and thousands of others have received the same blessings in the same way
President received revelation in that & there are yet
many revelations to be received in the last days concerning the many other subjects but they will all be manifest in
due time through the proper to authority unto the & . There are many other manifestations of the and
the revelations of Jesus Christ to us in our lives but I have said
suffient upon this branch of the subject.
we have been called by revelation to give to
many of the dead honorable men of the Earth & our own Nation
who were not members of our family, but I had said suffi-
cient upon this track of the subject
& their fulfillment
The office of the patriach is to bestow blessings upon their posterity
and the children of men. In section D. C. 107 The Lord says that
three years previous to the death of he called , ,
, , , , &
who were all High priest with the resedue of his posterity who were righteous
into the Valley of and there bestowed upon them
his last blessing,, And Adam predicted whatsover should befal
his posterity unto the latest generation these things were all written in
the and are to be testified of in due time
& were patriarchs and blessed their posterity and all
that Jacob said & sealed upon the head of his Twelve sons have all
been fulfilled to the very letter as far as time would admit off
of we have partiarchs the same in our day Father
and thousands of others have received the same blessings in the same way
President received revelation in that & there are yet
many revelations to be received in the last days concerning the many other subjects but they will all be manifest in
due time through the proper authority unto the Church & kingdom
of God. There are many other manifestations of the and
the revelations of Jesus Christ to us in our lives
we have been called by revelation to give to
many of the dead honorable men of the Earth & our own Nation
who were not members of our family but I had said sufficient upon this track of the subject
& their fulfillment
The office of the patriach is to bestow blessings upon their posterity
and the children of men. In section 107 The Lord says that
three years previous to the death of he called , ,
, , , , &
who were all High priest with the resedue of his posterity who were righteous
into the Valley of and there bestowed upon them
his last blessing And Adam predicted whatsover should befal
his posterity unto the latest generation these things were all written in
the and are to be testified of in due time
& were patriarchs and blessed their posterity and all
that Jacob said & sealed upon the head of his Twelve sons have all
been fulfilled to the very letter as far as time would admit
of we have partiarchs the same in our day Father