During the evening we met for prayer After which the president
taught us much to our edifycation. The spirit should controll the
Body the monitor whispers to the mind of man when it does [wrog] wrong
& sayes this is wrong points out the right path & sayes walk ye in it
the soul or spirit of man wants feeding as well as the Body or it
will dry up & wither like the quakers & other sects
A Mormon Boy will whip out the priest we will advance untill we
can stand in the society of the gods, then let us do right & keep the
commandments of God in all things. Our knowledge comes By experi[enc]e
it is Necessary that we should have crosses & trials of All kinds
in order to gain knowledge by experience if we overcome we
get a great victory continue to do so untill we arive at our High
stations to become Gods organize worlds & controle them. All
our passions God gave us but we must controll them & make a
right use of them. Our spirits were pure from Eternity but
condescended, to take a Body in its impure state was married
to it will continue with it through time in mortality through
Eternnity in Immortality. In speaking of the married state
sayes if man & wife become Alliniated from each other it is
in one sens the spirit of Adultery
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
16th , , , & 21, this week was spent Hunting lost
cattle & at Hard labour
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday President Young Addressed the Saints as
follows. If I can see the motives of the Heart of man & know
Eternal things by the Spirit of God it is far more Beautiful
than to Hear their words of men. Should an Angel come
& convers with any man in the congregation No other one might
know it. He would think the person spoke to him as one speaks to
another face to face when He would not be seen at all ownly by
the spirit of God or By vision. we may know by the spirit of
God what is in a mans heart before He speaks. at all times listen
to the still small voice of the spirit of God And it will save the saints
from many snares. If you get Angry dont sin nor let the sun
go down upon your wrath I do not expect perfection in men
not what the world calls perfection I have seen A pe[r]fect prophet
And perfect Apostles, that is perfect in their calling. But not the
perfection the world looks for. If Joseph had Been as perfect as
the people wished him to be He could not have lived with the people
nor stayed this side of the veil as long as He did. we co[u]ld not Have
herd his voice nor seen his face. He would have had to Been veiled
Israel could not endure the face of Moses at times. The Lord exp-
ects us to be in the path of Duty when we get in Eternity we
shall be Angels or Goods we shall their Advance to the Godhead
if we do right.
In speaking of the Law what a simple thing ist is
what is the Law to those who do right. It is not made for any
body but the transgresser & lawless & wicked. If we do not infringe
upon the rights of others all things are ours in Heaven & Earth time
& Eternity Life & Death Heaven Earth & Hell & all that is therein
is ours if we do not infringe upon the rights of any other Being
we shall become gods & fill immensity as our Father in Heaven
does I can weigh all the sleepers, philosophers, & Learned men
of the Earth in the scale & know just what they weigh & can cir
cumscribe them all. All is mine Heaven, Earth, Hell wives children
[FIGURE] During the evening we met for prayer after which the president
taught us much to our edifycation. The spirit should controll the
body the monitor whispers to the mind of man when it does wrong
& sayes this is wrong points out the right path & sayes walk ye in it
the soul or spirit of man wants feeding as well as the body or it
will dry up & wither like the quakers & other sects
A Mormon boy will whip out the priest we will advance untill we
can stand in the society of the gods, then let us do right & keep the
commandments of God in all things. Our knowledge comes by experience
it is Necessary that we should have crosses & trials of all kinds
in order to gain knowledge by experience if we overcome we
get a great victory continue to do so untill we arive at our high
stations to become Gods Organize worlds & controle them. All
our passions God gave us but we must controll them & make a
right use of them. Our spirits were pure from Eternity but
condescended to take a body in its impure state was married
to it will continue with it through time in mortality through
Eternity in Immortality. In speaking of the married state
sayes if man & wife become alliniated from each other it is
in one sens the spirit of adultery
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
16th 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21, this week was spent hunting lost
cattle & at hard labour
~ Sunday
22nd Sunday President Young addressed the saints as
follows. If I can see the motives of the heart of man & know
Eternal things by the spirit of God it is far more beautiful
than to hear the words of men. should an Angel come
& convers with any man in the congregation No other one might
know it. He would think the person spoke to him as one speaks to
another face to face when he would not be seen at all ownly by
the spirit of God or by vision. we may know by the spirit of
God what is in a mans heart before he speaks, at all times listen
to the still small voice of the spirit of God and it will save the saints
from many snares. If you get angry dont sin nor let the sun
go down upon your wrath I do not expect perfection in men
not what the world calls perfection I have seen a perfect prophet
and perfect Apostles, that is perfect in their calling. But not the
perfection the world looks for. If Joseph had been as perfect as
the people wished him to be he could not have lived with the people
nor stayed this side of the veil as long as he did, we could not have
herd his voice nor seen his face. He would have had to been veiled
Israel could not endure the face of Moses at times. The Lord expects us to be in the path of Duty when we get in Eternity we
shall be Angels or Goods we shall their advance to the God head
if we do right.
In speaking of the Law what a simple thing it is
what is the Law to those who do right. It is not made for any
body but the transgresser & lawless & wicked. If we do not infringe
upon the rights of others all things are ours in Heaven & Earth time
& Eternity Life & Death Heaven Earth & Hell & all that is therein
is ours if we do not infringe upon the rights of any other being
we shall become Gods & fill immensity as our Father in Heaven
does I can weigh all the sleepers philosophers, & Learned men
of the Earth in the scale & know just what they weigh & can cir
cumscribe them all. All is mine Heaven Earth, Hell wives children
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," June 15, 1851 - June 22, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 18, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/31pp