it is the will of God that we should do all we can in this valley
& surrounding country for the benefit of the people if the people needed
it I would give them a written revelation upon this subjct
but do you not know that it is your duty to build up Houses for your
own benefit you want a buttery Bedrooms & other convenie[n]t
rooms in your dwelling house well we want a Temple more
than we want dwelling houses. I will relate some of the sayings
of Joseph while in Kirtland He said conserning the building of that Temple that it grieved him & also the spirit of God to think that
the saints were not willing to build a Temple by the counsel of the
priesthood without a written revelation & commandm[en]t from
God that was it not for the penurious feelings of the people the Lord would
not give revelations & commandm[en]ts as he does whenever the
Lord finds the people willing to do good build up his kingdom & do good
without being commanded He will be more pleased with them
I will bring forth my art & plan for a Temple then if any
man can present any better plan or get faith enough to
call to his aid any of the old Nephites or any of the Anci[en]ts
& will present a better plan than mine will be we will
receive it.
A word to the people I wish to ask if you want
a commandment evry year to require you to pay your
Tithing when it is a standing law unto Israel & has been
from the days of Abraham you all know this well if you
dont want to pay your tithing or any portion of you I dont
want you should it is for your good not mine I dont
want a Temple to get my endowments in For I got my
Endowments and all the blessings appertaining thereto under
the hands of Joseph before his death & before the Temple was
built in Nauvoo & so did somy counsellors and a part of the
Tweleve get theirs before the Temple was built. Brother Joseph
seemed urged by the spirit of God to perform this work
Had he not have done it he might have died without conferring
the Keys upon others. if this people pay their tithing we
shall have an abundance in the store house to build a
Temple with without giving all you have got yet all
you have should be upon the Alter ready to be offered if
necessary I shall ask the people to come & work out
their Tithing by labour for that is what we want I
believe we shall have your help. 7 years ago tomorrow
at 7 oclok I crossed the Missippi River I believed then
that God had a good place in the mountains for us &
would lead us to it and He has done it for which I feel
thankfurl. if some feel quite sorry for not having the
privilege of suffering with us but I will promise you all
if you will be faithful that you shall have the privilege of
suffering & being tried as much as you will wish let all
men be satisfied faithful & Humble and God will bless you
Heber C Kimball then arose & with uplifted hands to heaven
offered up a fervent Heart felt prayer to God imploreing his
blessing upon President Young & councellors & all the Authorites
of the Church with the whole house of Israel He then dedicated
the ground unto God & prayed for the blessings of the Lord to
attend them in building the Temple & all the public works in
it is the will of God that we should do all we can in this valley
& surrounding country for the benefit of the people if the people needed
it I would give them a written Revelation upon this subject
but do you not know that it is your duty to build up Houses for your
own benefit you want a buttery bedrooms & other convenient
rooms in your dwelling house well we want a Temple more
than we want dwelling houses. I will relate some of the sayings
of Joseph while in Kirtland He said conserning the building of that
Temple that it grieved him & also the spirit of God to think that
the saints were not willing to build a Temple by the counsel of the
priesthood without a written revelation & commandment from
God that was it not for the penurious feelings of the people the Lord would
not give revelations & commandments as he does whenever the
Lord finds the people willing to do good build up his Kingdom & do good
without being commanded He will be more pleased with them
I will bring forth my art & plan for a Temple then if any
man can present any better plan or get faith enough to
call to his aid any of the old Nephites or any of the Ancients
& will present a better plan than mine will be we will
receive it.
A word to the people I wish to ask if you want
a commandment evry year to require you to pay your
Tithing when it is a standing law unto Israel & has been
from the days of Abraham you all know this well if you
dont want to pay your tithing or any portion of you I dont
want you should it is for your good not mine I dont
want a Temple to get my endowments in For I got my
Endowments and all the blessings appertaining thereto under
the hands of Joseph before his death & before the Temple was
built in Nauvoo & so did my counsellors and a part of the
Twelve get theirs before the Temple was built. Brother Joseph
seemed urged by the spirit of God to perform this work
had he not have done it he might have died without conferring
the Keys upon others. if this people pay their tithing we
shall have an abundance in the store house to build a
Temple with without giving all you have got yet all
you have should be upon the Alter ready to be offered if
necessary I shall ask the people to come & work out
their Tithing by labour for that is what we want I
believe we shall have your help.
7 years ago tomorrow
at 7 oclok I crossed the Missippi River I believed then
that God had a good place in the mountains for us &
would lead us to it and He has done it for which I feel
thankful. if some feel quite sorry for not having the
privilege of suffering with us but I will promise you all
if you will be faithful that you shall have the privilege of
suffering & being tried as much as you will wish let all
men be satisfied faithful & Humble and God will bless you
Heber C Kimball then arose & with uplifted hands to heaven
offered up a fervent Heart felt prayer to God imploreing his
blessing upon President Young & Councellors & all the Authorites
of the Church with the whole house of Israel He then dedicated
the ground unto God & prayed for the blessings of the Lord to
attend them in building the Temple & all the public works in
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," February 14, 1853, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 22, 2025,