not sleep but a little time but should come forth out of our gra[ves] [page covered]
with Bodies that no mob could kill. We were much edifyed wi[th] [page covered]
all the remarks He made. the meeting opened with A shout of
Hosannah to God & the Lamb repeated three times with its Amens
Br Young said the Ancient of days was not as far off as many
supposed. At the close of the meeting I returned to rest meditating u[pon] [page covered]
what I had herd An appointment was made for the Battalion to
prepare A Bowery on the Morrow for our Sabbath Meetings. 18 [miles]
~ Saturday
31st Saturday I spent the morning in writing, the Battalion we[nt] [page covered]
to work at the Bower, our camp sowing & planting. About noon
A company of about 20 Utahs visited our camp there seemed
to be two parties of them they came to trade with us & whi[le] [page covered]
traiding deerskins for powder & lead &c one Indian str[uck] [page covered]
another one over his head with his gun & broke it the old c[hief] [page covered]
whiped them both, & during the Afternoon the one that h[ad] [page covered]
the gun broke over his head stole the other ones Horse & put
out with it soon the Indians found it out & put after him
followed him into a canion & shot both him & his horse dea[d] [page covered]
& returned to our camp with the Horse that the Indian sto[le] [page covered]
the Utahs appear vary friendly to us as yet, there was A ru[m-] [page covered]
our to day that the Indians intended to come & ask pay for
their lands. Br Young has expressed his opinion that we
should not buy any land of the Indians but as the Lord
made the land there was enough for both them & us, that [we] [page covered]
would teach them to labour & cultivate the earth Br Pratts
opinion was that we should not feed them at all untill th[ey] [page covered]
had done sumthing for it so as to begin right with them & teac[h] [page covered]
them industry.
During the evening I went down to the Utahoutlet with several of the brethren & drew a net 4 ti[mes] [page covered]
& caught one fish, they needed a boat & could not get m[any] [page covered]
fish without it. travled during the day 123 m[iles]
~ Sunday
August 1st Sunday. The congregation of the Saints assemb[led] [page covered]
under the Bower on the Temple lot at 10 oclok meeting opened
by singing & prayer Br Kimball Addressed the meeting for a
while & expressed his feelings upon a variety of subjects af[ter] [page covered]
which Br O Pratt Preached A discourse upon the Prophecies
of Isaiah & others concerning the building up of Zion in the la[st] [page covered] days & thought many of those prophesies alluded to us in our pres
ent position such as Zion should be a city sought & not forsa[ken] [page covered] [Isaiah 62:12]
& that the munition of rocks should be a defence unto them [Isaiah 33:16]
the Lord sware that their corn & wine should no more be given
to their enemies [Isaiah 62:8], & that the house of God should be built up[on] [page covered]
the tops of the mountain [Isaiah 2:2] &c He had the spirit of preachi[ng] [page covered]
& we were all edifyed, when He closed Dr Richards read a
letter from the commanding officer of the Battalion who
had gone with them to the Pacific spoke in the Highest term[s] [page covered]
of praise of them in all their procedings. Also A letter
from Captain Hunt on the 3rd of Feb was read. Br Kimb[all] [page covered]
made some remarks concerning our traiding with the India[ns] [page covered]
that we ought to Harken to council & keep our amunitio[n] [page covered]
& not trade with them at all at present the Indians left
our encampment in the night & whether they stole any thing
or not we do not yet know. Congregation came together aga[in] [page covered]
at 2 oclok the Bishops broke bread to the congregation Dr Richa[rds] [page covered]
read the revelation given at winter quarters & the whole illegible [page faded]
not sleep but a little time but should come forth out of our graves page covered
with bodies that no mob could kill. we were much edifyed with page covered
all the remarks he made. the meeting opened with a shout of
Hosannah to God & the Lamb repeated three times with its Amen
Br Young said the Ancient of days was not as far off as many
supposed. At the close of the meeting I returned to rest meditating upon page covered
what I had herd an appointment was made for the Battalion to
prepare a bowery on the Morrow for our Sabbath Meetings. 8
~ Saturday
31st Saturday I spent the morning in writing, the Battalion went page covered
to work at the Bower, our camp sowing & planting. About noon
a company of about 20 Utahs visited our camp there seemed
to be two parties of them they came to trade with us & while page covered
traiding deerskins for powder & lead &c one Indian struck page covered
another one over his head with his gun & broke it the old chief page covered
whiped them both, & during the afternoon the one that had page covered
the gun broke over his head stole the other ones horse & put
out with it soon the Indians found it out & put after him
followed him into a canion & shot both him & his horse dead page covered
& returned to our camp with the horse that the Indian stole page covered
the Utahs appear vary friendly to us as yet, there was a rum
our to day that the Indians intended to come & ask pay for
their lands, Br Young has expressed his opinion that we
should not buy any land of the Indians but as the Lord
made the land there was enough for both them & us, that we page covered
would teach them to labour & cultivate the earth Br Pratts
opinion was that we should not feed them at all untill they page covered
had done sumthing for it so as to begin right with them & teach page covered
them industry.
During the evening I went down to the
Utahoutlet with several of the brethren & drew a net 4 times page covered
& caught one fish, they needed a boat & could not get many page covered
fish without it, travled during the day 13 m
~ Sunday
August 1st Sunday. The congregation of the Saints assembled page covered
under the Bower on the Temple lot at 10 oclok meeting opened
by singing & prayer Br Kimball addressed the meeting for a
while & expressed his feelings upon a variety of subjects after page covered
which Br O Pratt preached a discourse upon the Prophecies
of Isaiah & others concerning the building up of Zion in the last page covered
days & thought many of those prophesies alluded to us in our pres
ent position such as Zion should be a city sought & not forsaken page covered
& that the munition of rocks should be a defence unto them
the Lord sware that their corn & wine should no more be given
to their enemies, & that the house of God should be built upon page covered
the tops of the mountain &c he had the spirit of preaching page covered
& we were all edifyed, when he closed Dr Richards read a
letter from the commanding officer of the Battalion who
had gone with them to the Pacific spoke in the highest terms page covered
of praise of them in all their procedings. Also a letter
from Captain Hunt on the 3rd of Feb was read. Br Kimball page covered
made some remarks concerning our traiding with the Indians page covered
that we ought to harken to council & keep our amunition page covered
& not trade with them at all at present the Indians left
our encampment in the night & whether they stole any thing
or not we do not yet know. Congregation came together again page covered
at 2 oclok the Bishops broke bread to the congregation Dr Richards page covered
read the revelation given at winter quarters & the whole [illegible] page covered
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," July 30, 1847 - August 1, 1847, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,