with Bishop BryonJ Bigler & S Pitchforth in council
Bishop Bryon Brought an accusation against J Bigler
Bishop Bryon had commit a grieveious sin & acknowledged
it to Bigler when he was Bishop & now accused Brother Bigler
of revealing it, But the investigation proved that woman had
revealed it & Bishop Bryon was required to take the woman
& support her & to resign his Bishipprick both of which he
said he would do. G A Smith gave Endowments to 61 & sealed 34 couple
~ Sunday
20 I met with the sunday school in the morning & spoke to
the children & parents G. Q. Cannon & Joseph Smith spoke
Also, we held a Meeting at 10 oclk W Woodruff Prayed D. H. Wells spoke 38 m[inutes] W Woodruff spoke 30 m[inutes] President B Young spoke 5 Minutes. we held a council at the close
of the meeting to take into consideration the propriety
of organizing that place into a Stake of Zion & Appointing
a Presidt over it & a Branch of the school of the
Prophets. All voted to do this we then adjourned I dined with
Brother Pitchforth Afternoon we met in the Bowery Prayer By J. F. Smith G Q Cannon spoke 45 m[inutes] the
Meeting was then resolved into a special conference, it was
moved & carried that this conference be organized into
a Stake of Zion. Jacob Bigler was Appointed A
President over thethis Stake of Zion A High Council was
then organized Edward OakeyMathew MCCoon, Timothy S Hoyt Timothy B FootAndrew LoveJacob G Bigler Jr George Kendall, David Kazier, Wm H Warner
& Samuel Kazier. Bishop Bryon presented his resig-
nation & it was excepted. He was then appointed an Agent
to take care of the tithing property, The special conference
was then adjourned & Joseph ^W^ Young ^W^ spoke 15 minuts W
Woodruff spoke 10 Minutes Names were called to
organize a school of the Prophets. They assembled in the
Meeting House The school was organized By appointing
Jacob G Bigler President Brother Brian vice President
Brother Pitchforth Secretary & Treasurer.
Sept 19, 1868
with Bishop BryonJ Bigler & S Pitchforth in council
Bishop Bryon Brought an accusation against J Bigler
Bishop Bryon had commit a grieveious sin & acknowledged
it to Bigler when he was Bishop & now accused Brother Bigler
of revealing it, But the investigation proved that woman had
revealed it & Bishop Bryon was required to take the woman
& support her & to resign his Bishipprick both of which he
said he would do. G A Smith gave Endowments to 61 & sealed 34 couple
~ Sunday
20 I met with the sunday school in the morning & spoke to
the children & parents G. Q. Cannon & Joseph Smith spoke
Also, we held a Meeting at 10 oclk W Woodruff Prayed
D. H. Wells spoke 38 minutes W Woodruff spoke 30 minutes President
B Young spoke 5 Minutes. we held a council at the close
of the meeting to take into consideration the propriety
of organizing that place into a Stake of Zion & Appointing
a Presidt over it & a Branch of the school of the
Prophets. All voted to do this we then adjourned I dined with
Brother Pitchforth Afternoon we met in the Bowery Prayer By J. F. Smith G Q Cannon spoke 45 minutes the
Meeting was then resolved into a special conference, it was
moved & carried that this conference be organized into
a Stake of Zion. Jacob Bigler was Appointed A
President overthis Stake of Zion A High Council was
then organized Edward OakeyMathew MCCoon, Timothy S HoytTimothy B FootAndrew LoveJacob G Bigler JrGeorge Kendall, David Kazier, Wm H Warner
& Samuel Kazier. Bishop Bryon presented his resignation & it was excepted. He was then appointed an Agent
to take care of the tithing property, The special conference
was then adjourned & Joseph W Young spoke 15 minuts W
Woodruff spoke 10 Minutes Names were called to
organize a school of the Prophets. They assembled in the
Meeting House The school was organized By appointing
Jacob G Bigler President Brother Brian vice President
Brother Pitchforth Secretary & Treasurer.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," January 25, 1868, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed September 13, 2024, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/qx22