Feb 4, 1888 I received 10 Letters & wrote 10 Letters to Jaques, E Snow ThompsonCottam, Mary W &c I received 10 Letters
from Jaques, David, & 8 Public I went to the Theater
in the Evening. Clara was quit sick through the Night
~ Sunday
5 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading Clara
was quite Poorly through the day
~ Monday
6 I rode to Brother John McDonalds I received
My Mail I signed 48 Recommends I received 50 Letters
45 Public & 5 private I wrote 4 Letters to Jaques, Emma Wilford, Whitney.
~ Tuesday
7 I signed 25 Recommends, I received 41 Letters wrote 27 Letters wrote Jaques and Delight I
went to the Theater in the Evening with G. Q. C. and saw
the Gipsey Baron played the marching of some 75 girls
in Military was vary fine EmmaAsahel & Owen was
9th I signed 46 Recommends I received 30 Letters
I wrote 12 public Letters I spent the night at Br McDonalds
~ Friday
10. I signed 23 Recommends, I Received 28 Letters
I wrote 4 Letters to Jaques, WebberBeebe & Emma
I attended Meeting with the Bord of Directors of ZCMI
went to the farm & spent the night 3 Miles
Feb 4, 1888
FIGURES I received 10 Letters & wrote 10 Letters to Jaques, E SnowThompsonCottam, Mary W &c I received 10 Letters
from Jaques, David, & 8 Public I went to the Theater
in the Evening. Clara was quit sick through the Night
~ Sunday
5 Sunday I spent the day in the House reading Clara
was quite Poorly through the day
~ Monday
6 FIGURES I rode to Brother John McDonalds I received
My Mail I signed 48 Recommends I received 50 Letters
45 Public & 5 private I wrote 4 Letters to Jaques, EmmaWilford, Whitney.
~ Tuesday
7 I signed 25 Recommends, I received 41 Letters
[FIGURE] wrote 27 Letters wrote Jaques and Delight I
went to the Theater in the Evening with G. Q. C. and saw
the Gipsey Baron played the marching of some 75 girls
in Military was vary fine EmmaAsahel & Owen was
9th [FIGURE] I signed 46 Recommends I received 30 Letters
I wrote 12 public Letters I spent the night at Br McDonalds
~ Friday
10. FIGURES I signed 23 Recommends, I Received 28 Letters
I wrote 4 Letters to Jaques, WebberBeebe & Emma
I attended Meeting with the Bord of Directors of ZCMI
went to the farm & spent the night 3 Miles
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," February 4, 1888 - February 11, 1888, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/z7mq