your head evry blessing of the seal of the covenant
belonging to the priesthood & kingdom of God
Samuel Graham in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
and by the Holy Priesthood and Apostleship confered upon
us we lay our hands upon your head, which is blossom-
ing for the grave. And we bless you with the blessing of Abraham of Isaac and of Jacob, for thou art the seed of
Abraham of the tribe and linage of Joseph of the blood of Ephraim
Thy life hath been preserved for a special purpose in the
mind of God, which purpose shall be fully known to the[e] in
the morn of the first resurrection. We seal the[e] up unto eternal
life. we say unto thee thou shalt have part in the first resurrec-
tion, and thou shalt come forth iand stand with all thy
posterity and thy kindred who shall enter into the everlasting
covenant and receieve the gospel of Jesus Christ, and with them
thou shalt recieve an exhaltation in the celestial glory of God
thou shalt occupy that place in the linage of thy fathers designed
for thee in the kingdom of God. Thy friends that remain
after thou art in thy grave shalt receieve for and in thy
behalf evry seal of the covenant that belongs to the Melchezedak
priesthood or the kingdom of God that should not be sealed upon
they head while thou art living, so that evry blessing that
Abram Isaac or Jacob receieved shall be thine in the celestial
world. We seal upon thy head all the blessings that the patria-
rch of the Church has in his heart to seal upon thee. We seal
upon thy head the speirit of peace so that thou mayest feel &
say like Simeon of old that thou hast seen the salvation
of God [Luke 2:25-30] and art made a partaker of the fulness of the
everlasting covenant. Thy body shalt rest in peace and
arise with the just and enjoy celestial glory. All these blessings
we seal upon thy head in the name of JESUS CHRIST AMEN
~ Wednesday
June 5th Rode to Napolian from thence to Mr John
Lowery's & spent the night A heavy shower of rain 36 miles
~ Thursday
6th Passed through Ann Arbour & rode to Plesant Valley
town of Briton, Livingston Co. & spent the night
with Br Benjamin B. Searle distance 40 miles
~ Friday
7th wrote a letter to Mrs P. W. Woodruff &
sent her $5 dollars in money to pay to Baylis I wrote
to the Editor sent him a copy of the Kalamazoo
conference minutes and a short piece ofn politicks laid hands upon a sick child
your head evry blessing of the seal of the covenant
belonging to the priesthood & kingdom of God
Samuel Graham in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
and by the holy Priesthood and apostleship confered upon
us we lay our hands upon your head which is blossoming for the grave. And we bless you with the blessing of
Abraham of Isaac and of Jacob, for thou art the seed of
Abraham of the tribe and linage of Joseph of the blood of Ephraim
Thy life hath been preserved for a special purpose in the
mind of God, which purpose shall be fully known to thee in
the morn of the first resurrection. We seal the up unto eternal
life, we say unto thee thou shalt have part in the first resurrection and thou shalt come forthand stand with all thy
posterity and thy kindred who shall enter into the everlasting
covenant and recieve the gospel of Jesus Christ, and with them
thou shalt recieve an exhaltation in the celestial glory of God
thou shalt occupy that place in the linage of thy fathers designed
for thee in the kingdom of God. Thy friends that remain
after thou art in thy grave shalt recieve for and in thy
behalf evry seal of the covenant that belongs to the Melchezedek
priesthood or the kingdom of God that should not be sealed upon
thy head while thou art living, so that evry blessing that
Abram Isaac or Jacob recieved shall be thine in the celestial
world. We seal upon thy head all the blessings that the patriarch of the church has in his heart to seal upon thee. We seal
upon thy head the spirit of peace so that thou mayest feel &
say like Simeon of old that thou hast seen the salvation
of God and art made a partaker of the fulness of the
everlasting covenant. Thy body shalt rest in peace and
arise with the just and enjoy celestial glory. All these blessings
we seal upon thy head in the name of JESUS CHRIST AMEN
~ Wednesday
June 5th Rode to Napolian from thence to Mr John
Lowery's & spent the night a heavy shower of rain 36 miles
~ Thursday
6th Passed through Ann Arbour & rode to Plesant Valley
town of Briton, Livingston Co. & spent the night
with Br Benjamin B. Searle distance 40 miles
~ Friday
7th [FIGURE] wrote a letter to Mrs P. W. Woodruff &
sent her $5 dollars in money to pay to Baylis I wrote
to the Editor sent him a copy of the Kalamazoo
conference minutes and a short piece on politicks
laid hands upon a sick child
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"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," June 4, 1844 - June 7, 1844, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,