Daybook (3 October 1838 - 4 March 1839) [DB-6]

Document Transcript

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This camp of Saints were as follows
Brother Charles Brown & family from
South fox Island from North fox Island
Priest Thomas & family Brothers Ephraim
& family Starrett & family Ebenezar
& family & a young man by the
name of [blank] from Camden
Daniel Whitley & family from Scarborough
Elder James Townsend & family & Elder
Willford Woodruff & family this camp
consisted of 8 familyies the whole number-
ing 53 persons We had 7 double waggons
& 3 single ones & 19 horses. We rode
to Saco 4 miles to Kennebunk 9 miles
& camped for the night by a saw-
mill as the camp is not fully organized
as yet their is still some bustle
among us it was for a moment a trial
to my feelings to take my tender wife
with an infant at her brest into a cold
tent to sleep upon the ground but after
we became reconciled to it their
was a door open for her to go into
a house to spend the night & as she

Page 3

Expenses $2.75 cts

had a young child she excepted the invitation
& I lay down upon a bed that I had
spread in the tent & after lying two
hours I got up to stand on guard &
I sat up the remainder of the night built
up a fire & wrote these lines by it
the distance of the day 13 miles

~ Friday

5th We started 8 oclock & drove to Wells 8 [miles]
to York 14, to portsmouth 7, to Rye 5 miles &
camped for the night at Mr John Drake we
had a beautiful day to journey distance 34 [miles]
Expenses $5.30 cts

~ Saturday

6th We all arose bright in the morning & rode
to North hampton miles to Hampton 5 miles
to Newburyport 10 miles to Georgetown
10 miles & spent the night at Elder Nathaniel
Elder Milton Holmes was at home
I truly felt to rejoice to once more
take these Brethren by the hand We received
every kindness & accomidation that heart
could wish I with my family spent the
night with Mr Samuel Holmes Distance 25 [miles]
the Expenses of the day was $[blank] cts

Page 4

~ Sunday

Oct 7th Sunday We spent the day at father
Holmes I met in council with Elders Nathaniel
Holmes Milton Holmes & James Townsend
in the morning We next met all the male
members of the camp & organized ourselfs
into a company that we might have order
in our camp. I was chosen as their leader
Elder M. Holmes as comesary & councellor
Mr Ebenezar Carver as assistant our coun-
cil was W. Woodruff M. Holmes Nathaniel Thomas
& E. Carver. after aranging & organizing the
company we then met with all the saints
& I once more was permitted to break
bread unto them & commune together. I
accompanied Elder Holmes in the eve-
ning to visit Sister Dow who had fallen
& injured her hip & we prayed with her
& lade hands upon her we returned
to Mr Samuel Holmes & spent the night 4 miles

~ Monday

8th We took the parting hand with Elder
Nathaniel Holmes family & again started

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on our journey accompanied by Elder
Milton Holmes I had journ[ey]ed much
with this Brother before & I now rejoice
to have the priviledge of performing another
Journey with him. We rode to Andover
10 milse to Tewxbury 5 miles we travled
this day under the order of our organization
We camped at night in a plesent meadow
at Wid Wright's distance of the day 15 m
the expenses of the day $5.72

~ Tuesday

9th We arose in the morning refreshed by sleep
we found a large frost upon the Earth yet the
Sun arose plesent we jurnied to Lowell
3 miles from thence to Groton 15 miles to Towns-
10 miles to Ashby 2 miles & we camped
on a convenient yard or green at Mr
Calvin Hodgman's & found the people
exceding kind which has been the case on
all our journey thus far Our Babe is
now in Good health & vary quiet & rides
in her swing cradle with great ease distance
of the day 30 mil

Expenses of the day $2.30 cts

Page 6

~ Wednesday

Oct 10th We rode to Ashburnham, to [ninye]
& put up for the night at Mr Bemas
Inn we had a storm During the night distance 20 [miles]
10th Expenses of the day was $6.12 1/2

~ Thursday

11th Rode to Fitzwilliams 3 miles to
Richmond 8 miles & put up for the
night with Mr Buffun distance 11 m
Expenses of the day was $6.04 cts

~ Friday

12th It was a rainy dull day we rode to
Winchester, to Brattleborough & camped
one mile from Brattleborough VT.
distance of the day 18 miles
Expenses of the day $5.08 cts

