Sept 29, 1880 I spent the forenoon in committee I met with 7 of the Navajoes
and had confversation with them
~ Thursday
^[FIGURE]^ 30. I spent the day in council I received one Letter
~ Friday
Oct 1. I spent the forenoon in council
~ Saturday
2nd I Built a Corn House to day which cost me in Lumber & work $32.70
I spent the forenoon in council upon a circular
~ Sunday
3 Sunday I spent the whole day in council on Priesthood we had prayer
~ Monday
4. We spent the whole Day in council I sat in the Morning for my portrait
~ Tuesday
5. ^[FIGURE]{shorthand}^ I sat for a portrait I spent part of the day in council
~ Wednesday
6 Oct Met in General Conference at 10 oclok in Big Tabernacle
prayer By D H WellsC. C. Rich spok 12 Minutes Lorenzo Snow 27 M[inutes] John Taylor 10 M[inutes] was taken faint & had to stop G. Q. Cannon followed
him & spoke 37 Minutes, I met with the young Mens Mutual society
in the evening Meeting called to order By W Woodruff, Elder G Q Cannon
spoke to the people followed by Moses CThatcher W Woodruff also
addressed the Meeting Then the Instruction of the superintendeny was
read to the Meeting
~ Wednesday
7. [FIGURE] Conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By F. D. Richards, A Carrington
spoke 50 M[inutes]. W Woodruff 30 M[inutes]. Afternoon J F Smith Prayed
The Statistics of the Church was then read
Members 65826, Officers & Members, 92104, children under 8, 35340
Total of Souls 127,451. There were Apostles 12, Patriarch 52,
Seventies 4319, High Priest 3277, Elders 11509, Priests 1710,
Teachers 1893, Deacons 3507, Officers & Members 92,104
Children under 8 years of age 3507, Sunset Stake Arizona, 517 souls Snow Flake Stake 1424, Elder J D T McAllister spoke 50 M[inutes] and gave
an Account of Labor in the Temple since it was Dedicated in Jan 1877.
Had Baptized 99523, had ordained 15,889 Gave Endowments to 41791,
Sept 29, 1880 I spent the forenoon in committee. I met with 7 of
the Navajoes and had conversation with them
30. [FIGURE] I spent the day in council I received one letter
Oct 1. I spent the forenoon in council
2 I Built a corn horse to day that cost me $32.70
I spent the forenoon in council in a committee
3 Sunday I spent the whole day in council upon the Priesthood
4, I sat in the Morning for my likeness the rest of the day in council
6 Oct we met in general Conference at 10 oclok in the
Big Tabernacle Prayer By D. H. WellsC. C. Rich spoke 12,
Lorenzo Snow 27, John Taylor 10 Minutes. was taken faint
President Taylor while speaking was taken faint &
washelped to his seat President Cannon took his place
and spoke 37 Minutes. I met with the young Mens Mutual society
in the Evening Meeting called to order by W Woodruff G Q C
Cannon spoke to the people followed By Moses Thatcher W
Woodruff, then the Instruction of the superintendeny was
read to the Meeting
7. [FIGURE] Conference Met at 10 oclok Prayer By F D RichardsA Carrington spoke 50 W Woodruff 30 Minutes. Afternoon
J F Smith Prayed. The statistics of the Church was then read
Members 65826, Apostles 12, Patriarchs 52, Seventies
4319, High Priests 3277 Elders 11509, Priests 1710
Teachess 1893 Deacons 3507, Officers & Members 92,104
Children under 8 years of age 35346, Total of souls 127,451.
Sunset Stake of Arizona 517 souls Snow Flake Stake 1424.
Elder J. D. T. McAllister spoke 50 Minutes. and gave an account
of the Labor in the Temple had Baptized 99523. Had ordained
15889 gave Endowments to 41791
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