4th Sunday conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Joseph F Smith
Sunday President Brigham Young Preached in the forenoon
to a large congregation of Saints & Gentiles one hour & 12 M[inutes]
Afternoon C. C. Rich spoke 26 Minutes President Joseph
Young spoke 32 Minutes then President Brigham Y[ou]ng
spoke 45 Minutes making about two hours that He spoke
to day & there was some Twelve thousand People in the Tabernacle
I received A Letter from My Brother Azmon & I wrote 4 letters
to Sarah, Wilford, David & Azmon at the close of the Meeting
the Presidency & Twelve Met For Prayer & After Prayers we
Appointed 13 Men to be ordained to the High Council
in Salt Lake City viz Thomas Williams, Allexander C.
Piper, Angus M. Cannon, Milando Pratt, John
Sharp Jr., Henry P. Richards, John R. Winder,
George Nebeker, Joseph Horn, George J. Taylor,
C. R. Savage, Robert T Neslin & George G Spencer
we also appointed 53 Men to be ordained Patriarchs
It was moved & carried that when any one of the Twelve
Apostles Met with any one of the men in list named
for Patriarchs to ordain them to that office & report
it to the Clerk so It might be put on record
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