Day in the Life

Jun 22, 1851

Journal Entry

June 22, 1851 ~ Sunday

22nd Sunday President Young Addressed the Saints as
follows. If I can see the motives of the Heart of man & know
Eternal things by the Spirit of God it is far more Beautiful
than to Hear their words of men. Should an Angel come
& convers with any man in the congregation No other one might
know it. He would think the person spoke to him as one speaks to
another face to face when He would not be seen at all ownly by
the spirit of God or By vision. we may know by the spirit of
God what is in a mans heart before He speaks. at all times listen
to the still small voice of the spirit of God And it will save the saints
from many snares. If you get Angry dont sin nor let the sun
go down upon your wrath I do not expect perfection in men
not what the world calls perfection I have seen A pe[r]fect prophet
And perfect Apostles, that is perfect in their calling. But not the
perfection the world looks for. If Joseph had Been as perfect as
the people wished him to be He could not have lived with the people
nor stayed this side of the veil as long as He did. we co[u]ld not Have
herd his voice nor seen his face. He would have had to Been veiled
Israel could not endure the face of Moses at times. The Lord exp-
ects us to be in the path of Duty when we get in Eternity we
shall be Angels or Goods we shall their Advance to the Godhead
if we do right.

In speaking of the Law what a simple thing ist is
what is the Law to those who do right. It is not made for any
body but the transgresser & lawless & wicked. If we do not infringe
upon the rights of others all things are ours in Heaven & Earth time
& Eternity Life & Death Heaven Earth & Hell & all that is therein
is ours if we do not infringe upon the rights of any other Being
we shall become gods & fill immensity as our Father in Heaven
does I can weigh all the sleepers, philosophers, & Learned men
of the Earth in the scale & know just what they weigh & can cir
cumscribe them all. All is mine Heaven, Earth, Hell wives children

and I am cChrists & Christ is Gods. [1 Corinthians 3:23] It is not known to us whare
the stakes are set to Gods immensity. Take the world at large and
they get to the end of their chain when they get to the mill
pond. It is a startling Idea to think we are worshiping a God
that once was once in the situation that we are in ourselves
they had to pass through a probation of pain, suffering & the fall
like ourselves & He made perfect through sufferings. The Son of
passed through it & the Father would not require of a son
what He would not do Himself. All our sufferings will exhalt
us in the presence of God if we endure them patiently. A word of
Advice concerning lawing I dont never want to Hear of another
law suit among the Brethren. Is it anything but good common
sense to Never have another suit before a jud[g]e to say nothing
of revelation. It does not require any great perfection to
accomplish this, let men do right do your Neighbour good not
evil. The Lord will burn up the Earth to cleanse it as you would
an old pipe. You think it hard to have to water your land Here
but it is far more healthy than to have rain it was so in Egypt if
it did not rain in Illinois & Moissouri more than Here it would
be far more Healthy this could be reasoned out on Natural
principles. A word more upon Law suits their would not be a Lawsuit
in this valley if all men would do right & were saints but the net has
gathered all kinds good bad & worse let twelve men get drunk
in this community & it ruins the place in the estimation of
of good men we have to bear the character of the drunkard
a few stinking fish in the net defile it. & the whole net stinks
And it creates a prejudice against it. Those who were acq-
uainted with Joseph know that if He delt any in temporal
things it created a prejudice against him. He bought many
goods to help carry on the public works but the people were ready
to get it all away from him. So it is now But I say unto
all men who are Saints put to your hands & help build up Zion
& the Kingdom of God we are scholars in the great school & must
learn we are a kingdom & must bring the kingdom in subjection
to the will of God


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Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3469 mentions
Apostle, Family
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
210 mentions
Scriptural Figure


