Day in the Life

Jan 10, 1870

Journal Entry

January 10, 1870 ~ Monday

Jan 10th 1870 Keys crossed A crown [FIGURES]

This is a great day in Utah. some Twelve or Fifteen thousand of the
of the Inhabitants of the city of salt Lake, & surrounding country of Men
women & children, assembled around the rail road Depo to celebrate the
Building of the Utah Central Rail Road & to see the last rail laid & the
last spike driven By President Brigham Young. This rail road was
Built By the Hard labouring Men of the Latter Day Saints from Ogden to
Salt Lake City about 40 Miles distant. There were present in the Assembly
The Bands of Music from the city, Camp Duglass Band & many others

There were present on the stand the first Presidency the Twelve
Apostles, The officers of the Union & Central Pacific Rail Road
& of the Utah Central Rail Road with Many invited guest
including the officers of Camp Duglass

The last spike was driven By President Young A large steel
Mallet was used on the occasion made By Mr James Lawson
it was Elegantly chased on the top, there was Engraved a
Bee-hive surmounted By the inscription Holiness to the Lord under-
neath the Bee-hive were the letters U.C.R.R. The spike
Made of Home made Iron Manufactured By the late N. V. Jones
was ornamented like the Mallet & was the work of Brother Lawson Just
Before the ceremony of laying the last rail commenced, the sun, which
during the whole day, had Been completely concealed By clouds
burst forth with unclouded Brilliancy as if determined to Enha-
nce the general Joy By his genial rays. After the performance of
the ceremony which took place about 9 minutes past 2 oclok a
salute of 37 guns, ^was given^ one for each mile of the road was when Capt
Croxall's Brass Band burst forth with their enlivening strains
after which the following Prayer was offered By
Elder Wilford Woodruff

O, God, our Eternal Father we have assembled on this occasion
to celebrate one of the greatest & grandest events of the generation
in which we live, and we offer up the gratitude of our hearts
with thanksgiving for thy merciful & protecting care that has
been over us when we were led into these vallies By thy servnt
servant Brigham Young, twenty two years ago, we found them
a perfec desert inhabited ownly by wild beast & a few red men
who roamed over the plains. To day we behold the teeming thousands
of the Anglo-Saxon race assembled here to celebrate the completion
of a line of rail road into this city which has opened up commerce
between us and all the world. Thou has Enabled thy Saints who have
gathered here from the Nations of the Earth to fill these vallies of the
Mountains with 600 miles of cities, towns, villages, gardens, orchards,
vineyards, and fields, and the desert has been made to Blossom as the
rose. We should be recreant to our duty did we not acknowledge
the hand of thee our God in thy protecting care that has been over us

which has enabled us to assist in levelling these Mountains and
exhalting the vallies and in laying an iron band which has bound
this continent together from ocean to ocean & has made all the
various states & Territories of this mighty nation neighbors to each
other. For all these Blessings we feel to render the gratitude of our
hearts unto thee: and we pray that thy blessing may rest upon us
this day. We dedicate this rail road unto thee, the Lord our God
we pray that thy Blessings may rest upon it, and upon those who
have erected &and labored upon it. We thank thee for the peace and
quietude that we have enjoyed for the many years that we have dwelt
in these vallies of the Mountains. Continue thy Blessings O God we
beseech thee unto the inhabitants here and throughout the Nation
These favors and Blessings we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ
Our Redeemer Amen

A speech was then read By Elder G. Q. Cannon for President
Brigham Young. Telegrams were received from Gov Stanford
& others expressing regret that they were not able to be present
speeches were made By Wm Jennings, Joseph A Y[ou]ng, Col
B. O. Carr of the Union Pacific line, T. B. Morris Esqr Chief Engineer
of the western Division of the U.P.R.R. Elder John Taylor
and Mr Campbell Superintendent of the Utah Division of the
Central Pacific R. R. all of which are published in the
Evening Deseret News of Jan 11, 1870, with the exception of
Mr Campbells was omitted as the reporters could not Hear it
Benediction was pronounced By H. W. Nesbitt. The immense conco-
urse of spectators quickly dispersed. Thus ended the celebration
of the most important event considered from a commercial standpoint
that has ever transpired in Utah Territory Our chief city now
enjoys steam communication with the world at large

In the evening the streets were alive with Happy crouds. the
illumination of the city commenced at 6 oclok in the evening at
abot 7 oclok it shone with the greatest Brilliancey all public Buildings
& stores were illuminated with Brillant lights Bond fires & fireworks
illuminated the Heavens. I attended the grand Ball at the Theater whare
200 persons could occupy the floor at the same time in the dance

There was some 1500 present including all the Military officers of
Camp Douglass except one, & the United States officers of the
Territory including the Judges all seemed to enjoy themselves well
I took with me Phebe, Sarah, & Emma, we took our supper at
the Townsend House.

