and inspired of God to Preach the gospel of Christ & could
tell me the true way to be saved now as we travel through the coun-
try we meet thousands of children as well as men & women who
can see Prophets Apostles & Elders by merly walking a few rods
into the streets to greet President Young, the Twelve & others as
we travel through the country it is a good thing for these chil-
dren to come out in procession to Greet the President as he com-
es along through through the country for it will make a good
impression upon there minds one that they will never forget
when these Boys & girls meet together thirty years hence
in 1898 & convers together upon the scenes of this visit
what will be their conversation it will be sumthing like
the following O what a great change has taken place
singce the Prophet Brigham Young & the Apostles visited us in Logan in 1868. Then it was a New Country with but
few inhabitants not more than ten thousand People in all Cash
Valley, then we had No Tabernacle or Temple in this valley
now we have a great Tabernacle & a great Temple built
on the high Bench of Logan & we can be drawn on the top
of its Towers by machinery whare we can view the glory
of this valley filled with cities & magnificet Palaces &
Towers occupied by one Million of the Saints of God who
can come up to the Temple on Logan Bench & get their
Endowm[en]ts & Blessings in their turn. Then our fields
of grain & gardens were half sunflowers & weed since
then by the commandm[en]t of God no man occupies more
land then he can keep clean of weeds & beautify, then
we had no shade trees in our streets, now our streets
ar adorned with the mulbury tree from which we make
our silk which now adorns our Bodies & the Bodies of our
children, then the Apostle E. T. Benson & Bishop Maughn
Presided over us, since then they have gone with
President Young to& others to Jackson Co Mo to Build the
great Temple & the New Jerrusalem This visit was in
1868 then we were children now it is 1898 & great
changes have taken place since that day throughout
Aug 22nd 1868
and inspired of God to Preach the gospel of Christ & could
tell me the true way to be saved now as we travel through the country we meet thousands of children as well as men & women who
can see Prophets Apostles & Elders by merly walking a few rods
into the streets to greet President Young, the Twelve & others as
we travel through the country it is a good thing for these children to come out in procession to Greet the President as he comes along through through the country for it will make a good
impression upon there minds one that they will never forget
when these Boys & girls meet to gether thirty years hence
in 1898 & convers to gether upon the scenes of this visit
what will be their conversation it will be sumthing like
the following O what a great change has taken place
since the Prophet Brigham Young & the Apostles visited us in
Logan in 1868 Then it was a New Country with but
few inhabitants not more than ten thousand People in all Cash
Valley, then we had No Tabernacle or Temple in this valley
Now we have a great Tabernacle & a great Temple built
on the high Bench of Logan & we can be drawn on the top
of its Towers by machinery whare we can view the glory
of this valley filled with cities & magnificet Palaces &
Towers occupied by one Million of the Saints of God who
can come up to the Temple on Logan Bench & get their
Endowments & Blessings in their turn. Then our fields
of grain & garden were half sunflowers & weed since
then by the commandment of God no man occupies more
land then he can keep clean of weeds & beautify, then
we had no shade trees in our streets, now our streets
ar adorned with the mulbury tree from which we make
our silk which now adorns our Bodies & the Bodies of our
children then the Apostle E T Benson & Bishop Maughn
Presided over us, since then they have gone with
President Young& others to Jackson Co Mo to Build the
great Temple & the New Jerrusalem This visit was in
1868 then we were children now it is 1898 & great
changes have taken place since that day throughout
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," August 22, 1868, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025,