some of stoping for the winter
while Brothers E Luce & C.
Brown & myself will contin-
ue our journey together our
company is truly getting small
one of my horses is vary sick
for the night truly the Lord
ownly can open my way to con-
tinue my journey after getting
our waggon mended we travled
to an Inn within 7 miles of Woster
& spent the night Distance of the day 12 m
My horse is much better & performed
his journey well. our company is now
reduced to three families we feel un-
ited in spirit & are determined to jour-
ney in the name of the Lord. We had a
comfortable room at the In by our-
selves for the night, & while sitting by
the fire Sister Lydia Luce a Saint
some of stoping for the winter
while Brothers E Luce & C.
Brown & myself will contin
ue our journey together our
company is truly getting small
one of my horses is very sick
for the night truly the Lord
ownly can open my way to con
tinue my journey after getting
our waggon mended we travled
to an Inn within 7 miles of Woster
& spent the night Distance of the day 12 m
My horse is much better & performed
his Journey well. our company is now
reduced to three families we feel un
ited in spirit & are determined to jour
ney in the name of the Lord. We had a
comfortable room at the In by our
selves for the night. & while sitting by
the fire Sister Lydia Luce a Saint