Dec 23, 1887
I received 5 Letters & wrote Letters to Jaques Jack, Mary, Elizabeth BrowettAtkin.
I spent the day at Abram Cannons In the
Evening I rode through mainstreet & went to Br Heber
M Wells to a carp supper I met about 20 of the Brethren G Q Cannon & J. F. Smith Mayor Armstrong, Wilkins Bateman Judge Piper & many others it is the first time I
Ever tasted of carp we all pronounced them good fish
At the close of our supper I rode to the farm & spent
the night 5 Miles
~ Saturday
24 I spent the day at the farm I helped to get out
manure in the afternoon & got vary sweaty
26 I received 15 Letters I wrote 6 Letter to Sarah, Moses, Rudolph Whitney &c Asahel & Ovando went hunting
we had a vary hard snow storm all day
I attended the Theater this Evening for the first time
in 3 years & Enjoyed the play. Asahel & Ovando
returned home in the Evening & had killed 16 quails
~ Tuesday
27 I signed 15 Recommends I received 12 Letters We found some important missing documents we
drove to Brother B. Y. Heptons & spent the night
I wrote 32 Letters to Jaques, ^&^ Asahel & 6 Public Letters
~ Wednesday
28 I signed 10 Recommends, I received 15 Letter
I wrote 4 Letters to Bleak, Farnsworth, Sylvia{Sent} $5
to Sarah
~ Thursday
29 I signed 15 Recommends received 12 Letters wrote 6 public Letters Held Meeting with the City Council
~ Friday
FIGURES Dec 23, 1887
I received 5 Letters & wrote Letters to JaquesJack, Mary, Elizabeth BrowettAtkin.
I spent the day at Abram Cannons In the
Evening I rode through mainstreet & went to Br Heber
M Wells to a carp supper I met about 20 of the Brethren
G Q Cannon & J. F. Smith Mayor Armstrong, WilkinsBateman Judge Piper & many others it is the first time I
Ever tasted of carp we all pronounced them good fish
At the close of our supper I rode to the farm & spent
the night 5 Miles
~ Saturday
24 I spent the day at the farm I helped to get out
manure in the afternoon & got vary sweaty
26 FIGURES I received 15 Letters I wrote 6 Letter to Sarah,
Moses, Rudolph Whitney &c Asahel & Ovando went hunting
we had a vary hard snow storm all day
I attended the Theater this Evening for the first time
in 3 years & Enjoyed the play. Asahel & Ovando
returned home in the Evening & had killed 16 quails
~ Tuesday
27 FIGURES I signed 15 Recommends I received 12 Letters
[FIGURE] We found some important missing documents we
drove to Brother B. Y. Heptons & spent the night
[FIGURE] I wrote2 Letters to Jaques, & Asahel & 6 Public Letters
~ Wednesday
28 [FIGURE] I signed 10 Recommends, I received 15 Letter
I wrote 4 Letters to Bleak, Farnsworth, Sylvia{Sent} $5
to Sarah
~ Thursday
29 I signed 15 Recommends received 12 Letters
[FIGURE] wrote 6 public Letters Held Meeting with the City Council
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," December 23, 1887 - December 29, 1887, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 8, 2025,