Feb 17 {shorthand} rode to Farmers
ward attended Meeting 1 2 c
prayer R T Burton
Feb 10, 1884
Sunday I Attended Meeting in the Assembly Hall. Prayer
By Henry Richards President J Taylor spoke One H & 27 Minutes
I Attended Meeting in the 13 ward in the Evening W Woodruff
spoke 45 Minutes, Br Wilcox 20 Minutes Br McMurrin 10 Minutes
M F Cowley 20 Minutes
~ Monday
11 I spent the day in the office with F D. Richards & had
an interview with F. S. Richards upon affairs in Washington
I read history with Brother Richards I wrote 2 letter
[FIGURE] to Emma & Delight Franklin D Richards was
set apart as Assistant Historian in President Taylorsoffice
By the Apostles President Taylor was Mouth
~ Tuesday
12 I spent the day in the Office in preparing History
for Book called the Law of the Lord
~ Wednesday
13 Cold below zero this morning I spent the forenoon in
the office this Morning with Br Richards On History
it was reported that the Thermometer stood at 16 degrees below
zero (0) early this morning.
~ Thursday
14 FIGURES My son Asahel H Woodruff was reBaptized this morning and received his Endowments
President Taylor paid us a visit this morning
in our Office
16 [FIGURE] Betsey Cossett Alvord Died Feb 16
Betsey Cossett Alvord died this morning
at 8 oclok Aged 79 years and 27 day
She was born Jan 19, 1805 She lived
at my Fathers House & we were raised together in childhood
I Baptized her into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints in 1838 I also Baptized her Mother the 1 day of July 1838
~ Sunday
Feb 17, 1884
In company with Mrs Woodruff I rode to the Farmers
ward visited Azmon then went to Meeting at 2 oclok
Prayer By R T. Burton Br Howell spoke 5 Minutes Br Stringfellow
12 Minutes, W Woodruff 55 R T Burton 12 I returned home 6 Miles.
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