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let us do right & keep the commandments of God in all things.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Our knowledge comes by experi[ence] it is Necessary that we should have crosses & trials of all kinds in order to gain knowledge by experience if we overcome we get a great victory continue to do so untill we arive at our high stations to become Gods Organize worlds & controle them. All our passions God gave us but we must controll them & make a right use of them. Our spirits were pure from Eternity but condescended to take a body in its impure state was married to it will continue with it through time in mortality through Eternity in Immortality.
~ Wilford Woodruff
In speaking of the married state sayes if man & wife become alliniated from each other it is in one sens the spirit of adultery
~ Wilford Woodruff
we may know by the spirit of God what is in a mans heart before he speaks, at all times listen to the still small voice of the spirit of God and it will save the saints from many snares.
~ Brigham Young
If you get angry dont sin nor let the sun go down upon your wrath
~ Brigham Young
I do not expect perfection in men not what the world calls perfection I have seen a perfect prophet and perfect Apostles, that is perfect in their calling. But not the perfection the world looks for. If Joseph had been as perfect as the people wished him to be he could not have lived with the people nor stayed this side of the veil as long as he did, we co[u]ld not have herd his voice nor seen his face. He would have had to been veiled Israel could not endure the face of Moses at times. The Lord exp- ects us to be in the path of Duty when we get in Eternity we shall be Angels or Goods we shall their advance to the God head if we do right.
~ Brigham Young
If we do not infringe upon the rights of others all things are ours in Heaven & Earth time & Eternity Life & Death Heaven Earth & Hell & all that is therein is ours if we do not infringe upon the rights of any other being we shall become Gods & fill immensity as our Father in Heaven does
~ Brigham Young
It is a startling Idea to think we are worshiping a God that once was once in the situation that we are in ourselves they had to pass through a probation of pain, suffering & the fall like ourselves & He made perfect through sufferings. The Son of God passed through it & the Father would not require of a son what He would not do Himself. All our sufferings will exhalt us in the presence of God if we endure them patiently.
~ Brigham Young
if all men would do right & were saints but the net has gathered all kinds good bad & worse let twelve men get drunk in this community & it ruins the place in the estimation of of good men we have to bear the character of the drunkard a few stinking fish in the net defile it. & the whole net stinks and it creates a prejudic against it.
~ Brigham Young
it is now but I say unto all men who are saints put to your hands & help build up Zion & the Kingdom of God we are scholars in the great school & must learn we are a kingdom & must bring the kingdom in subje[c]tion to the will of God
~ Wilford Woodruff
those who are not ready to meet the Bridegroom will not be invited to the supper and the time is near.
~ Brigham Young
Jesus Christ is an ensam- ple to all Saints, He was filled with wisdom in his youth but in his childhood & infancy He was like other children. It has been said that He was in infancy wise as in manhood but this is not the case He was subject to temptation as we are but was not overcome by it.
~ Brigham Young
let us have compassion on others as we wish God to have compassion
~ Brigham Young
Apply our hearts to wisdom & it will produce peace, health, wealth & evry good thing.
~ Wilford Woodruff
those who are not ready to meet the Bridegroom will not be invited to the supper and the time is near. Jesus Christ is an ensam- ple to all Saints, He was filled with wisdom in his youth but in his childhood & infancy He was like other children. It has been said that He was in infancy wise as in manhood but this is not the case He was subject to temptation as we are but was not overcome by it.
~ Wilford Woodruff
let us have compassion on others as we wish God to have compassion on us
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Given If I can see the motives of the heart of man and know eternal things by the Spirit of God it is far more beautiful than to hear the words of men Should an angel come and converse with any man in the congregation no other one might know it. He would think the person spoke to him as one speaks to another face to face when the angel would not be seen at all only by the Spirit of God or by vision We may know by the Spirit of God what is in a man's heart before he speaks. At all times listen to the still small voice of the Spirit of God and it will save the Saints from many snares. If you get angry dont sin nor let the siun go down upon your wrath. I do not expect to see perfection in men, not what the world calls perfection. I have seen a perfect Prophet and perfect Apostles: that is perfect in


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Jun 22, 1851