~ Saturday

13th this was a serious day to me I arose
in the morning with a severe cold & I
commenced walking theup the foot of the green
mountains I was soon attacked with
a painful dissease resembling the
collery I stoped into a house while
going up the mountains for about 2
hours during which time I was most
constantly puking & purging after which
I went to bed in my waggon
Page 7

& Elder Holmes drove my horses for
me I was in great pain while the
waggon was jutting over the rocks as
we were climing the green mount-
ains we stop & put up for the night
at Mr Stephen Averetts Inn distance
of the day 18 miles right up the mount-
ain Expenses of the day $4.70 18 m

~ Sunday

14th Sunday I arose in the morning better
in health but found myself vary
weak I walked some of the way over
the mountains we had rain during the day
we reached the foot of the green mount-
ains about dark & spent the night in
Benington at Dilton's tavern distance
of the day 22 miles

Expenses of the day $6.02
toll $0.85
[Total] $6.87

~ Monday

15th I arose in the morning out of my
waggon whare we logged I felt weak
in body whe had a rainy night & cont-
inued to rain through the day all things looked
gloomy we rode 12 miles through the mud &
rain & spent the night at Mr Richmonds
in Housack Expenses of the day $8.75 1/2 12 miles

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~ Tuesday

^Oct^ 16. Some of our company have been
behind for three nights in consequence of
accident to their waggons & horses we
waited this morning untill their arival
we then started on our journey & travled
to the Watterford bridge across North
we passed through Watterford &
camped for the night at Mr Hegensons
Distance of the day 18 miles
Expenses of the day $8.11

~ Wednesday

17th travled to the farry across the Mohawk
from thence to Schennectady &
camped for the night at Mr
Vanvost's distance of the day 16 miles
Thomas Carver & Co. [Disembarked by evening]

~ Thursday

18th We rode to Amsterdam here
Brother Thomas stoped to get a new
Iron axeltree to his waggon and
we all continued Our journey
excepting him we travled to Mo-
from there to Mr Albert
& camped $5.00 25 m[iles]

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~ Friday

Oct 19th A rainy morning again
the following expenses will be for
N Thomas & family Sterrett & family
Woodruff & family Townsend &
family Whitley & family & Holmes
(for Carver Brown & Luce purchasing
together.) Thomas company consists
of 26 persons 10 horses & 5 waggons
We harnessed our horses & rode 5 miles
to Mr William H. Printup & put up
for the day & night. We had a busy
time the Women were washing cook-
ing the children drying & the men fix-
ing their waggons &c. 5 miles
Expenses of the day $3.32

~ Saturday

20 We rode to Manhan & camped for
the night at Mr William Smith
Distance of the day 25 miles
expenses of the day ^$3.00^

~ Sunday

21st Sunday {shorthand} We
journied to Frankford 20 miles
Spent the night at Mr Perry $2.70

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~ Monday

22nd Rode to Utica from thence to
Westmorland & spent the night at Mr
Benj. Benjamin we had some perplexity
During the day but it Departed at night
We had some rain & vary mudy roads
Distance of the day $3.95 21 miles

~ Tuesday

23rd Phebe sent a paper home to
Maine Rode to 15 miles & camped 15

~ Wednesday

24 Rode to Orwel & spent the night
myself wife & child was sick our
child was vary sick $3.75 15 miles

~ Thursday

25 Rode to Syr Sarycuse from
thence to Camalious & spent the night at
Benjamin Sin Sias Inn. Brother Bro-
broke down his hind axletree &
yesterday he broke down his fore
axletree we seem to be much
impeded in our progress we had a
hard storme of hail this day. distance
of the day 20 mil

Every News paper brings some account of
the mormons in city far west

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~ Friday

26th this was a trying day to me I
broke open my barrel Phebe was
much tried we travled to Senate
to spent the night at Mr Sunderland
our babe vary sick dista[nce] 10 miles

~ Saturday

27th We have troublesome times
in the camp several of the children are
vary sick one of brother Thomas's children
is at the point of death we travel slow
& have many hindirences & many
trials probably in consequence of disobe-
diance may the Lord have mercy
upon us & forgive all our sins We
travled to the free Bridge road we crossed the
bridge & camped 2 miles west of it We
had a vary bad road about 4 miles
near the free bridge Distance of the
Day 12 miles

~ Sunday

28th Sunday We travled through
Phelps a beautiful township of
land also through Vienna to
Manchester & spent the night at

