Brother Shedd who was poisoned At there city of the great salt Lake
by eating wild Parsnip He died in few moments After eating it. Mr Shedd wishesd to send out seeds to Adorn the field with shrubery &
fruit that his brother occupied And He recommended that trees be
planted in A row through the centre of the street. we have good sleying
through the streets to day
~ Thursday
8th I wrote two letters to day one to Dwight Eveleth
the other to Horace Humphry or John Jay of crockers neck or Cape Cod requesting information concerning the Church in that
region I recieved A letter from Little & Hardy And A small Box of groceries I wrote them A long letter And made An
extract from P P Pratts letter at the valley. Sister Lydia Hartford
called for some council And spent the night
~ Friday
9th I spent the day at home writing I recieved the New York
weekly Herald it was occupied with the Calaforniagold fever
And excitement, sailing of ships to the gold digings list of passen-
gers &c And peaces Headed Proposed Disolution of the Union the
Slavery And Aboliton question still rages through the country
~ Saturday
10th I wrote A Letter to Br Wm Sweat During the evening
Mr Ezra Carter ^jr^ & Lady called to spentd the Sabbath with us it
was the first time they ever visited us. We spent the evening
vary agreeable I conversed with them upon A great variety of
subjects relating to Mormonism
~ Sunday
11th Sunday In company with my Brother & Sister in Law Ezra
Carter Jr & Sarah B. Foss I met with the Saints at Br Birds
And I preached to them more then an hour from the [blank] ch
of Heb I had freedom in speaking it was the first time that Father Ezra Carter Jr ever attended A Mormon meeting His
prejudice which has been strong against the Latter Day Saints
was perfectly broaken down to day. He expressed his entire satisfac-
tion at what he herd. And I find the prejudice of many men are
breaking down at the present time throughout the world
~ Monday
12th Mr Carter And Lady & Sister Foss left us to day I spent the
day in writing
~ Tuesday
13th I wrote A letter to Br David E MonroePortsmouth R I
I recieved the Star of Nov 15th which was as usual interesting
I extract the following -[Just arived from the Invisible world Marlon Pratt—a large fat noble boy. He was introduced into this world
on the morning of the 13th October AD. 1848. He has taken up
his residence in a tabernacle of flesh & bones & may be seen at
15 Wilton street Liverpool. He brings no news from his brother
& sister spirits whom He left in his native world but if we were
to Judge from the following letter, the spirit of emigration must
be greatly on the increase]- ED. "Sister White wife of Br Eli White was
was safely deliverd on the 17thinst of threechildren two sons & a daughter
All of whom with the mother are doing well."
~ Wednesday
14th I spent the day writing. A shower of worms has appeared
on the top of the snow alive & one inch long.
Brother Shedd who was poisoned At thee city of the great salt Lake
by Eating wild Parsnip He died in few moments After Eating it. Mr
Shedd wished to send out seeds to Adorn the field with shrubery &
fruit that his brother occupied And He recommended that trees be
planted in A row through the centre of the street. we have good slaying
through the streets to day
~ Thursday
8th [FIGURE] I wrote two letters to day one to Dwight Eveleth
the other to Horace Humphry or John Jay of crockers neck or
Cape Cod requesting information concerning the Church in that
region I recieved A letter from Little & Hardy And A small Box
FIGURES of groceries I wrote them A long letter And made An
extract from P P Pratt's letter at the valley. Sister Lydia Hartford
called for some council And spent the night
~ Friday
9th I spent the day at home writing I recieved the New York
weekly Herald it was occupied with the Calafornia gold fever
And Excitement, sailing of ships to the gold digings list of passengers &c And peaces Headed Proposed Disolution of the Union the
Slavery And Aboliton question still rages through the Country
~ Saturday
10th [FIGURE] I wrote A Letter to Br Wm Sweat During the evening
Mr Ezra Carter Jr & Lady called to spend the Sabbath with us it
was the first time they ever visited us. We spent the evening
vary agreeable I conversed with them upon A great variety of
subjects relating to Mormonism
~ Sunday
11th Sunday In company with my Brother & Sister in Law Ezra
Carter Jr & Sarah B. Foss I met with the Saints at Br Birds
And I preached to them more than one hour from the [blank] ch
of Heb I had freedom in speaking it was the first time that
Ezra Carter Jr ever attended A Mormon meeting His
prejudice which has been strong against the Latter Day Saints
was perfectly broaken down to day. He expressed his entire satisfaction at what he herd. And I find the prejudice of many men are
breaking down at the present time throughout the world
~ Monday
12th Mr Carter And Lady & sister Foss left us to day I spent the
day in writing
~ Tuesday
13th FIGURES I wrote A letter to Br David E MonroePortsmouth RI
I recieved the Star of Nov 15th which was as usual interesting
I extract the following [Just arived from the Invisible world
Marlon Pratt—a large fat noble boy. He was introduced into this world
on the morning of the 13th October AD. 1848. He has taken up
his residence in a tabernacle of flesh & bones & may be seen at
15 Wilton street Liverpool. He brings no news from his brother
& Sister spirits whom He left in his native world but if we were
to Judge from the following letter, the spirit of Emigration must
be greatly on the increase] ED. "Sister White wife of Br Eli White was
was safely deliverd on the 17th inst of threechildren two sons & a daughter
All of whom with the mother are doing well."
~ Wednesday
14th I spent the day writing. A shower of worms has appeared
on the top of the snow alive & one inch long.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," February 7, 1849 - February 14, 1849, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025,