July 7. We Met in the Tabernacle for a 2 days Meeting
as a quarterly conference for the St Georg stake
Henry Harriman opened by Prayer Edward Bunker
spoke 30 M[inutes] Marius Ensign 18 M, John Parker 13,
Robert Nell spoke 9 M, Godwdy Hagen 20 M
J. D. T. McAllister 12.
Father Parkins Prayed Thomas J Jones spoke 20 M[inutes]
Wm Bringhurst 8 M George Crosby 15 M Charles
N Smith 22 M, Henry Eyring 30 M.
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I hereby testify in the name of Jesus Christ that the Bible is true the stick of Judah, and that the Book of Mormon the stick of Joseph is true, And that the Doctrin and Covenants are true which are given through the mouth of Joseph Smith the Prophet of God raised up in these last days through the loins of Ancient Joseph who was sold into Egypt all the words of the Lord will be fulfilled upon the Nations which are written in that Book. The American Gover- nment will be broaken in peaces like a potters vessel and swept from off the face of the Earth, and cast down to Hell, Because of their wickedness Murders whoredoms and abominations For the Lord God hath spoken it and it will be fullfilled. Therefore awake and arise O Zion, slet the People of Zion sanctify themselves before the Lord and purify themselves and be prepared for the Redemption of Zion and the coming of the Son of Man for his coming is at the door and will overtake the world as a thief in the night
View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.