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the house of Joseph Sawyer with-
in six miles of Palmira whare the
Book of Mormon was found Distn
of the day 20 miles

~ Monday

29th A cold day we had some snow
our babe was still sick. We rode to
Canandagua to East & West
to Lima & spent
the night at Mr C. B. Wests Inn
Distance of the day 25 miles

~ Tuesday

30 We travled to Avon to Laroy &
to the center of Stafford & spent the
night at the Inn We had quite a sno
snow storm in the afternoon
Distance of the day 26 miles

~ Wednesday

31st A cold winters Day snow 2 inch
deep our horses dragged the waggons
through the mud & water all day
we passed through Batavia &
Bushville & spent the night at
the In of Nathan Staye 21 m[iles]

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~ Thursday

Nov 1st We had a vary bad road for 15
miles we travled to Williamsville 15 miles
& within 5 miles of the city of Buffaloo
& put up for the night {distance} 20 miles

~ Friday

2nd We rode into Buffaloo & spent
several hours. Elder Holmes took the
Steem Boat Eriea for fairport
We left Buffaloo & travled
to Hamburg & put up for
the night with Mr Vermane
farmers hotel Distance 19 m
^A horse kicked my hat off^

~ Saturday

3rd Here we come to the trying scene
of parting with ^some^ part of our company Broth
Sterretts & his family & Mr Whitley stoped
& returned to Buffaloo to spend the winter
as our expenses was so great that it was
thought we could not all get to Zion
this fall Brother Thomas let them
have a span of horses & waggon
to bring them up in the spring after taking

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the parting hand with these friends we
rode through the rain to Evens & spent
the night with David Cook Distance
of the day 17 miles

~ Sunday

4th Sunday We travled through the Cat-
swamp had a view of a lama-
settlement we had vary bad ro-
ads we travled through fredonia &
put up for the night at the In of Mr
Standly near the Church of Latter Day
Saints at Pomfret under the care
of Elder Brown Benjamin Brown
Distance of the day 20 miles

~ Monday

5 I had an interview with Elder
B. Brown Sister Brown made my
wife a present he sent $1 by me
to get the paper for himself he also
let me have the 4 No of the Elders Jour-
& Edward Mumford & Bouce our
interview was interesting. We took the
parting hand Elder B Brown has
Baptized 18 in the Pomfret church
During the last season. We travled

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to Portland & while on the road we were
called to pass through a trying scene Brother
Nathaniel Thomas has had two sick
children for several Days & this after
noon she began to fail they immedia-
tely stoped into a house near the village
of Westfield & the child Died [FIGURE] at 3 oclok
PM in the Town of Westfield Chatau
qua County NY, on the 5th Day of Nov
1838 We immediately removed the corps
about one mile to Westfield village to
Mr J. L Sprague's Inn whare we made
preperations for b^u^rying the dead Brother &
Sister Thomas bore this affliction
with uncomon fortiftude Distance
of the day 15 miles

~ Tuesday

Nov 6th We spent the morning in buring
Clarry Clara Newel Thomas who was aged
5 years 9 months & 16 days after attending to
the fun[er]al we harnessed our horses & again
proceded on our journey it was a cold morn
ing snow & mud the expens of the day was
for coffin $2 digging grave $1.00 illegible Bill $1.12
^total $4.12^

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We travled out of the state of N. Y. into the
state of Pensylvania we passed through
North East & put up for the night at
the Inn of Mr William B Dickson
{an ungenerous man} distance of the Day 17 mile

~ Wednesday

7th We had a snow storm During the
night ^I fell through a horse stable on horses^ our company seemed some
Discouraged About getting along We started
on our journey & it commenced rain
ing from the NE We drove 7 miles in the mud
rain & water & wind I suffered much
travling through this beating storm we put
up for the day & night at the In of Mr
[blank] $3.00 Distance of the day 7 m

~ Thursday

8th We travled to Erie Penn from
thence to Mill Creek & put up for
the night at the Inn of Andrew
Distance of the day through
snow squals $2.40 13 miles

~ Friday

9th A dubious looking morning
to us for the air is full of snow
& cold as a winters morning

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How or when we shall get to Zion
the Lord ownly knows shurely the
Lord is sending snows upon the Earth
& that to I expect in judgment
I look for a Distressing winter
to come may the Lord open the
way for me I pray. We travled
through mud water & snow
to an In 3 miles east of Elk Creek &
spent the night which was freezing cold
Distance of the day $2.50 cts 5 miles

