[FIGURE] I finished my letters to Bleak & McAllister of 10 pages
an Acco[un]t of all my travels for 42 days
I mailed my letter to John Taylor & Phebe & to Bleak & McAllister
19 [FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters to Bishop Samuel Roskely
6 p[ages] & Sarah W. 4 pages I gave an acc[oun]t of my
Journy & asked them to write to me I visited Br Lake who lies vary low we administered to him
21 Sunday I spoke at Brigham City followed
By Lot Smith I spoke the 2nd time {shorthand}
~ Monday
Sept 15 [FIGURE] I finished my letters to
Bleak & McAllister of 10 pages
an Acct of all my travels for 42 days
I meeded my letter to John Taylor &
Phebe & to Bleak & McAllister
~ Tuesday
16 [FIGURE] I wrote Letters to Emma W &
Henry Woodruff and gave an Accot of
my mission to the Nephites of 42 days
I ordained Charles Edmund Richardson
a seventy and gave him a lisense
I killed 6 ducks in the morg
~ Wednesday
17. [FIGURE] I wrote 1 Letter of 12 pages
to Moses Thatcher gave an acct
of my Missions of 42 days amg the Nephites
~ Thursday
18 I killed 6 ducks got 4. I wrote
[FIGURE] 3 Letters to J D T McAllister 4 pages
Farnsworth 6 pages Y 4 p.
~ Friday
19 [FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters to Bishop Samuel Roskelly
6 p & Sarah W. 4 pages I gave an acct of my
Journey & askd them to write to me I visited By
Lake who lies vary low we administered to him
~ Saturday
20th we went to Brigham City and administered
to Br Lake who is still vary low
~ Sunday
21 Sunday I spoke at Brigham City followed
By Lot Smith I spoke the 2d tim {shorthand}
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