good crop And cleared the roots again sprung up And produced
Another beautiful crop. three crops of Peas ripened on the same
spot of ground And the peas of the crop raised used for seed. Beet
seed planted this spring produce beets As thick as A mans leg And
go to seed And yield A large quantity. Cabbage seed planted this spring
produces seed Again." And many other good things were said. Wel
may the Saints praise the Lord And shout Hosannah for He has
led his people through the wilderness deliverd them from his
enemies And given them A gododly land that brings forth in
its strength. Praise Ye the Lord all his Saints for his loving kin-
dness unto us
~ Saturday
3rd I spent the day at home writing
~ Sunday
4th Sunday I had A meeting in the fore part of the day with my fami[ly] my wife And cheildrin come together once A week we sing And
pray And I teach them the things of the kingdom of God And I break
bread And partake of the sacrament with them. My ownly son living
was baptized when he was eight years old. He is now most nine year
of Age He is A good youth And seems to be under the influence
of the Spirit of the Lord He obeys his parents in all things I
ordained him this day to the office of A Priest to officiate in that officeinhisFathershoushold untill He shall Arive At A suitable
Age to officiate in the Church. When I Am abroad away from my
family Attending to the Affairs of the Church Phebe W. Woodruff
my wife & Mother of my children calsls them together And teaches &
instructs them to pray And to understand the principles of faith And the
gospel And Wilford Woodruff Jr Now ordaind A Priest can bless the
bread And wine And Administer it to the family who Are members of
the Church from time to time inasmuch As they have not A chance
to Attend meeting in Any branch of the Church
I met with the boston branch of the Church at Br E. F. Bird. As
Brother Badlam the Presiding Elder had left for Calafornia I thought
it wisdom to Appoint Another Presiding Elder After speaking to them
An hour, Elder Stephen H Pierce was Appointed Presiding Elder
over the Boston Branch, And Silas P. Barnes, And E. F. Bird were
Appointed his councillers. Wilford was quite sick during the night
We Administered to him by the laying on of hands And He was better
~ Monday
5th We had A hard snow storm through the day. Wilford was quite
feeble through the day and night
~ Tuesday
6. Wilford was vary sick through the day And At night his symtoms
were vary much like the cholera. his symtoms of cramping vomiting &c
Appeared dangerous. we Administered to him by the laying on of hands
we also steamed him And gave him herb teas his cramping stoped yet he
complained of great pain in his bowels, which commenced swelling &
Appeared As though inflamation was setting in we gave pulverizied charcoal
in his teas to stop inflamation which has great effect in such cases. we also
bowed before the Lord & called upon his name And Administered to him
according to the order of the Preiesthood And from that hour he began to
recover & slept comfortally the latter part of the night
~ Wednesday
7thWilford Appears quite comfortable to day his sickness seems to
have turned And A prospect of his soon recovering for which I
feel thankful to my heavenly Father. I recieved A visit from Mr Wm B. Shedd No 3 Franklin Street Charlestown Mass He was A Brother to the
good crop And cleared the roots again sprung up And produced
Another beautiful crop. three crops of Peas ripened on the same
spot of ground And the peas of the crop raised used for seed. Beet
seed planted this spring produced beets As thick as A mans leg And
go to seed And yield A large quantity. Cabbage seed planted this spring
produces seed Again." And many other good things were said. Wel
may the Saints Praise the Lord And shout Hosannah for He has
led his People through the wilderness deliverd them from his
Enemies And given them A goodly land that brings forth in
its strength. Praise Ye the Lord all his Saints for his loving kindness unto us
~ Saturday
3rd I spent the day at home writing
~ Sunday
4th Sunday I had A meeting in the fore part of the day with my family
[FIGURE] my wife And childrin come together once A week. We sing And
Pray And I teach them the things of the kingdom of God And I break
bread And partake of the sacrament with them. My ownly son living
was baptized when he was Eight years old. He is now most nine year
of Age He is A good youth And seems to be under the influence
of the spirit of the Lord He obeys his Parents in all things I
ordained him this day to the office of A Priest to officiate in that
officeinhisFathershoushold untill He shall Arive At A suitable
Age to officiate in the Church. When I Am abroad away from my
family Attending to the Affairs of the Church Phebe W. Woodruff
my wife & Mother of my children calls them together And teaches &
instructs them to pray And to understand the principles of faith And the
gospel And Wilford Woodruff Jr Now ordaind A Priest can bless the
bread And wine And Administer it to the family who Are members
of the Church from time to time inasmuch As they have not A chance
to Attend meeting in Any branch of the church
I met with the boston branch of the Church at Br E. F. Bird. As
Brother Badlam the Presiding Elder had left for Calafornia I thought
it wisdom to Appoint Another Presiding Elder After speaking to them
An hour. Elder Stephen H Pierce was Appointed Presiding Elder
over the Boston Branch, And Silas P. Barnes, And E. F. Bird were
Appointed his councillers.
Wilford was quite sick during the night
we Administered to him by the laying on of hands And He was better
~ Monday
5th We had A hard snow storm through the day. Wilford was quite
feeble through the day and night
~ Tuesday
6 Wilford was vary sick through the day And at night his symtoms
were vary much like the Cholera, his symtoms of cramping vomiting &c
Appeared dangerous, we Administered to him by the laying on of hands
we also steamed him And gave him herb teas his cramping stoped yet he
complained of great pain in his bowels, which commenced swelling &
Appeared As though inflammation was setting in we gave pulverized charcoal
in his teas to stop inflamation which has great effect in such cases, we also
bowed before the Lord & called upon his name And Administered to him
according to the order of the Priesthood And from that hour he began to
recover & slept comfortally the latter part of the night
~ Wednesday
7thWilford Appears quite comfortable to day his sickness seems to
have turned And A prospect of his soon recovering for which I
feel thankful to my heavenly Father. I recieved A visit from Mr
Wm B. Shedd No 3 Franklin Street Charlestown Mass He was A Brother to the
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," February 2, 1849 - February 7, 1849, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025,