~ Saturday

10th The ground was so much frozen
that it bore up our horses & waggons
most of the way but whare it did break
in it was terrible [bad] we crossed Elk
by fording the stream brother Luce
got his horses mired in mud but
we drew him out & went on passed
through Springfield & put up for the
night at the In of a clever man
from Vermont by the name of John Scots
$3.00 10 m[iles]

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~ Sunday

11th Nov Sunday We travled to
Conneaute from thence to
Ashtabula ^Ohio^ & put up for the night
at the Inn of Mr Adna Scoville
Distance of the day 22 m

Ephraim Luce lost the tire off
from one of his wheels which
hindered him during the day I
rejoice at the priviledge of once
more standing in the state of Ohio

~ Monday

12th we spent the fore part of the
day in getting our horses shod
& waiting for Mr Luce
We travled to Mr Sweets Inn &
spent the night Distance of the
day 11 mi

~ Tuesday

13th We travled to Painsville from
thence to Concord & spent the
night with Mr A. Hundy {shorthand} I had
many reflections while passing thro-
ugh painsville as this is the place
whare the Saints have been much

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persecute &c I had a trial of
mind in consequence of there being
a prospect of leaving Elder Holmes
in Kirtland without visiting him
these are days not to be forgotten
distance of the day 16 miles

~ Wednesday

14th Elder Townsend finally concluded
to walk to Kirtland to visit Elder M. Holmes
We continued our journey to Shardon
many people stared at us as we passed
through the village we continued from
Shardon about 2 miles & put up
for the night with Mr. Truman
he was a gentleman &
treated us well We got through this
part of the country well & without
any trouble or distirbance distance 11 m
Ephraim Luce & Charles Brown are
yet behind us

~ Thursday

15th It was a vary rainy day we did
not journey at all this day we stayed at
Mr Gilberts During the day & night

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Brothers Luce & Brown came
up with us at night & spent the
night with us after being seperated
several days this is the first time
we have spent two nights in one
place since we left father
Holmes in Mass.

~ Friday

Nov 16th It is some cold & hazy
we contiynued our journey &
travled to Mantauway & put
up for the night at the In of Mr
Lewis Turner Elders M. Holmes
& J Townsend once more joined
our company & spent the night with
us & since Elder Holmes has ben
in Kirtland he has seen several
Letters from far west Mo representing
that their is great troubles among
the Saints in consequence of the
inhabitants coming against them
to war Elder Milton Holmes

Page 21

has now made up his mind
not to journey any further with
us but to tarry in Kirtland or
the regions round about untill
next spring we have had many
interesting seasons together & the
Lord ownly knows when or where
we shall ever meet again or what
troubles we shall be called to put
through before that time.
Distance of the day 16 miles

~ Saturday

17th We took the parting hand with Elder
M Holmes & rode to Ravenna from there
to Franklin Portage County Ohio &
spent the night with Mr Sewel Morgan
I learned from Mr Morgan that I am
now in the vicinit[y] of our Farmington
Neighbours the sons of Abner & Bald-
win Hart
, the Goufs &c Elisha Miller
& family live in Bath Madina County
Ohio about 8 miles from New Portage
distance of the day 20 mils

Page 22

~ Sunday

18th Sunday I wrote a Letter to
the Sons of Abner & Baldwin Hart
we travled through a cold snow
storm to Middlebury from thens
to New Portage we found but 2
or 3 Saints left of that branch of
the Church we all spent the
night with Brother Levi Way we
had an interview with Elder
John Harrington Distance of
the day 15 miles

~ Monday

19th A cold winters morning
we left Brother Ways & travled
to Doylestown & spent the night at
the Inn of Mr J. W. Gailhouse distance
of the day 8 miles

~ Tuesday

20 We have made arangments
this morning to seperate Brothers
Thomas & Luce Townsend think

Page 23

some of stoping for the winter
while Brothers E Luce & C.
& myself will contin-
ue our journey together our
company is truly getting small
one of my horses is vary sick
for the night truly the Lord
ownly can open my way to con-
tinue my journey after getting
our waggon mended we travled
to an Inn within 7 miles of Woster
& spent the night Distance of the day 12 m
My horse is much better & performed
his journey well. our company is now
reduced to three families we feel un-
ited in spirit & are determined to jour-
ney in the name of the Lord. We had a
comfortable room at the In by our-
selves for the night, & while sitting by
the fire Sister Lydia Luce a Saint

