Day in the Life

Jun 28, 1894

Journal Entry

June 28, 1894 ~ Thursday

28 I met with Brother CM Cowley about his Mothers
Debts with H J Grant Met with F D Richards
upon Utah silk business, & with H J Grant
on giving stake organization to Randolph
Woodruff & Lake town. We met with the Twelve in the
Temple (The subject of the Holy Ghost was discustsed)
Wisdom says let mysteries alone


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Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
816 mentions
Grant, Heber Jeddy
22 Nov 1856 - 14 May 1945
275 mentions
Cowley, Matthias Foss
25 Aug 1858 - 16 Jun 1940
41 mentions
Apostle, Missionary


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Letter from G.W. Martin, 28 July 1894
Phila ^Phila^ . To the chief, or principal of Salt Lake City Dear Sir: I know but comparativy little of your faith, but what I do know has led me to embrace it. I have been a minister in one of the leading denom- inations of the county, and have renoun- ced my faith for reasons which I will not explain now, but if you will send me transportation to Salt Lake city I will come to you. I will bring whatever means I can and will reem- burse you as soon as possible. I am not without education and can make myself useful in many ways and will gladly comply with any reasonable conditions you may require in order to become one of your communion. Please let me hear from you at once. Address me at Box 56. No 117 North 13th St Phila Pa. you in haste G. W. Martin.
Letter from Andrew Kimball, 28 June 1894
Salt Lake City, U. T. To the First Presidency Office. Dear Brethren: Kindly furnish Bro. Spence the ammount of $50 00/100 $2500 each for Elders John A. and Joseph H. Lowe of Franklin Idaho, who will be released from Oklahoma in the Indian Territory mission, about the 10th of July. we wish to send them tickets to bring them from Kansas City, and $1000 in cash from their field of labor to that point. And Oblige Respctfully Your Bro. Andrew Kimball Attended to & Order issued
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Cash to Emma $100, girl $3 E 10 113


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Jun 28, 1894