Day in the Life

May 1, 1865

Journal Entry

May 01, 1865 ~ Monday

May 1. I opened my grapes this morning & spent the day in a
Missionary meeting. We Blessed & set apart 52 missionaries &
ordained 4 seventies. President Young delivered an Address & gave
good instruction. {He said that} P. P. Prat {blood was spilt for [committing] adultery}. I met in the
evening with the board of the Jordon Irrigation Co


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3466 mentions
Apostle, Family
Pratt, Parley Parker
12 Apr 1807 - 13 May 1857
549 mentions


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President Young preached one of the greatest sermons of his life in the afternoon among other things said the gospel of Christ Embraced all truth & Blessings to man & all knowledge.
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Religious - Blessing given to Archibald Newell Hill, 1 May 1865
G. S. L. City, . Bro Hill; in the name of Jesus Christ we lay our hands upon your head to set you apart unto this mission, whereunto you have been called, to go forth with your brethren to bear your test- imony unto the children of men of the fullness of the gospel of Christ, unto the establishment of the Kingdom of God, the plan of salvation, and of the judgements of God which will overtake the wicked; go dear brother and magnify your calling as a messenger of salvation unto the nations, and we pray our heavenly Father to bless you and fill you with his Spirit by day and by night to reveal unto you your duty, and open your way before you and teach you all things neccessary that you may fulfill this mission with honor and joy and satisfaction to yourself, and to your brethren who are called to preside over you. You shall be abundantly blessed inas- much as you trust in the Lord, and the desires of your heart shall be given unto you. Open your mouth to the people as you shall have opportunity and the Spirit shall direct you with light and truth, and with a testimony to bear to the people for the Spirit of the everlasting gospel shall rest on you with great power, and you shall do good to your brethren and unto mankind, and you shall be useful while


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May 1, 1865