Page 24

full of faith related a Dream
that she had on the night of the 19th
The Dream was of consequence &
full of meaning It was as follows
she say^w^ the Moon in the North of
a psilver colour. She saw a small sun
in the South & while looking at the strange
appearance of the heavens their appeared a
ring of Blood in the heavens in the
[blank] & their soon appeared several
other rings of Blood of a larger size
all encircling each other being a ring in
a ring & their soon appeared a ladder
red as fire & it fell to the earth & broke in
two pieces one peace of the Ladder had a
Iron plate fassened to it with sumthing
printed on it. I Willford Woodruff went
& picked it up & read it & behold it con-
tained the XV chapter of Isaiah. read the chapter
for yourselves & learn wisdom {shorthand}
Does not the sun & Moon seen represent
the signs in the heavens spoken of by the

Page 25

prophets & the Ladder the dividing of our
company. while journeying to Zion & the
rings of Blood the war of the gentiles with
the Saints in Zion While Moab is the gentiles
& they go against Zion to Battle will not
Zion be terrible to her enemies as her
horn becomes Iron & hoofs Brass &c.
then will not Moab do as Isaiah
says in all things to the letter litterly see
Isa XV ch Time must determine all things
After we read this chapter & viewing it
to mean sumthing of Interest, I took
up a late News paper containing an
account this the gentiles in Missouri
had gone to war with the Saints the in-
habitants of Zion the people called Mor-
& that the Saints were overcome-
ing them &c. if this be true then is
not the commencement of the fulfillme-
nt of the Dream. But time must
Determine all things

Page 26

~ Wednesday

Nov 21st Travled to Woster from
thence to Washington & spent the
night at the In of Robison a
hard man $2.78 distance of the day 22 [miles]

~ Thursday

22nd travled to Loudenville from thence
to Amity, Knox County & spent the night
at the In of David Jackson Distance
of the day Expenses of the day $2.56 20 m[iles]

we continually hear of the Mormon
war in far west so called ie the war
of the gentiles with the Saints the account
is that the Saints are overcoming

~ Friday

23rd ^Phebe attacked with the headake which terminated in the brain fever^ Travled to Mount Vernon to
Centerbury & spent the night at
the In of H. Jones. $1.37 22 m[iles]

~ Saturday

24 We overtook Brother's Thomas &
Townsend with their families & teams &
journied together During the day. We past
threw Sunbury & put up for the
night at the Inn of Mr Blendon
Osbury in Blendon ^$1.75^ distance 22 m

Page 27

~ Sunday

25th Sunday we spent the day at the
In[n] resting ourselves & beasts we have
had several days of warm plesent wether
& roads good but this morning it
snows some & is cold Mrs. Woodruff
is quite unwell I wrote a letter to
Brother Asahel H Woodruff at Terre
Expenses $2.00

~ Monday

26 We continued our journey together
we had not proceded far before Broth
Townsend broke his axletree we
soon mended it & went on We stayed
in Columbus the capital of Ohio
this is the first I ever visited this
place here we came on to the
National from Columbus we
continued our course west
on the National road 9 miles &
put up for the night at the
National Hotel distance 20 miles

Page 28

~ Tuesday

27th Mrs Woodruff was vary sick
with a violent headack which is
uncommon for her the jar of
the waggon affected her head much
We rode to Jefferson here we left
the National rode & travled to
London 10 m[iles] from thence to Charles
Charleston & spent the night
at the house of Mr J Boll [ink blot]
distance of the day 23 miles

~ Wednesday

28th Phebe spent a sick night
I was fearful she would not
be able to journey but we started
& travled to Charlestonon village
from thence to Xenia the county seat
of [blank] County we spent the night
at the Hotel Phebe was vary sick distance
of the day 21 m

~ Thursday

29th {shorthand} we travled to Dayton
from thence we crossed the ford at the

Page 29

Miami river & travled a [round]
& put up for the night at the
Inn of Mr E Weaver ^Greencastle Montgomery Ohio^ the kind
kind of a place without Any would
or water all of them scarce & at
the highest prize Phebe continue
sick & has some appearence of the
brain fever distance 16 miles

~ Friday

30th We travled to Andrew Cle-
& spent the night Brothers
Thomas &c. passed us Mr Luce
broke down his waggon & stoped
to get it mended Phebe is vary sick
& also Brother Brown & we are
all feble these are days of trial
to me I pray God to assist us
distance of the day 14 miles

