Feb 21
I spent the day in the House I am some better to day I
received 6 Letters 2 from JaquesMarionSarahRaleigh
& Bleak I had an interview with G. Q. C.
and Learned that Dyer the receiver had taken possession
of a Note of $45000 for city gass stock which was
sold to James Jack I am better in health
23 I Met in council & was in Meeting all day I met
with Twelve & with 4 Lawyiers in the Evening I signed
50 Recommends I received 25 Letters
~ Friday
24 I signed 30 Recemmends I received
20 Letters I spent the day in council with the 12
upon church business I wrote 1 Letter to Mary
and sent her $20.
~ Saturday
25 I received 25 Letters I wrote 13 publick Letters
^^ I spent most of the day in council & business {I spent this night at a farm [illegible shorthand] it}
27. I signed 18 Recommends I received 15 letters
among the number from JaquesBulah & Marion I wrote
12 public Letters I spent the forenoon in council with
the 12 I held a Bank Meeting at 1 oclok I met with Maud & Trombow twice I went to grave yard in the
Evening & Bought 4 lots together will cost $200 to Levil them
I was quite Busy all day
~ Tuesday
I spent the day in the House I am some better to day I
received 6 Letters 2 from JaquesMarionSarahRaleigh
& Bleak [FIGURE] I had an interview with G. Q. C.
and Learned that Dyer the receiver had taken possession
of a Note of $45000 for city gass stock which was
sold to James Jack I am better in health
23 I Met in council & was in Meeting all day I met
with Twelve & with 4 Lawyiers in the Evening I signed
50 Recommends I received 25 Letters
~ Friday
24 [FIGURE] I signed 30 Recemmends I received
20 Letters I spent the day in council with the 12
upon church business I wrote 1 Letter to Mary
and sent her $20.
~ Saturday
25 FIGURES I received 25 Letters I wrote 13 publick Letters
[FIGURE] I spent most of the day in council & business {I spent this night at a farm 4 words illegible it}
27. FIGURES I signed 18 Recommends I received 15 letters
among the number from JaquesBulah & Marion I wrote
12 public Letters I spent the forenoon in council with
the 12 I held a Bank Meeting at 1 oclok I met with
Maud & Trombow twice I went to grave yard in the
Evening & Bought 4 lots together will cost $200 to Levil them
I was quite Busy all day
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," February 21, 1888 - February 27, 1888, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/WPgn