under Heavens unto Jerrusalem they will Rebuild their city & temple in
unbelief & the gentiles Nations will go up to battle aganst them. when
that great destruction will take place in the valley of Jehoshaphat as spoken of
by Ezekiel. The Latter Day Saints will build up Zion. The Ten tTribes of
Israel will be Revealed & come forth from the North country into the land
of Zion & Recieve their Endowments & be crowned under the hands of the children
of Ephraim the servants of God, & Zion will be built up in beauty power
& glory & the Saints have got to become purified & prepared as a Bride adorned
for her Husband [Revelation 21:2] and the wicked Nations will be destroyed by wars & the Judgments of
God. And Christ will descend in the clouds of Heaven & all the Saints who are alive
will be changed & caught up to meet him & the Saints who are in ther graves will
come forth out of ther graves, & will be caught up to meet the Lord then after the
wicked are Destroyed the Lord will Descend to the Earth to reign with his
Saints one thousand years this is what is called the Millennium Now
these things will take place in this generation. there are many now standing
in this generation who will live to see the coming of the Mesiah & one reason
why the Christ will overtake the world like a thief in the night is that the
world do not believe in the litteral fulfillment of the scripture while the fact
is all the prophesies will be litterally fulfilled. You can see from this that there
must be a great Deal done in a little time but we will find that the
Lord will make a short work upon the Earth in the Latter day & you may
look out for sights, signs & wonders from this time Henceforth untill the com-
ing of Christ Now I Realize that to talk these things to the
under Heavens unto Jerrusalem they will Rebuild their city & temple in
unbelief & the gentiles Nations will go up to battle aganst them. when
that great destruction will take place in the valley of Jehoshaphat as spoken of
by Ezekiel. The Latter Day Saints will build up Zion. The TenTribes of
Israel will be Revealed & come forth from the North country into the land
of Zion & Recieve their Endowments & be crowned under the hands of the children
of Ephraim the servants of God, & Zion will be built up in beauty power
& glory & the Saints have got to become purified & prepared as a Bride adorned
for her Husband and the wicked Nations will be destroyed by wars & the Judgments of
God. And Christ will descend in the clouds of Heaven & all the Saints who are alive
will be changed & caught up to meet him & the Saints who are in ther graves will
come forth out of ther graves, & will be caught up to meet the Lord then after the
wicked are Destroyed the Lord will Descend to the Earth to reign with his
Saints one thousand years this is what is called the Millennium Now
these things will take place in this generation. there are many now standing
in this generation who will live to see the coming of the Mesiah & one reason
why Christ will overtake the world like a thief in the night is that the
world do not believe in the litteral fulfillment of the scripture while the fact
is all the prophesies will be litterally fulfilled. You can see from this that there
must be a great Deal done in a little time but we will find that the
Lord will make a short work upon the Earth in the Latter day & you may
look out for sights, signs & wonders from this time Henceforth untill the coming of Christ Now I Realize that to talk these things to the