I spent the day at the farm & night at home in the city. RosannaSarah
Delights child was vary low she has been wasting away for months I was
up with her the latter part of the night
~ Tuesday
22nd Rosanna Died this morning 15 Minutes to 8 oclok I made
arangements for the funeral tomorrow at 11 oclok
~ Wednesday
23rd The funeral of my child was held at 11 oclok John Taylor
spoke President Young sent his carriage for our services
26 [FIGURE]Wilford, David, & Emily & her 2 children started for Randolph
this Morning & I returned to the city & fixed up the cider Mill
& ground Apple & made a Barrel of cider
28. A cold snowy day I made one Barrel of cider & com[mence]d
picking my grapes in the evening in the snow & nearly froze my fingers I received 2 letters for Col Saxe & Phebe Scholes & wrote
one to Sarah
~ Tuesday
29. I administered to Sister Brown & a sick Man spent the day making cider
& picking grapes
~ Wednesday
310. I finished picking grapes to day made 15 gallons wine
~ Thursday
31. I pruned my vineyard to day. We have had the coldest storm for
3 past days & the most snow I ever knew in Oct.
8. In company with the presidency & Twelve & some 200 others I rode on
the cars to the promontory to test a New Engine that weighed 31 tons
which worked & performed well we arived home at 8 oclok 200 Miles
~ Saturday
9. we had a snow storm last night & to day I went to the farm & Back
Sister Foss was quite sick I administered to her & another woman ^^ I received a letter from David & wrote him one in return I received a letter from Susan & I. F. Carter
~ Sunday
10 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended Meeting
in the 14 ward John R. Winder Bishop in the evening Br Ship spoke I followed
~ Monday
Oct 21,1872
I spent the day at the farm & night at home in the city. RosannaSarah
Delights child was vary low she has been wasting away for months I was
up with her the latter part of the night
~ Tuesday
22nd [FIGURE] Rosanna Died this morning 15 Minutes to 8 oclok I made
arangements for the funeral tomorrow at 11 oclok
~ Wednesday
23rd The funeral of my child was held at 11 oclok John Taylor
spoke President Young sent his carriage for our services
26 [FIGURE] Wilford, David, & Emily & her 2 children started for Randolph
this Morning & I returned to the City & fixed up the cider Mill
& ground Apple & made a Barrel of cider
28. A cold snowy day I made one Barrel of cider & commenced
picking my grapes in the Evening in the snow & nearly froze my fingers
FIGURES I received 2 letters for Col Saxe & Phebe Scholes & wrote
one to Sarah
~ Tuesday
29. I administered to sister Brown & a sick Man spent the day making cider
& picking grapes
~ Wednesday
30. I finished picking grapes to day made 15 gallons wine
~ Thursday
31. I pruned my vineyard to day, we have had the coldest storm for
3 past days & the most snow I Ever knew in Oct.
~ Friday
Nov 1. I spent the day laboring at home
~ Saturday
2nd I spent the day at home laboring was called to the farm in the latter part of the night
~ Sunday
3rd I spent the day with my family at the farmEmma was quite sick all day
8. In company with the presidency & Twelve & some 200 others I rode on
the cars to the promontory to test a New Engine that weighed 31 tons
which worked & performed well we arived home at 8 oclok 200 Miles
~ Saturday
9. we had a snow storm last night & to day I went to the farm & Back
sister Foss was quite sick I administered to her & another woman
[FIGURE] I received a letter from David & wrote him one in return
[FIGURE] I Received a letter from Susan & I. F. Carter
~ Sunday
10 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended Meeting
in the 14 ward John R. Winder Bishop in the evening Br Ship spoke I followed
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," October 21, 1872 - November 10, 1872, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/4xQn