At the close of the prayer the presidency & Twelve walked to
the South East cornor of the ground laid out for the Temple
the ground being frozen President Heber C Kimball comm[enc]ed
breaking the ground with a pick then President Richards then Orson HydeParley Pratt, W Woodruff, J TaylorA. Lyman C. C. RichE. T. BensonL. SnowE Snow & F. D. Richards then
the ground was broke & President Young took out the first turf
while taking it out silver Dollar was flung from some one in
the congregation which strut in the hole brother Kimball said
that was an Omen that we should hav a plenty of mony
to build the temple with. (Orson pratt was at washington & G. A. Smith at Provo all the rest of the Twelve were present)
as soon as the turf was taken out the congregation was dismissed
& the people rushed to the hole to get a chance to throw a little
dirt out. My Father Aphek Woodruff Aged 78 years, myself
Wilford Woodruff Aged 46 years and My Son Wilford Woodruff Jr
Aged 12 years, all flung out dirt out of the foundation for
this important Temple. After leaving the Temple ground I went
in company with the Presidency & Twele to see the New sugar
works opeprate I saw the Hydraulic press oparate in presing
out the Juice it was a splendid esstablishment Brother Joseph
Russell of Marimichi had furnished about $50000 dollars
to purchase the machinery & apperatus & get it to the valley
to make sugar from the beet. My children Willford, Phebe
& Susan Also Emma & Sarah were all present at the breaking
of the ground for the foundation of the Temple
~ Tuesday
Feb 15 A meeting of the seventies was called in the Tabernacle
the House was filled. The meeting was opened by prayer by Z
Pulsipher. J M Grant Arsose & said this meeting is to trans[ac]t
business, preach & teach the people regulate the diffent quors
&c. The Meeting was then addressed by Z Pulsipher who spoke
well & made good remaks
Milo Andrews next followed & also edifyed the people
Harrison Burgess next followed He also spoke well quoted
some prophesies said the Seventis were to go out under the
direction of the Twelve & build up the kingdom of God &
regulate all the affairs of the same in all the world who
of the seventies are prepared for all this we should improve
all our time in treasuring up knowledge & instruction
& dont spend it foolishly for we shall want all the knowledge
we kan obtain in filling our mission to the Nations of the
Earth I was Baptized in 1832 & have spent more than
half of my life in the work
Adjourned till 2 oclok Met at 2 ock according to adjournment
Prayer By W. Woodruff who also addressed the congregation
the following are some of the remarks He made. I am always
interested in meeting with the saints esspecialy with so many
of the Seventies & Elders as are here to day. There never was a
school in any age of the world that presents as much of interest
to the reflecting mind as the one presenting itself to us in this age not
ownly the affairs of the church but the History of the changes & revelo-
tion of all Nations on Earth. the Time has come when the Earth
At the close of the prayer the presidency & Twelve walked to
the South East cornor of the ground laid out for the Temple
the ground being frozen President Heber C Kimball commenced
breaking the ground with a pick then President Richards then
Orson HydeParley Pratt, W Woodruff, J TaylorA. LymanC. C. RichE. T. BensonL. SnowE Snow & F. D. Richards then
the ground was broke & President Young took out the first turf
while taking it out silver Dollar was flung from some one in
the congregation which strut in the hole brother Kimball said
that was an Omen that we should hav a plenty of mony
to build the temple with (Orson pratt was at Washigton &
G. A. Smith at Provo all the rest of the Twelve were present)
as soon as the turf was taken out the congregation was dismissed
& the people rushed to the hole to get a chance to throw a little
dirt out. My Father Aphek Woodruff aged 78 years, myself
Wilford Woodruff aged 46 years and My Son Wilford Woodruff Jr
aged 12 years, all flung out dirt out of the foundation for
this important Temple. After leaving the Temple ground I went
in company with the Presidency & Twele to see the New sugar
works opprate I saw the Hydraulic press oparate in presing
out the Juice it was a splendid esstablishment Brother Joseph
Russell of Marimichi had furnished about $50000 dollars
to purchase the machinery & apperatus & get it to the valley
to make sugar from the beet. My Children Willford, Phebe
& Susan also Emma & Sarah were all present at the breaking
of the ground for the foundation of the Temple
~ Tuesday
Feb 15 A meeting of the seventies was called in the Tabernacle
the House was filled. The meeting was opened by prayer by Z
Pulsipher. J M Grant Arsose & said this meeting is to transact
business, preach & teach the people Regulate the diffent quors
&c. The Meeting was then addressed by Z Pulsipher who spoke
well & made good remaks
Milo Andrews next followed & also Edifyed the people
Harrison Burgess next followed He also spoke well quoted
some prophesies said the Seventis were to go out under the
direction of the Twelve & build up the Kingdom of God &
regulate all the affairs of the same in all the world who
of the seventies are prepared for all this we should improve
all our time in treasuring up Knowledge & instruction
& dont spend it foolishly for we shall want all the knowledge
we kan obtain in filling our mission to the Nations of the
Earth I was baptized in 1832 & have spent more than
half of my life in the work
Adjourned till 2 oclok Met at 2 ock according to adjournment
Prayer by W. Woodruff who also addressed the congregation
the following are some of the remarks he made. I am always
interested in meeting with the saints esspecialy with so many
of the Seventies & Elder as are here to day. There never was a
school in any age of the world that presents as much of interest
to the reflecting mind as the one presenting itself to us in this age not
ownly the affairs of the church but the History of the Changes & Revelotion of all Nations on Earth. the Time has come when the Earth
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," February 14, 1853 - February 15, 1853, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 22, 2025,