Oct 25 1880 Monday we received a Telegram from Salt Lake City
^[FIGURES]^ saying that the Apostle Charles C Rich had a shoke of Parallisis on
Sunday and was vary low I visited Sister Goldsborough who had
a fall and was badly Hurt We administered to her I took
cars & returned to Salt LakeMoses Thatcher Joined me at Provo
I spent the night at home 90 M[iles]
~ Tuesday
26. [FIGURE] I received 5 Letters from M. H. HardyJ McAllister, J G Bleak ^2^ Jesse N Smith, and one for Susan we had 3 telegrams this
forenoon from Br Rich 1 saying that He Had a Bad night 2nd said
that He was sinking fast 3rd that the Doctor Benedict had arived and
thought there might be some hope.
~ Wednesday
27. [FIGURE] Telegram says that their is more hope of Br Rich this Morning Brigham T Young son of Joseph A Young Died at 2 oclok this morning He
died with Drunkenness & Morphene I attended council in the afternoon
27 [FIGURES] In our council to day we ordained Francis M Lyman
son of Amasa Lyman to the Apostleship as one of the Twelve Apostles John Taylor was mouth in ordaining We also Ordained John Henry
Smith son of George. A Smith to the Apostleship A member of the Twelve
Apostles W Woodruff Ordained him. It was the first Apostle I ever
ordained. The following is the Blessing sealed upon his head
Ordination of John Henry Smith To the Apostleship to be one of the Quorum of the Twelve
Ordained under the Hands of President John Taylor George Q Cannon & Joseph F Smith of the Presidency & Wilford Woodruff who was mouth in ordaining
also Orson Pratt, Erastus Snow, Franklin D Richards & Brigham Young of the
Quorum of the Twelve & D H Wells councillor to the Twelve
Brother John Henry Smith. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and By
the authority of the Holy Priesthood and Apostleship confered upon us we
Oct 25 1880 FIGURES Monday we received a Telegram that the
Apostle Charles C Rich had a shock of Paralisis on Sunday
and was vary low. I visited Sister Goldsborough who had
a fall and was badly hurt. We administered to her I took cars
and returned to Salt Lake CityMoses Thatcher joined me
at Provo I spent the night at home 90 Miles.
26. [FIGURE] I received 5 letters from M H Hardy, McallisterBleak, Jesse N Smith & Susan we had 3 telegrams this
Morning from Br Rich saying that He had a Bad night
was sinking fast Benedic had arived there might be some hope
27. [FIGURE] Telegram say their is more hope of Br Rich to day
Brigham T Young son of Joseph A Young died at 2 oclok
this Morning with drunkenness & Morphene I attended council
FIGURES In our council today we ordained Francis
M Lyman (son of A mason Lyman) to the
Apostleship as one of the Twelve Apostles. John Taylor was
Mouth in ordaining. We also ordained John Henry Smith
(son of George A Smith) To the Apostleship A member of
the Twelve Apostles. W Woodruff ordained him it was the
first Apostle I Ever ordained The following is the blessing sealed upon the Head of John Henry Smith
Ordination of John Henry Smith to the Apostleship to be one of
the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles ordained under the hands of
President John Taylor, George Q. Cannon, & Joseph F Smith
of the Presidency, and Wilford Woodruff who was Mouth in
ordaining, also Orson Pratt, Erastus Snow, Franklin D
Richards, & Brigham Young of the Quorum of the Twelve and
D H Wells councillor to the Twelve
Brother John Henry Smith in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
and by the Authority of the Holy Priesthood And Apostleship confered
upon us we
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