President G Q Cannon & family Joseph F Smith
& family and quite A Number of others were assem-
bled there and we spent the day together rejoicing
in the celebration of the Enterance of the Pioneers into
the valley we had a good day, we spent the day in
social conversation & feasting upon the good things
of the Earth we returned about 6 oclok Distance of the day 28 mils
~ Friday
25 My Leg still troubles me a good Deal I went
to the office I signed Recommends I received ^10^ Letters
I had an interview with Bishop Wm D Johnson
of Diaz Mexico He gave us a History of affairs
~ Saturday
26 I spent the day at the farm I had one lot of Lucern
cut to day it was vary warm
~ Sunday
27. Sunday I spent the day in the House reading my
Leg is getting Better I rode out in the Evening
~ Monday
28 I spent the day in the office I wrote one Letter to Sarah & received one from her
~ Tuesday
29. I signed 1 Recommend I received 3 Letters I wrote 4 public Letters I had an interview
with IsaacTrumbowC O Card & Col Broadhead
and conversed about our affairs in the US Court
~ Wednesday
30. I had an interview with C O Card about his
mission in Canida I had an interview with
a Number of People, Isaac Trumbo & others 6 mile
~ Thursday
31 I signed 10 Recommmends & receivd 6 Letters
I met in the prayer circle I wrote 1 Letter to Phebe C
& Sarah & [blank]
President G Q Cannon & family Joseph F Smith
& family and quite A Number of others were assembled there and we spent the day together rejoicing
in the celebration of the Enterance of the Pioneers into
the valley we had a good day, we spent the day in
social conversation & feasting upon the good things
of the Earth we returned about 6 oclok Distance of the day 28 mils
~ Friday
25 My Leg still troubles me a good Deal I went
to the office I signed Recommends I received 10 Letters
I had an interview with Bishop Wm D Johnson
of Diaz Mexico He gave us a History of affairs
~ Saturday
26 I spent the day at the farm I had one lot of Lucern
cut to day it was vary warm
~ Sunday
27. Sunday I spent the day in the House reading my
Leg is getting Better I rode out in the Evening
~ Monday
28 I spent the day in the office I wrote one Letter
[FIGURE] to Sarah & received one from her
~ Tuesday
29. I signed 1 Recommend I received 3 Letters
[FIGURE] I wrote 4 public Letters I had an interview
with IsaacTrumbowC O Card & Col Broadhead
and conversed about our affairs in the US Court
~ Wednesday
30. I had an interview with C O Card about his
mission in Canida I had an interview with
a Number of People, Isaac Trumbo & others 6 mile
~ Thursday
31 I signed 10 Recommmends & receivd 6 Letters
I met in the prayer circle I wrote 1 Letter to Phebe C
& Sarah & [blank]
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," July 24, 1890 - July 31, 1890, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 7, 2025,