sep. Ulto Elder Peterson's company of Danes arrived. Elder Preston Thomas arrived from Texas on the evening of 12th inst. in advance of his company which arrived on the 16th The health of the people generally is firstrate. The Weather has been very fine this last month, which has been very favorable for public improvements. The Deseret State Fair closes to day. This has been a display of talent genius and industry which does honor to our citizens, indeed we feel proud of our associations with a people, who altho' hem- med in by mountains living on desert plains, accounted unworthy the abode of civilization, have made mother earth team luxuriantly with the comforts—the bounties—yea the luxuries of life, and we can indorse the sentiment of the Prophet, when he declared the desert should blossom as the rose [Isaiah 35:1], and the barren waste should be converted into a fruitful field [Isaiah 32:15]. On the 10th Ulto we moved into the new Historian office
Letter to Charles Coulson Rich, 4 October 1856
Dear Brother C. C. Rich, Your favor of Sept 8th came to hand on the 1st inst. It is a general time of health throughout the Territory so far as we can learn. Your collections of fruit and flowers will be thankfully received, and care taken to preserve and propogate from them. Bro Bullock started on his mission to England on the 10th ult, and requested Bro Leo Hawkins to receive all fruit cuttings & intended for him. There has been, and is a great spirit of reformation throughout the Territory, especially in Davis County, some of the wards in that county stepping forth to a man and requesting rebaptism. Prest Grant baptised upwards of eighty with his own hands. We never have had such pointed, plain and strong ^mormon^ sermons since the foundation of the Church, as are now preached by the Presidency on this subject. On the 26th ult, the Presidency, with the Brass Band, a detachment of the Lancers, and a number of the citizens left the city at 9 a. m., to meet the Hand Cart Companies under Elders E. Ellsworth and Daniel D. McArthur, they met them at the foot of the little mountain, and escorted them into the city, where they arrived about 5 1/2 P.M. The feelings of the brethren on meeting them cannot be described; their hearts were so full that they could not find utterance. The brethren in the different wards dealt out provisions &c liberally to them. We feel that it is
Autobiography Volume 3 circa 1865-1866
On this day missionaries from Europe arrived home. They arrived in the city at half past three oclock. The company consisted of Franklin D. Richards Daniel Spencer Joseph A Young William H. Kimball James Ferguson George D. Grant N. H. Felt James McGaw John Van Cott C. H. Wheelock Wm C Dunbar and John D. T. McAllister When Presidents Young and Kimball met their sons and friends with a hearty wealcome theere were tears of joy shed Next day was Sunday and the day was occupied by the returned Missionaries At the close of the meeting President Brigham Young went down into the Font and baptized men women and children of his own family about 75 in number Then President Heber C. Kimball went down into the water and baptized about 75 mostly of his own family but some were of my family and the families of others of the Twelve and afterwards Lorenzo Young went into the water and baptized 25 persons making 175 souls all of whom were confirmed under the hands of Heber C Kimblall J. M. Grant Wilford Woodruff and Joseph Young; but a few of the last Daniel H. Wells and John Van Cott assisted in confirming In the meeting this day President Young


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Church-wide reformation includes rebaptizing, restructuring and recommitment to principles and covenants. First "home missionaries" introduced (precursor to ministering program).
First baptisms administered in baptismal font; members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles rebaptized (4th rebaptism for Wilford).

Oct 4, 1856