14th Sunday I had A meeting with my friends & family in the
morning I confirmed Sister Shuah Moulton. we had a good
time At noon two Strangites called upon me Mr Shemmings
And A man from Michigan He wanted to debate the claims of
Mr James J Strang to lead the Church I told him I considered
my time flung away to spend 5 minutes talking with him upon
the subject. there had more than A dozen men risen up
since the death of Joseph risen up to undertake to usurp Autho-
roity to lead the Church & govern the affairs of the kingdom
of God when Neither the Lord nor the Saints had called them
unto that office And I felt that I had sumthing of more
importance to attend to than to spend my time in debating against
the pretending claims of such men
I met the Saints in the afternoon & had A good meeting
~ Monday
15th I took cars in the Morning with Mrs Woodruff, Moulton &
& her daughter Martha. we road to Saco was there met by Father Carter & Ira Foss who came to take us to Saca & Scarborough we found
Father Carter well & all the friends in Maine soon after we
left the cars & started on the road in the waggon A Horse
run away in A waggon & came on in the road after us
He run into a waggon with a load of Apples An old JGentleman
was driving it. one of his wheels was knocked all to peaces
the waggon turned down & the old Gentleman fell onto his
head. And the Horse came near runing into Father Carters waggon
we road to Father Carters & spent the night distance of the day 110 mile
~ Tuesday
16th We went up to Iria Foss & spent the day & night
~ Wednesday
17th We had A visit from Ilus Carter we spent the day and
night at Father Carters
19 [FIGURE]{[illegible shorthand]} we visited the country or spot called the land slide it has
the Appearance of A great convulsion of Nature it looks as much
like the effects of An earthqwake as any thing more than 20 acres
of land is all torn to peaces some large Maples trees are still standing
upright but the earth has settled more than 20 feet while other
parts were raised deep blue clay is raised from its deep found-
ation to the top of the earth by thousands of tons. after
walking over it we road into Portland & dined with Ilus
Carter spent the evening with Dr Fabyan & nighht with Ezra 12 [miles].
~ Saturday
20thFreedom & Shuah Moulton came into Portland this morning
Dr Fabyan took me into his carriage & carried me over the
city we went to the observitory & saw the houses that were mobed
of late we dined with Ezra Carter He will give me letters of
introduction for our representatives from the State of Deseret
to the reppresentatives & senators from Maine at 4 ocolock we weparted with our friends Ilus made me A present of some
Books we took cars rode to Saco & met with Olive Foss who
came with us to visit her Mother in SacoBoston where we
arived at 9 oclok we took the Hourly & rode to our house
& spent the night & was glad to once more get home. On my arival home I recieved 5 letters from DrBernhisel Thomas Cartwright, Joseph Crapo, Wm Sweat & George
Shipley Also the Guardian & M. Star 110
~ Sunday
14th Sunday I had A meeting with my friends & family in the
morning I confirmed sister Shuah Moulton, we had a good
time. At noon two Strangites called upon me Mr Shemmings
And A man from Michigan He wanted to debate the claims of
Mr James J Strang to lead the Church I told him I considered
my time flung away to spend 5 minutes talking with him upon
the subject, there had more than A dozen men risen up
since the death of Joseph risen up to undertake to usurp Authority to lead the Church & govern the affairs of the kingdom
of God when Neither the Lord nor the saints had called them
unto that office And I felt that I had sumthing of more
importance to attend to than to spend my time in debating against
the pretending claims of such men
I met the Saints in the afternoon & had A good meeting
~ Monday
15th I took cars in the Morning with Mrs Woodruff, Moulton &
& her daughter Martha, we road to Saco was there met by Father
Carter & Ira Foss who came to take us to Saca & Scarborough we found
Father Carter well & all the friends in Maine soon after we
left the cars & started on the road in the waggon A Horse
run away in A waggon & came on in the road after us
He run into a waggon with a load of Apples An oldGentleman
was driving it, one of his wheels was knocked all to peaces
the waggon turned down & the old Gentleman fell onto his
head. And the Horse came near runing into Father Carters waggon
we road to Father Carters & spent the night distance of the day 110 mile
~ Tuesday
16th We went up to Iria Foss & spent the day & night
~ Wednesday
17th We had A visit from Ilus Carter we spent the day and
night at Father Carters
19 [FIGURE] {illegible shorthand} we visited the country or spot called the land slide it has
the Appearance of A great convulsion of Nature it looks as much
like the Effects of An Earthquake as any thing more than 20 acres
of land is all torn to peaces some large Maples trees are still standing
upright but the earth has settled more than 20 feet while other
parts were raised deep blue clay is raised from its deep foundation to the top of the Earth by thousands of tons. after
walking over it we road into Portland & dined with Ilus
Carter spent the Evening with Dr Fabyan & night with Ezra 12.
~ Saturday
20thFreedom & Shuah Moulton came into Portland this morning
Dr Fabyan took me into his carriage & carried me over the
city we went to the observitory & saw the houses that were mobed
of late we dined with Ezra Carter He will give me letters of
introduction for our representatives from the State of Deseret
to the representatives & senators from Maine at 4 oclock we
parted with our friends Ilus made me A present of some
Books we took cars rode to saco & met with Olive Foss who
came with us to visit her Mother in Boston whare we
arived at 9 oclok we took the Hourly & rode to our house
& spent the night & was glad to once more get home. On my
[FIGURE] arival home I recieved 5 letters from DrBernhiselThomas Cartwright, Joseph Crapo, Wm Sweat & George
Shipley Also the Guardian & M. Star 110
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," October 14, 1849 - October 20, 1849, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/n5XP