~ Saturday

Dec 1st ^I lost my penknife at Andrew Clemmets present from Clapp^ This is the first day of winter the
wether is plesent But O the Winter of

Page 30

of sorrow begins to roll oe'r
my soul Our whole company is
much afflicted we passed Brother
Thomas by the way side mending
his waggon that had broke down
& Brother Townsend was quite sick
I had not passed this afflicted company
but two miles before I was called
to stop my horses for the purpose, to
all appearance, to behold my wife my
companion give up the ghost to brea-
the her last while lying in the waggon in
the midst of the street but while our
two sisters stood round her bedside to
behold the scene God was vary mer
ciful & she again revived. I drove the
waggon a few rods further & put up
for the night at an In in Eaton
I spent the night taking care of Phebe
& the babe it was a sorrowful night

Page 31

to my soul O I pray God to spare
the life of my wife 10 mile

~ Sunday

Dec 2nd Sunday our circumstances were
such we were obliedged to remove from
the Inn whare we put up Phebe felt as
though she had but a breth of life left
in her body I carried her into the
waggon & drove 2 miles at the house
of Mr Makinzie & put up for the
present at least untill my wife
dies or recovers of the Brain fever
which is preying upon her system we went
into a house to tarry by ourselves which is
much plesenter than to be crowded
into other families how long we shall
tarry here the Lord ownly knows. Brother
Thomas & his company again passed us this
day Brother Townsend was vary sick after
getting my wife & things into the house
& my team put out I confined myself
to taking care of my wife which to human
appearance is at the gates of Death she called
me to her bed side in the evening & said
she felt that a few moments more woul
would end her existence in this life
she manifested great confidence in the caus
she had embraced & exhorted us to co-
nfidence in God & to keep his commandm-
ents & to appearance was dying but she aga
in revived as on the day before I prayed
with her & layd hands upon her & com
mended her to God She revived & slept some
during the night distance 2 miles

~ Monday

3rd I spent the day taking care of
Phebe who is still alive these are
Page 32

days of trial but may the Lord sanctify
them to my good I pray

~ Tuesday

4th Phebe is still vary feble & low I
returned to Eaton to get some necessaries
for her I felt the power of the destroyer
resting up[on] me in the fore part of the day
In the evening Phebe for the first time
during her sickness began to lay
hold on faith for her recovery her
faith was strong in God we laid hold of
faith together repented of all our sins
& confessed them before God & covenanted
to keep his commandments. I
had some oil that was consecrated
for my annointing while in Kirtland
I again consecrated it before God
^for^ anointing the sick I bowed myself down
before the Lord & prayed with my companion
& annointed her with oil in the name
of the Lord I lade my hands upon her
& in the name of Jesus Christ I rebuked
the fever the destroyier the deadly maldy
that was preying upon her & we both
obtained a blessing in so doing & acor-
ding to her faith her fever left her &
praised be the name of God for we
will ever keep his commandments
& trust in him Phebe was still weak
in body but rested better than she had
done prais the Lord O my soul
Page 33

~ Wednesday

Dec 5th Phebe sat up & eat some
breakfast but was still weak O Lord
strengthen her I pray I spent the day
in reading meditation & prayer

~ Thursday

Dec 6th Through the mercy of God we were
enabled to continue our journey after
being confined here 4 days our whole
Bill for 4 days was $6.62 cts the man
treated us kindly & may the Lord bless
him we travled to Richmond Ia &
put up for the night on an Inn Phebe
had to journey by faith not by sight 14 miles

Page 34

~ Friday

7th We left Richmond on the National
road & travled to Centerville from
thence through several flourishing little
villages on the National road in the
woods looking as though they had sprung
up in a night like jonah gourd [Jonah 4:6-7] we
put up for the night at the In of Wm
D. Harden
the National road was
smooth & good the whole distance
of the day was {shorthand} $2.25 21 miles
by the grace & mercy of God Phebe was
enabled to perform the journey of the
day quite comfortable I will ever
praise the Lord for his mercy endureth forever

Page 35

~ Saturday

8th We travled to Louisville Henry County Ia.
here we again found Brother Nathaniel
& family & Brother James Tow-
& family stoped for winter Broth
Townsend was sick we stoped &
spent about 2 hours with them &
prayed with them & took the parting
hand & continued our journey to
knightstown & spent the night with
Mr Griffiths Distance 17 miles
& a vary cold winters day Phebe
is still feble may the Lord strengthen ^her^