11Our Utah Legislature assembled at 10 ock in the Morning & organized
The council Appointed G. A. Smith President P. Lynch secretary
& Slainer assistant secretary, J. D. McAllister Sergent at Arms
Joseph Y[ou]ng Chaplain all officers were appointed Mr Mann the
Secretary & acting Govornor swore the Members & officers in. O Pratt
was appointed speaker of the House R. L. Campbell chief clerk


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3460 mentions
Apostle, Family
132 mentions
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1032 mentions
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1440 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2273 mentions
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
661 mentions
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1962 mentions
Young, Joseph Angell
14 Oct 1834 - 5 Oct 1875
76 mentions
Young, Joseph
7 Apr 1797 - 16 Jul 1881
Jones, Nathaniel V.
13 Oct 1822 - 15 Feb 1863
Pratt, Orson
19 Sep 1811 - 3 Oct 1881
1087 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1588 mentions
Campbell, Robert Lang
21 Jan 1825 - 11 Apr 1874
122 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions
Jennings, William
13 Sep 1823 - 4 Jan 1886


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

I closed my remarks By saying that God commanded Daniel the Prophet to Pray & He Prayed three times a day with his windows Hoisted & his Enemies said if He did pray & make any petition to any God or king for 3 days He should be cast into the den of Lions But He did pray, his enemies cast him into the den of Lions & his God Delivered him. The three Hebrews were told if they did not fall down & worship the Golden Image of Nebechudnezzar that they should be cast into the Firyey furnisace &But they worshiped God & would not worship the Image & they were cast into the firey Furnisace But the form of the Fourth was with them & they were saved. Now in our day, God has revealed unto us the Patriarchal order of Marriage & has said if we do not obey it we shall be damned. Congress has said if do obey it we shall be damned now tiwhich shall we obey God or Congress, for it is God & Congress for it The assembly shouted as By acclimation we will obey God.
~ Wilford Woodruff
O, God, our Eternal Father we have assembled on this occasion to celebrate one of the greatest & grandest Events of the generation in which we live, and we offer up the gratitude of our hearts with thanksgiving for thy merciful & protecting care that has been over us when we were led into these vallies By thy servant servant Brigham Young, twenty two years ago, we found them a perfec desert inhabited ownly by wild beast & a few red men who roamed over the plains. To day we behold the teeming thousands of the Anglo-Saxon race assembled here to celebrate the completion of a line of Rail Road into this City which has opened up commerce between us and all the world. Thou has Enabled thy saints who have gathered here from the Nations of the Earth to fill these vallies of the Mountains with 600 miles of cities, towns, villages, gardens, orchards, vineyards, and fields, and the desert has been made to Blossom as the rose. We should be recreant to our duty did we not acknowledge the hand of thee our God in thy protecting care that has been over us
~ Wilford Woodruff
O, God, our Eternal Father we have assembled on this occasion to celebrate one of the greatest & grandest Events of the generation in which we live, and we offer up the gratitude of our hearts with thanksgiving for thy merciful & protecting care that has been over us when we were led into these vallies By thy servant servant Brigham Young, twenty two years ago, we found them a perfec desert inhabited ownly by wild beast & a few red men who roamed over the plains. To day we behold the teeming thousands of the Anglo-Saxon race assembled here to celebrate the completion of a line of Rail Road into this City which has opened up commerce between us and all the world. Thou has Enabled thy saints who have gathered here from the Nations of the Earth to fill these vallies of the Mountains with 600 miles of cities, towns, villages, gardens, orchards, vineyards, and fields, and the desert has been made to Blossom as the rose. We should be recreant to our duty did we not acknowledge the hand of thee our God in thy protecting care that has been over us
~ Wilford Woodruff
which has Enabled us to assist in levelling these Mountains and Exhalting the vallies and in laying an iron band which has bound this continent together from Ocean to Ocean & has made all the various States & Territories of this mighty nation neighbors to Each other. For all these Blessings we feel to render the gratitude of our hearts unto thee: and we pray that thy blessing may rest upon us this day. We dedicate this Rail Road unto thee, the Lord our God we pray that thy Blessings may rest upon it, and upon those who have Erected &and labored upon it. We thank thee for the peace and quietude that we have Enjoyed for the many years that we have dwelt in these vallies of the Mountains. Continue thy Blessing O God we beseech thee unto the inhabitants here and throughout the Nation These favors and Blessing we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ Our Redeemer Amen
~ Wilford Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Church membership 90,130; population of Utah Territory 86,336; population of 38 United States 39,820,000.
Utah women given the right to vote; Liberal (non-Mormon) Party formed opposing People's (Mormon) Party.

Jan 10, 1870