Discourse 1890-10-04
President Wilford Woodruff
Addressed the Conference. He said:
I feel this morning to offer up the
gratitude of my heart to God, my
Heavenly Father, that my life has
been preserved to again meet in a
semi-annual Conference with the
Saints. I feel thankful that I have
the privilege of meeting with so
many of the Apostles, Elders and
Saints who have assembled here on
this occasion.
Our Heavenly Father revealed
from heaven, over sixty years ago,
to the inhabitants of the earth,
through the mouth of the Prophet
of God, whom He raised up, that
He had set His hand once more,
for the last time, to prune His vine-
yard and to prepare the people of
the earth for the coming of the
Son of Man. Over sixty years have
passed away since those revelations
were given. The Lord called upon
the children of men, to take upon
themselves the name of Christ—
those who were willing to enter in
the vineyard of the Lord and preach
the Gospel of Christ to them. He
gave us to understand that we should
be called to go forth and preach the
message of the Son of God in this
last dispensation of the fulness of
times. Many of those who engaged
to carry out and fulfill these
promises of God to mankind
are today in the spirit world. They
have closed their mission, they
have borne their testimony, they
have fulfilled the object of their
creation, they have magnified the
high and holy Priesthood which the
God of heaven has sealed upon
their heads, to go forth and admin-
ister in the ordinances of life and
salvation. A few of us are left;
some of us still remain here in the
flesh, and we are still called upon to
labor. We are still called to officiate
in the Holy Priesthood, and to ad-
minister in the ordinances of salva-
tion to the children of men.
It has been a very important dis-
pensation, a very interesting gener-
ation in which we live as Latter-day
Saints. The history of this Church
is before the world, and we are still
passing through many interesting
portions of the experience of the
work of God in the last days.
I will say to the Latter-day Saints,
the Lord has fulfilled, so far, all
that He has promised unto us. The
Lord has called many men—hun-
dreds of them—from the nations of
the earth, who have received the
Holy Priesthood, the authority by
which the God of Israel has always
administered in heaven and on the
earth the ordinances of life and sal-
vation. They have labored faith-
fully until the present day; they
have warned the inhabitants of the
earth. All nations under heaven
have been visited by the Elders of
Israel as far as the doors were open
to receive them. The Lord, so far,
has warned the world; He has, so
far, carried out the object of the
calling of the sons of men. The Gos-
pel has been preached and the chil-
dren of men have heard it in every
nation, including our own. They
have heard the testimony of these
Elders of Israel. And what was
the mission given to the Elders?
To go forth and deliver the Gospel
message to all the world. The peo
ple were called upon to repent of
their sins, to have faith in the Lord
Jesus Christ, and when they had
faith in God, in the Gospel, faith to
believe and receive those testimonies
given to them, they were called upon
to go forth and be baptized for the
remission of their sins. Then they
had the privilege of receiving the
laying on of hands for the reception
of the Holy Ghost.
These are some of the principles
that have been taught from the
time of Father Adam down to that
of every Patriarch, Prophet, Apos-
tle—and even the Savior himself—
in their day and generation, as the
only Gospel ever revealed to the
human family in any age of the
world. There has never been but
one Gospel; that Gospel is "the
same today, yesterday and forever." [Hebrews 13:8]
That Gospel is the same that was
taught by Adam to his children;
which Elijah, Methuselah, and all
the ancient prophets and patriarchs
taught to their posterity, and the in-
habitants of the earth. Jesus Christ
taught the same when He came in
the meridian of time; He never de-
viated from it in any instance. Paul
the Apostle, born in due time, re-
ceived the Gospel at the hands of
the Lord, who said, though he or
an angel from heaven preached any
other Gospel, let him be accursed. [Galatians 1:8]
That Gospel was revealed to Joseph
Smith in all its fulness, pow-
er and glory, with all its
graces, gifts and principles. He
taught it to those around him; he or-
ganized this Church on the 6th day
of April, 1830; and through all the
tribulations, persecutions and trou-
bles of the Latter-day Saints, that
same Gospel has been among us.
I feel thankful that I have lived
so long, connected with this Church
and Kingdom, and that I live now
in the midst of the Latter-day
Saints. As the Lord has set His
hand to warn the world, to warn
this generation, to prune the vine-
yard. He will leave every nation un-
der heaven without excuse, in these
days of judgments, calamities and
tribulations, which are about to be
poured out upon the earth.
I feel thankful that I have been
associated with this people up to the
present day. How long I shall re-
main among the Latter-day Saints I
do not know. It matters not with
me; but I have the same testimony
to bear today that I have had from
the commencement of this Church
—that it is the work of God—as prom-
ised and prophesied of through the
mouths of inspired men for 6000
years. I bear my testimony to these
things this morning.
I hope and trust that while we
are assembled in this conference
our hearts may be united in faith
and prayer, that we may enjoy the
Holy Spirit of God. Without the
inspiration of that Spirit, Utah
would be as barren a desert, as far
as we are concerned, today as we
found it on the 24th of July, 1847.
When you heard the Gospel of
Christ preached by those humble
men who had been called from their
various occupations, to go forth in the
Lord's cause, inspired by the Holy
Ghost, without purse or scrip, tak-
ing no thought what they should eat
or what they should drink, [Alma 31:37] you
knew that what they taught was
true. You heard and believed their
testimony, and that same testimony
is here with this entire people
today. When you received the
testimony you were baptized for the
remission of your sins, you had
hands laid upon you for the recep-
tion of the Holy Ghost. Without
all this you would have remained at
I know that this is the work of
God, and so do you; therefore let
our hearts be thankful to God; let
us unite together in our prayers to
Him; let us do our duty faithfully
while we dwell here in the flesh,
and carry out those principles in
which we have been taught. Let
us continue to preach the Gospel,
to warn the nations, to build up Zion,
and establish righteousness; so that
when we get through and go on the
other side of the vail we will be
satisfied with our labors here. We
should try, therefore, to live our re-
ligion, to be true and faithful to our
covenants, and to all those principles
of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which
will save all men both in time and
I pray to God my Heavenly Father
that His blessing may rest upon us
—upon these Elders of Israel, upon
these Apostles of the Lamb of God,
that they may be inspired to declare
the words of salvation during this
conference to their brethren and
sisters, which may God grant, for
Christ's sake, Amen.