~ Sunday

9th Sunday We travled to Greenfield
& to Comberland & spent the night dist[ance]
of the day (cold weather) 21 mi[les]

~ Monday

10th We travled to Indianapolis the
capital of the state we spent 2 hours
here & travled to Bridgeport from thence to
Plainfield & spent the night distance 23 m

~ Tuesday

11th The roads was dry, smooth, &
dusty the weather warm & dusty We
travled to Manhaten & spent the night
at an Inn whare I suddenly herd
Page 36

of the death of Brother Asahel H Wo
who died at Terre Haute In[n] &
also read in the Wabash Courier
printed at Terre Haute an account
of the Administrators sale of the
property of Brother Asahels it was sold
on the 4th of Dec R. A. Smith was
his administrator O Brother Asahel
thou art gone I shall warn thee
no more. How uncertain is life
farewell untill I meet thee in eternity
[FIGURES] I also read in the same paper
an account of the horid Butchering of 32
{shorthand} mormons in Missouri
distance of the day 31 miles

~ Wednesday

12th We rode to Terre Haute the national
road was beautiful across the 3
mile prairie we drove down
to Asahel H Woodruffs Wabash
Book store & instead of finding Bro
ther Asahel in the store he was in
his grave & his store occupied by
his Administrator Robert A
I had an interview with

Page 37

Martin Ray his clerk & I made
some inquiries concerning his death
& sickness, but refered attending to his
business untill the following day
[ink blot] it was with difficulty that we
could get entertained for the night
distance of the day 27 miles

~ Thursday

13th This was a solemn Day to me
I spent most of the day in attending to
Brother Asahels affairs I visited his
grave acompanied ownly by my
wife & Mr Ray Asahel clerk I took
some pebbls from his grave I next
visited his store looked over his business
& took his private account Books
letters & writings with some other
small articls unto my papers
I took his watch to save for Eun-
I sent a paper to Azmon &
[FIGURE] a letter & paper to Aphek Woodruff
I then took the parting hand

Page 38

hand with Mr Smith & Ray & left
Terre Haute & crossed the Wabash
& rode to Mr Martin Ray in
Elbridge ^Illinois^ & spent the night distance 9 m

~ Friday

14th We travled to Paris Ill. from there
we crossed a part of the grand prairie after
the distance of 15 miles the weather was
plesant & warm the roads smooth
& dusty I saw the prairie on fire. we
spent the night at the In[n] of Mr
Isaac Kellar Distance of the day 25 m

~ Saturday

Dec 15 We crossed an 18 mile
prairie & put up for the night
at the house of Mr John Cam
standing on the Bank of the
east fork of the Ocaw River
standing in the identical spot
whare I camped with the Saints
in the Spring of 1834 after
crossing the river in two canoe
Distance of the day 23 m

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~ Sunday

16th Sunday I sent a paper
to our friends in Scarborough
We travled through a 14 mile prarie
also a 12 mile prarie we had a
snow storm we spent the night
with Mr R. P. Ren distance 26 m

~ Monday

17th Travled 12 miles & put up
for the night 12 m[iles]

~ Tuesday

18th Travled through several small
praries the largest was 7 miles we
put up for the night at the house
of David Millar's Distance 26 mile
it was a cold Day

~ Wednesday

19th What strange things happen
at times We travlled 2 miles to
Rochester, Sangamon County
Illinois here we unexpectedly
found Mr Ebenezar Carver &
family they left us at Utica
N. Y. they took the Canal & also
the Lake they had stoped for the winter

Page 40

we called in to visit them awhile
not expecting to tarry but for a
hour as it were but after cilling [calling]
in we concluded to tarry the
night & During the evening I had an
interview with Elder Arnold Stephens
here I was informed that we co-
uld not cross the Illinois & Missi
sippi rivers
in consequence of
the Ice & more esspecially beca
use of our religion that they stoped
all of the Saints unless they would
take the oath that they were not
Mormons. I also learned that the
Saints in Zion far west were suffering
the severest persecutions & privating
& that we could not travel through
the country & with all these com-
binations of circumstances towe
stop concluded to stop for a season

