Day in the Life

Apr 8, 1898

Journal Entry

April 08, 1898 ~ Friday

Friday April 8th Drove to the office for a short time, feeling well in my
health. At 10 a.m. I attended the Conference. Sang. Prayer by John W.
. Sang. Elders M. W. Merrill spoke 25 mints, John W Taylor
20 mints & read from 28 chapter 3rd Nephi. J. G Kimball 20 mints and
Prest Joseph F Smith 40 mins He read from the 4th chapter of Mosiah.
Sang. Benediction by Geo. Wallace.

Drove to the office. Bro Nuttall attended to me. I signed some
recommends for Bro Henry C Rogers & his wives for Second [anoining].

Attended conference at 2 pm. Sang. Prayer by E. H Blackburn
Sang. Prest Joseph F. Smith read reports of Primary Assni and the
Sabbath Schools. Elders Geo Teasdale spoke 30 mnutes

John Henry Smith 23 mins. I talked 8 mnts, F M Lyman 25 mnts
Bro Geo Pyper sang "the Holy City." Sang. Bene[diction] by Pat[riarch] John Smith.

Drove home after meeting.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Lyman, Francis Marion
12 Jan 1840 - 16 Nov 1916
278 mentions
Wallace, George Benjamin
16 Feb 1817 - 30 Jan 1900
17 mentions
Teasdale, George
8 Dec 1831 - 9 Jun 1907
717 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Smith, John Henry
18 Sep 1848 - 13 Oct 1911
301 mentions
Smith, John, b. 1832
22 Sep 1832 - 6 Nov 1911
Hess, John W.
53 mentions
Taylor, John Whittaker
15 May 1858 - 10 Oct 1916
157 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4143 mentions
Nuttall, Leonard John
6 Jul 1834 - 23 Feb 1905
Merrill, Marriner Wood
25 Sep 1832 - 6 Feb 1906
164 mentions
3 mentions
Scriptural Figure


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Discourse 1898-04-08
PRESIDENT WILFORD WOODRUFF Origin of Zion's camps—Notable prophecy by Joseph Smith—Christ to come to the Saints in the mountains. In 1833 the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was driven out of Jackson County, Mo., for the word of God and testimony of Jesus Christ. There Bishop Partridge was tarred and feathered by the mob. That was the time of the falling of the stars in that country. Soon afterwards Bish- op Partridge called for volunteers to go to Kirtland to see the Prophet. Two men volunteered out of those who had been driven from Jackson County. One was Parley P. Pratt and the other was Lyman Wight. They went to Kirtland and laid before the Prophet the circumstances, and the Prophet called these two men, and others, to go abroad and gather up the strength of the Lord's house and to prepare the camp of Zion. Parley P. Pratt came to my house. I had just been baptized. I was engaged for a year in furnishing lumber by contract. Parley P. Pratt told me it was my duty to lay aside all my temporal matters, go to Kirtland, and join Zion's camp. I obeyed his counsel. I arrived in Kirt- land on Saturday and there met with Joseph and Hyrum Smith in the street. I was introduced to Joseph Smith. It was the first time that I had ever seen him in my life. He invited me home to spend the Sabbath with him, and I did so. They had meeting on Sunday. On Sunday night the Prophet called on all who held the Priesthood to gather into the little log school house they had there. It was a small house, perhaps 14 feet square. But it held the whole of the Priesthood of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who were then in the town of Kirtland, and who had gathered to- gether to go off in Zion's camp. That was the first time I ever saw Oliver Cowdery, or heard him speak; the first time I ever saw Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball, and the two Pratts, and Orson Hyde and many others. There were no Apostles in the Church then except Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. When we got to- gether the Prophet called upon the Elders of Israel with him to bear testimony of this work. Those that I have named spoke, and a good many that I have not named, bore their testimonies. When they got through the Prophet said, "Brethren I have been very much edified and instruct- ed in your testimonies here tonight, but I want to say to you before the Lord, that you know no more concern- ing the destinies of this Church and kingdom than a babe upon its mother's lap. You don't comprehend it." I was rather surprised. He said "it is only a little handfull of Priesthood you see here tonight, but this Church will fill North and South America—it will fill the world." Among other things he said, "it will fill the Rocky Mountains. There will he [be] tens of thou- sands of Latter-day Saints who will be gathered in the Rocky Mountains, and there they will open the door for ^the^ establishing of the Gospel among the Lamanites, who will receive the Gospel and their endowments and the ^blessing^s of God. This people will go into the Rocky Mountains; they will there build temples to the Most High. They will raise up a posterity there, and the Latter-day Saints who dwell in these mountains will stand in the flesh until the coming of the Son of Man. The Son of Man will come to them while in the Rocky Mountains." I name these things because I want to bear testimony before God, angels and men that mine eyes behold the day, and have beheld for the last fifty years of my life, the fulfillment of that prophecy. I never expected to see the Rocky Mountains when I listened to that man's voice, but I have, and do today. I will say here that I shall not live to see it, you may not live to see it; but these thousands of Latter- day Saint Children that belong to the Sabbath schools, I believe many of them will stand in the flesh when the Lord Jesus Christ visits the Zion of God here in the mountains of Israel. And while I bear testimony before God, angels and men, that mine eyes behold the fulfillment of the revelation given that night, I just as much be- lieve the remaining part of it will be fulfilled as I stand here in the flesh. I rejoice at seeing the progress of the work that lies before us. There is a great work before this people in the fulfillment of these prophecies that
Mission - Missionary Certificate for James Laird, 8 April 1898
in behalf of said Church. Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith First Presidency.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford's Conference address on his 1877 vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.

Apr 8, 1898