become one universal sink of iniquity & gambling Hell from the president of the United
States to the lowest affairs the government including nine tenth of the priests of the day
and think that God will not destroy them Ah He will & this spedily They are like the ox young to
the slaughter but know not the day of their visitation. The priests & people have cryed
out against the Latter Day Saints for the last 30 years But the Latter Day Saints
are the Kingdom of God that Daniel saw & they will stand become a great mountain
& fill the whole Earth while great Babylon will fall & be broaken in peaces l
like the Image & pass away like the chaff of the summers thrushing flour. [Daniel 2:26-47] The Saints
will build up zion litterly as Isaiah saw it while the christan world who have shed the
Blood of the saints will receive the plagues which the revelation John saw, there
will be but two places of safety upon the Earth before the coming of Christ one will be
Zion & the other Jerrusalem. [Isaiah 60] [Revelation 14] The Law will go forth from Zion which will rule
all Nations & the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. when the Judgments of
God are poured out upon the Earth & the wars wars wax hot thousands will
flee to Zion for safety that do not now Dream of such a thing. But Uncle Ozem seeing that I have got into a kind of spirit of preaching upon this subject I
Believe I will give you a key to my views to some of the great Events which are to trans-
pire in Rapid succession before the coming of Christ will be in this generation, which Events
must transpire and that to litterally as the prophets declare before Christ will come to
reign on the Earth 1st This gospel of the Kingdom the Everlasting Gospel as seen by thJohn
the Revelator must be preached to every nation tongue & people under Heaven as a witness
unto them before the End come. which the Elders are vary fast doing at the present time
As fast as the Nations reject it and persecute the Saints the Judgments of God will follow as they
are now about to visit the United States the Jews will be gathered out of all Nations
become one universal sink of iniquity & gambling Hell from the president of the United
States to the lowest affairs the government including nine tenth of the priests of the day
and think that God will not destroy them Ah He will & this spedily They are like the ox young to
the slaughter but know not the day of their visitation. The priests & people have cryed
out against the Latter Day Saints for the last 30 years But the Latter Day Saints
are the Kingdom of God that Daniel saw & they will stand become a great mountain
& fill the whole Earth while great Babylon will fall & be broaken in peaces
like the Image & pass away like the chaff of the summers thrushing flour. The Saints
will build up zion litterly as Isaiah saw it while the christan world who have shed the
Blood of the saints will receive the plagues which the revelation John saw, there
will be but two places of safety upon the Earth before the coming of Christ one will be
Zion & the other Jerrusalem. The Law will go forth from Zion which will rule
all Nations & the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. when the Judgments of
God are poured out upon the Earth & the wars wax hot thousands will
flee to Zion for safety that do not now Dream of such a thing. But Uncle
Ozem seeing that I have got into a kind of spirit of preaching upon this subject I
Believe I will give you a [FIGURE] key to my views to some of the great Events which are to transpire in Rapid succession before the coming of Christ will be in this generation, which Events
must transpire and that to litterally as the prophets declare before Christ will come to
reign on the Earth 1st This gospel of the Kingdom the Everlasting Gospel as seen byJohn
the Revelator must be preached to every nation tongue & people under Heaven as a witness
unto them before the End come. which the Elders are vary fast doing at the present time
As fast as the Nations reject it and persecute the Saints the Judgments of God will follow as they
are now about to visit the United States the Jews will be gathered out of all Nations