Day in the Life

Feb 28, 1897

Journal Entry

February 28, 1897 ~ Sunday

Feb 2728, 1897
This was one of the most important days of my life
By Appointmet the sabbath school children of this stake of
Zion assembled in the Tabernacle and there were thousands
who could not get in as the galleries were occupied with many
Adults there were some 10000 children in the building I was
called upon to address them. The scene perfectly overpowered
me as the whole scene of my childhood & Early manhood and
come upon me the prayers I had offered to the Lord to Let me
live to see a prophet or Apostle to teach me the Gosple of Christ
and here I stood in the Great Tabernacle in the Rocky Mountains
filled with ten thousand children of the Prophets, Apostles & Saints
My head was a fountain of tears still I Addressed them
as did others and we had a Joyful time. I never saw
as many sabbath school children together in my life still
some thousands were left out that could not Get in the House
Another day would have to be Appointed for them The News
Herald & Tribune all published my History and Printed
my Likeness Also the Likeness of my wife Emma it was
a great Day in Israel, and rejoicing by Thousands. Tomorrow
March 1, 1897 is my Birth Day And a Meeting is appointed
in the Tabernacle to celebrate my 90 Birth Day and the 59
Birth Day of my wife, Emma Smith Woodruff I have
been preserved by the power of God to live to a great age in
a generation of short lived people to what they were
Anciently I thank the Lord for the preservation of my life
untill the present time I am bound to Acknowlede the Hand
of God
in the preservation of my Life untill to day


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1032 mentions


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Feb 2728, 1897 ^Sunday^ This was one of the most important days of my life By Appointmet the sabbath school children of this stake of Zion assembled in the Tabernacle and there were thousands who could not get in as the galleries were occupied with many Adults there were some 10000 children in the building I was called upon to address them The scene perfectly overpowered me as the whole scene of my childhood & Early manhood and come upon me the prayers I had offered to the Lord to Let me live to see a prophet or Apostle to teach me the Gosple of Christ and here I stood in the Great Tabernacle in the Rocky Mountains filled with ten thousand children of the Prophets, Apostles & Saints
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from Alonzo Arza Hinckley, 27 February 1897

Hinckley, Utah, . Pres' Wilford Woodruff S L City Dear Bro: I am in receipt of a call from you to depart on a mission for the Netherlands July 31st 1897. And while I would have preferred to have went to England, I make no complaint, and cheerfully accept the call and will be on hand at the appointed time. Yours Truly A A Hinckley. Wm. H. Pratt. BP

Discourse 1897-02-28

President Woodruff then addressed the congregation. He said: I want to say to my young brethren and sisters and friends in the Sabbath schools established here in the Rocky mountains, God bless you and I feel to bless you, as far as I have the power. I want to say that this is a scene before me today that has overpowered me— it has overpowered my speech. I would rather not say anything, still I I feel I want to make a few remarks to my friends. I never in my life have been in a similar position to that of today. The scene before me has been a fulfillment to all my prayers from my boyhood up to early man- hood. Eighty years ago I was a little boy ten years of age attending school the same as you are here in the moun- tains of Israel. I read the New Testa- ment. I read of Jacob, I read of the Apostles and the Prophets. I could not find a man on the face of the earth who taught these principles or be- lieved in them. I prayed to the God of heaven that I might live to see a Prophet; that I might live to see an Apostle who would say something that would satisfy me like unto the principles I read of in the New Testa- ment. Today I stand in the midst of ten thousand young men and women of Israel—sons and daughters of prophets, patriarchs and men of Israel. Men who hold the Holy Priesthood ap- pointed by God of Israel; appointed in the last days to set up and carry these laws and principles of God into effect. It is these principles that we were to look at in the last days. Now I want to say to you as the rising generation, I never expected to see a day of this kind in my life, in my early days. I did expect as it was promised to me to see a prophet. I have lived to see him. I have traveled with prophets and patriarchs and sons of God, I have lived to see this body of intelligence of the sons of the living God, who come here to the meetings of Israel. I rejoice in this for I see before me the nature of the Latter-day Saints. We cannot say the Bible is a novel—the Bible that contains revelation. I have passed through the periods of boyhood, early manhood and old age. I cannot expect to tarry a great while longer with you but I want to give to you a few words of counsel. You occupy a position in the Church and Kingdom of God and have received the power of the Holy Priesthood. The God of Heaven has appointed you and called you forth in this day and generation. I want you to look at this. Young men listen to the counsel of your elder brethren. Live near to God; pray while young; learn to pray; learn to cultivate the Holy Spirit of God; link it to you and it will become a spirit of revela- tion unto you, inasmuch as you nourish it. I feel thankful myself that I have lived to see this day. I declare unto you that there are many in the flesh who will remain so until the coming of the Son of Man. This is about all I wish to say. I feel thankful to my heavenly Father that I see this scene before us this afternoon; that I see the Gospel mani- festations on the earth. There has been, as it was stated by our brother, two powers, one to destroy me and the other to save me. And God in heaven has willed to spare me to see this day. He has given me power to reject every testimony and reject every example that leads to evil. I say to you chil- dren, do not use tobacco, liquor or any of these things that destroy the body and mind, but honor Him and you will have a mission upon your heads that the world know not of. May God bless you. Amen.

Letter from Alma Williams, 28 February 1897

[sideways text] Notify Gr B 17 Apl [18]97 [end of sideways text] Hyrum Feb. 28, 1897. Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, My name has been suggested by the Missionary Committee of the Apostles to take a foreign mission. I have wrote the secretary my circumstances and feelings; They have given me what time I thought necessary to settle up my affairs, and prepare for this mission, And report to you my readiness. I think my sircumstances is as good now as they will be, and the longer I wait to report the longer I may. So will report that I will go when called. I anxiously

Letter from Joseph Henry Fisher, 28 February 1897

Meadow. . To the first Prist of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday– Saints, Dear Brethren In reply to yours of Feb 5th [18]97. To know if I excepted the call to the Sandwich Islands. I expect to be on hand at the time set as I deem it my duty. I shall be pleased to know what the fare will be from Salt Lake to the Sandwich Islands. And if I leave van- coover on the 8 of Aug, what date I shall be required to be in Salt Lake to be set a- part. Very Respectfully, Joseph H Fisher. H. B. Benntt Bishop.

Autobiography 1897 Deseret Weekly

On Sunday, , at 2 p. m., and on the following day, Mon-

Family - Birthday Anniversary Program, 28 February 1897



View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Publication of Conference Report begins (replaced by Ensign Conference issue starting in 1965).

Feb 28, 1897