Day in the Life

Apr 26, 1869

Journal Entry

April 26, 1869 ~ Monday

26. We travelled to Cedar & held a Meeting H. S. Eldridge
spoke 6 minutes B Young jr 3 M[inutes], Joseph Young 25 Minutes
D. H. Wells 38, & President B Young 28 M[inutes]. President Young
spoke asked do you keep the word of wisdom do you pray if
not it is hard living you know whether you do or not God is
the Man twho is carrying this work on we work with him
I tell you in the name of God, that it is our duty to live our

religion, to keep the word of wisdom & do our duty, to say
those who sin are justified in the Church they are not, some
think they are going straight into the kingdom of God & partake
of all the Glory of God they are not they are mistakened
we must not live for ourselves alone, if you will not live
to the light of the Lord you will fail. The subject of each
man being Equal in voting in the cooperation has been brought
up Now I wish to preset a case if one man had 39000 sheep
& 10 men had 1000 sheep all in partnership the 10 men say
we will drive these to Calafornia & sell them the one man says no
we will keep them Here for the good of the Saints so we can make
up the wool into clothing for the people would it be just for these
10 Men to controll the 39000 sheep of the one man while they
had but one thousand No it would not neither is it right for
one Man to controll the capital of another unless he is
dictated by the revelations of God Such a principle does
not Exhist in heaven earth or Hell in Justice. 18 Miles

We travelled to Cannarrah we held a Meeting 12 Miles

W Woodruff spoke 20 M[inutes], G Q Cannon 37, Presid[en]t B.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3469 mentions
Apostle, Family
Young, Brigham (Jr.)
18 Dec 1836 - 11 Apr 1903
589 mentions
Wells, Daniel Hanmer
27 Oct 1814 - 24 Mar 1891
801 mentions
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2285 mentions
Eldredge, Horace Sunderlin
6 Feb 1816 - 6 Sep 1888
Young, Joseph
7 Apr 1797 - 16 Jul 1881


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

I wish to live untill I can see Zion redeemed & the centre stake built up & the saints of God sanctified Before the Lord. The people think if they were sealed up in the things of God they would loose sight of all Earthly things but this is not the case. If we can understand this to know the things of God & his ways would be to know how to till the Earth & to Manufacture all we want. There is no such thing as a kingdom without law. There is a Law that Governs & controlls all things. They controll the Elements to bring them together to supply us with Evry thing we need there is a system & Law to Evry Branch of knowledge, and if we ownly understood it we should know how to do any thing right that perfect system we should understand and carry out we have this system in spiritual things so must we become in temporal things
~ Brigham Young
God is the Man twho is carrying this work on we work with him I tell you in the name of God, that it is our duty to live our
~ Brigham Young
religion, to keep the word of wisdom & do our duty, to say those who sin are justified in the Church they are not, some think they are going straight into the kingdom of God & partake of all the Glory of God they are not they are mistakened we must not live for ourselves alone, if you will not live to the light of the Lord you will fail.
~ Brigham Young
neither is it right for one Man to controll the capital of another unless he is dictated by the revelations of God such a principle does not Exhist in heaven Earth or Hell in Justice.
~ Brigham Young


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Apr 26, 1869