May 1, 1892
^Sunday^ I attended the fast Meeting in the farmers ward
we had a good The Meeting wound up with the
subscription for the Temple I signed $1000, Emma and
children signed $90, and paid. The funeral of Brothe John L. Blythe was held at 2 oclok He died
April 28, Aged 63 years He was a good Latter Day Saint G. Q. Cannon spoke among others
~ Monday
2. Brother Charles Lambert died this Morning
at 3 oclock Aged 75 years I met with the Board
of the Saltair Rail Road
~ Tuesday
3 I spent the day in the office I wrote to Sarah I met
^^ in the Evening with quite a company of Saints at Brother
Horns in honor of Sister Bathsheba Smith Birthday she
Being 70 years of Age many spoke & bore Testimony
we Blessed sister Bathsheba Smith
~ Wednesday
4 ^I met with the Twelve in prayer & attended to other Duties^
~ Thursday
5 ^ W Woodruff Paid $1000 Donation on Salt Lake Temple^
It was a vary stormy day
~ Friday
6 I had a numbers of callers to day I took cars
at 3:30 & rode to Logan ^{Smithfield}^ at 8. 100 Mils
~ Saturday
7. I spent the day looking over the Journals of the Day and business
~ Sunday
8 Sunday I met in conference with the people in the Tabernacle
at 10 oclok House crouded, Bishop Preston Prayed, President
Smith of the stake spoke 8 minuts & represented the stake G Q Cannon spoke 1 Hour & 14 Minuts we nooned with M Thatcher Afternoon Prayer By Dr Ormsby
Sacrament Administerd W Woodruff spoke 42 M[inutes]
M Thatcher 18 M[inutes] John Taylor 30. Met in the Evening S Roskelley Prayed G Q Cannon spoke 60 M[inutes] W W 12 M[inutes].
~ Sunday
May 1, 1892
Sunday FIGURES I attended the fast Meeting in the farmers ward
we had a good The Meeting wound up with the
subscription for the Temple I signed $1000, Emma and
children signed $90, and paid. The funeral of Brothe
John L. Blythe was held at 2 oclok He died
April 28, Aged 63 years He was a good Latter Day Saint
G. Q. Cannon spoke among others
~ Monday
2. Brother Charles Lambert died this Morning
at 3 oclock Aged 75 years I met with the Board
of the Saltair Rail Road
~ Tuesday
3 I spent the day in the office I wrote to Sarah I met
[FIGURE] in the Evening with quite a company of Saints at Brother
Horns in honor of Sister Bathsheba Smith Birthday she
Being 70 years of Age many spoke & bore Testimony
we Blessed sister Bathsheba Smith
~ Wednesday
4 I met with the Twelve in prayer & attended to other Duties
~ Thursday
5 [FIGURE] W Woodruff Paid $1000 Donation on Salt Lake Temple
It was a vary stormy day
~ Friday
6 I had a numbers of callers to day I took cars
at 3:30 & rode to Logan{shorthand} at 8. 100 Mils
~ Saturday
7. I spent the day looking over the Journals of the Day and business
~ Sunday
8 Sunday I met in conference with the people in the Tabernacle
at 10 oclok House crouded, Bishop Preston Prayed, President
Smith of the stake spoke 8 minuts & represented the stake
G Q Cannon spoke 1 Hour & 14 Minuts we nooned with
M Thatcher Afternoon Prayer By Dr Ormsby
Sacrament Administerd W Woodruff spoke 42 Minutes
M Thatcher 18 Minutes John Taylor 30. Met in the Evening
S Roskelley Prayed G Q Cannon spoke 60 Minutes W W 12 Minutes.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," May 1, 1892 - May 8, 1892, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,