April 24, 1892
^Sunday^ I spent the day at home reading & resting I set out
3 Japaneese Mulbury trees on Saturday the 23rd
~ Monday
25 My fence was put in in front of my house at the
^^ farm to day I wrote to Susan to day
~ Tuesday
26 President Cannon went to Manti Temple to day
We had quite a snow storm to day I spent the day
in the Office
~ Wednesday
27 Daniel Wood of woods cross was buried to
day. Joseph F Smith & H J Grant officiated at the funeral
He was ^^ 91 years & 6 months old was a strong
Healthy Man untill a few days before his death
I spent the day in the office
I bought the History of HartfordCounty & Farmington
the State of Connecticut my Native country & F D Richards
obtained it for me for $14 in two volums it was
vary interesting to me, in the Map of Farmington
it showed the Location of my first Progenitors of
the Woodruff family John Woodruff the first
setled in Farmington in 1651, And Mathew
Woodruff setteled in Farmington in 1716 From these
two Men my Fathers family Descended
~ Thursday
28 I spent the day in the office I met with the Twelve
for Prayer
April 24, 1892
Sunday I spent the day at home reading & resting I set out
3 Japaneese Mulbury trees on Saturday the 23rd
~ Monday
25 My fence was put in in front of my house at the
[FIGURE] farm to day I wrote to Susan to day
~ Tuesday
26 President Cannon went to Manti Temple to day
We had quite a snow storm to day I spent the day
in the Office
~ Wednesday
27 Daniel Wood of woods cross was buried to
day. Joseph F Smith & H J Grant officiated at the funeral
He was [FIGURE] 91 years & 6 months old was a strong
Healthy Man untill a few days before his death
I spent the day in the office
FIGURES I bought the History of HartfordCounty & Farmington
the State of Connecticut my Native country & F D Richards
obtained it for me for $14 in two volums it was
vary interesting to me, in the Map of Farmington
it showed the Location of my first Progenitors of
the Woodruff family John Woodruff the first
setled in Farmington in 1651, And Mathew
Woodruff setteled in Farmington in 1716 From these
two Men my Fathers family Descended
~ Thursday
28 I spent the day in the office I met with the Twelve
for Prayer
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," April 24, 1892 - April 30, 1892, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/57BZ