Oct 20 [FIGURES] I wrote a letter to Ilus F Carter & sent a Draft of $125
for Bulah A Woodruff I also wrote a Letter to Bulah at Rochester
It is a plesant Day crops good potatoe crop vary large
22nd I met with the quorum of the Twelve in council at the Council
House we had ownly 6 of the Quorum present we done let very
Little or No business
~ Thursday
23 I took cars and rode to NephiMoses Thatcher went with me
to Provo. I Met in the conference in the Afternoon Prayer By J G Bigler
stakes statistics were then read, 2117 souls G Teasdale spoke 35 M[inutes]
W Woodruff spoke 30 M[inutes]. On th tithing. In the evening I met
with the young Men & young Ladies Mutual G Teasdale Prayed
Br Jinkins spoke 8 M[inutes]. Bishop of Lavan 5 M[inutes]. Sister Grover 7 M[inutes].
W Woodruff spoke one Hour we had a good Meeting
~ Sunday
24. Sunday Met at 10 oclok John Kinkie Prayed W Woodruff spoke
One hour & 15 M[inutes]. Afternoon Prayer By R N AlreadG Teasdale
spoke spoke 25 M[inutes]. Then the Authorities cwere presented & sustained L E Harrington
spoke 40 W Woodruff 15 M[inutes]. Th[r]ee 34 were cut off for Apostacy
3 for Adultery and one for stealing ^W W^ I ordained one High priest & set
him apart for a Bishops councillor And another was set apart
for Bishops councillor I met in the evening & spoke one hour to
the people the spirit of God was with us distance 90 Miles
Oct 18 1880
I bought a No 7 Moniter Stove for Wilford to day
Paid $40 Paid $20 for some articles for Susan and family
Oct 20 [FIGURE] I returned from the farm & wrote a letter from
Ilus F. Carter and sent a draft of $125 to Bulah
A. Woodruff I also wrote her a letter at Rochester. It is
a plesant day. Crops good Potatoe crop varygood.
21. FIGURES I received 4 letters I wrote 1 to Jacobson Br
Henry Charles Fowler Baptized my Daughter Susan
C Scholes in the font for the Renewal of her covenants
and her health
22nd I met with the quorum of the Twelve in council at
the Council House we had ownly 6 of the Quorum Present
23 I took cars & rode to Nephi with Moses Thatcher to
Provo I met in the conference in the Afternoon J G
Bigler Prayed. The stake statistics were then read 2117 souls
reported in the stake. G Teasdale spoke 35 Minutes. W Woodruff 30 minutes
On the subject of tithing. In the Evening I met with the young
Men & young Ladies Mutual. G. Teasdale Prayed, Br Jinkins
spoke 8 Minutes Bishop of Levan 5 Minutes. Sister Grover 7, W Woodruff
one hour, we had a good meeting
24. Sunday we Met at 10 oclok W Woodruff spoke one hour
& 15 Minutes. Afternoon Prayer By R. N. AlreadG Teasdale spoke 25 Minuts. Then the Authorities of the Church were
Presented & sustained L E Harrington spoke 40 M[inutes. W.
Woodruff 15 Minutes. Four were cut off for Apostacy, 3 for
Adultery & 1 for stealing total 9. W Woodruff ordained one
High Priest and set him apart for a Bishops councillor
and another Man was set apart for a Bishops councillor
I met in the Evening & spoke one hour to the people The Spirit of God was with us 90 Miles
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