Page 41

whare we were as Doors were opening
unto us in the regions of Rochester
& that to among some of the Saints
that had taken up their abode among
for a while [FIGURE] wrote a letter to ^Sister Eunice^ 2 mi[les]

~ Thursday

20 I spent the day with Elder
Stephens in procuring a dwelling
to move into for a season as
we all concluded to stop for a
while I was successful & obta-
ined a house in a grove on the bor-
ders of a prarie it was a Double
house & Brother Joseph Coone
was living in one part of it

~ Friday

21 we spent the day in searching for
dwellings for Brothers Brown & Luce
& their families


Jan 1st During the last 10 days I
have been busy in fixing our
dwelling & fixe procuring food

Page 42

Wrote a letter Jan 20
Wrote a letter to Azmon W
Feb 17

food & other means for keeping
house this is the first time in
my life that I have undertaken
house keeping & providing for a
family of ay [my] own for the
two last days I have been rep
airing a grist mill & [blank]

~ Sunday

Jan 20 I wrote a Letter to Father
Carter of Maine. I have been
busy During the last 20 days in
building a hors Stable & cow
yard I also dug a well 23 feet
deep but the earth being exceding
dry it does not as yet offer much
water. I drove home a cow of
Mr. Robert Sadlers to have the
use of her for her keeping for a sea-
son this was on

~ Sunday

Feb 3rd [FIGURE] I wrote two Letters one to
Sister Eunice & the other to Elder
A. O. Smoot in far West Mo. perse-
still rages in Zion many of the
first Elders of the Church are in Bonds
& imprisionments & counted

Page 43

among transgresser

~ Monday

Feb 18th [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to
Brothers Azmon & Thompson
I spoke of the death
of Brother Asahel &c. I spent a day
in looking over Brother Asahels
letters & writings I found many
things of Interest. As the Saints
are scattered abroad by persecution
I have concluded to spend the
season with my family in the
town of Rochester whare I & many
of the Saints now are I have taken
5 acres of land of Mr James Bushman
to plant to corn Brother Albert Smith
has taken 5 acres close to plant with me
making 10 acres in all we have been
splitting rails together to pay for the
use of it

~ Friday

Feb 22 [FIGURE] I received a Letter from Father
Carter of Maine Dated Feb 7th
it has Been exceding dry & warm
during the month of Feb untill
this day it commenced raining
& it now has the appearance of a
wet time I have Been so crouded
in temporal matters that I have
almost neglected my journal
of late

~ Sunday

Feb 24 it is still raining hard

~ Friday

March 1st This is my birth Day I spent
the day choping & splitting rails with
Brother Albert Smith I am 32
years old today it being friday

Page 44

~ Monday

March 4th I receievd a letter ^dated Feb 8th 1839^ {shorthand}

~ Thursday

7th I made preperations to attend the confer
ence at Springfield

I wrote a letter to M Holmes 19 of March
& the 25 of March to N Thomas
sent a paper to E Carter & A Woodruff
Received a letter 24th of March of Levy Taylor

[upside-down text]
Names of the Towns that I Willford Woodruff passed through
in the Spring of 1834 while Journying with the camp of
Saints from Kirtland Ohio to Liberty Clay Co Mo.

I left Richland Oswego County N Y on the 11th day of April 1834 &
travled in company with Brother's ^{shorthand}^ Seth Ingals & Harry Brown to
Oswego 20 miles to Rochester 70, Leroy 25, Batavia 10, Buffalo 39
to Cataragua 30, Freedom 15 Westfield 15, to state line 11, Erie 19, to
Elkcreek 15, Coneaut 14, Ashtrabula 14, Unionville 15, Painsville 15,
to Kirtland Ohio 9 miles. I left Kirtland in company with the camp
of the Saints & travled to Streatesborough 26 miles to Newportage 23,
to Woster 30, Mainsfield 33, Gallion 16, Bucyrus 12, Little Sand-
15, Belfontain 41, Urbanna 18, Springfield 14, Dayton 25 to
Eaton 25, Richmond 16, Centerville 6, Dublin 12, Raysville 18, to
Greensville 14, Indianapolis 18, Green Castle 40, Clinton 38, Paris
17, Springfield 116 miles, to Jacksonville 35, Illinois River 22,
Atlas 26, Louisana 7, to Salt River 49, from Salt River to Liberty
180 miles. Total from Richland to Kirtland 336, from Kirtland
to Liberty 902 miles: The sum total is 1238 miles
[end of upside-down text]

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