5 [FIGURE] I received 4 letters from McAllisterMcDonaldJesse N Smith & Clough I went to the office & wrote up my Journal
and labored with Br Richards on the Law of the Lord
I attended the Bishops Party in the Social Hall the Presidency
& four of the Twelve present and the Room full of Bishops
& their councillors & High Council Music at 6 oclok &
Supper at 6:30 and a good one dismissed befor Twelve oclok
~ Wednesday
6 I spent the forenoon in the office & the Afternoon I met in the
Prayer Circle & council several subjects was discussed
among other things the propriety of repealing the 3 mills school
tax and let each school fund their own children I spent the
Evening at home
8 * I Paid Adams $70 for moving his house 18 feet.
9 [FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters to Hinkley & Nash upon the
woman dream * I Attended a party in the Social Hall Appointed
for the Bishop we had a good visit with many old friend
W Woodruff & J Taylor Addressed the Assembly
~ Saturday
9 I went to the farm attended a consert at the Farmers ward
~ Sunday
10 [FIGURE] Vienna Jaques 96 Y
I went to the 12 ward this morning attended the funeral of Vienna
Jaques who died aged 96 years A M Cannon spoke 20 Minutes Penrose 20,
J Grant 5 Minutes G Hamblin 7, & W Woodruff 30.
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